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Everything posted by love2fishhave2work

  1. Lots of sunscreen
  2. You guys are getting it all wrong. Here was my secret to getting my 18ft 115 at the boat show. 1. Go by yourself and don't tell her 2. Buy the boat and don't tell her 3. Bring it home and show it to your kids before you show it to her 4. Take some serious heat when the kids are asleep for the next 3 weeks but who cares, its February. Boat is useless until May. 5. She can't be seen as the bad guy in front of the kids after you tell them you are going to go fishing every weekend together. 6. Come May, all Bull is behind you, kids don't really care to fish and you are set for the summer.
  3. I think I am going to leave my truck on running all night and sleep with the lights on everywhere in the house. If we all contribute to some pollution and co2 emmissions this week then maybe this global warming problem will get here quicker so I can go fishing. Just looked at the 10 day forcast. The weather gods are not cooperating with my fishing schedule.
  4. Having lost a small fortune in online poker, I have the following take. First, I don't believe it is rigged. They make money from hands played and the more hands people play the more they make. Hence they want to keep you there as long as possible playing. These sites make money because they rely on the poker players ego. Every one of us thinks we know what we are doing and are better then the other guy. That is what makes us poker players. However it does not make us good. Look at your own statement. "I have been playing for maybe a year and consider myself an above average player." So you think you are good and above average, you say you are up yet you are also complaining that it is rigged. That is very inconsistent. Fact is, if in fact you were up after a year you would not be complaining but bragging or most likely not saying anything because good players don't talk about their winnings. Especially on a fishing message board. That is in fact what you are programmed to do as a gambler. It is to think you are good so that the "real poker players" take advantage of it. Maybe you should be asking the people you loose to what they think of your game. My guess is none of them will tell you the truth when they are taking your money. What drives us "Weekend Players" is thinking that after reading a poker book by Brunson or Chan we suddenly decide that we can sit at the same table as Doyle Brunson or Johnny Chan. Do you honestly think that they will give their real secrets away. The reality is 5% of all the players win 95% of all the money. Sounds very much like fishing. I used to think I knew how to fish. After spending the last couple of summers fishing with people who do, I realized I knew nothing. Sound familiar. By the way, I still play poker online and in live games. I know that i will not win in the long run just like I know i will never be the next David Chong. Use it as entertainment value and then the game will change for you. I no longer get frustrated when I loose. Just my take and insight after loosing a small fortune.
  5. Do you fish Cooks bay or the norther parts of the Lake?
  6. I fished every part of that Lake for 8 years straight every May/June. Have to say you cannot do better then West Bay area for Pike and Callender Bay for Walleye. Take your pick.
  7. It is to bad. I did compete in a Pro/AM last year and wanted to do the 115 as well as more Pro/Am's this year but frankly I am not surprised. When I was in the Pro/AM, I certainly did not feel any sponsor presence except for seeing a couple princecraft boats. I just don't think these events get any level of real sponsorship. They are run by people who care and who put in alot of time into it. They certainly lack any professional corporate oversight and I don't entirely blame them. The market is way to small relative to the US and we still buy the products they push from the 2-3 good fishing shows and magazines. These companies want to make money and the way to do it is to sell product. CFT's disappearance will not change that. What would make sense is for the US national Bass circuit to do 1-2 stops in Canada and to incorporate one of the northern divisions with Ontario. The US guys would come up here and the Canadian guys would go down there. I know that this may get expensive for mose but it certainly would seperate the real pro's from the weekend warriors who live on Rice lake or Simcoe and know it like the back of their hand. It would also give the amatuers that enter these Pro/AM's greater exposure to real dedicated tournament anglers and an opportunty to learn something from guys that spend 5-6 days a week on the water as opposed to a local guy who becomes a professional angler because he or she paid a 500 dollar entry fee. If the top guys in the sport get together and put some lobbying effort into place, something like this could become a reality. Who knows maybe when I am watching the WPT Fishing Tour in two years, one of the stops may be Simcoe.
  8. With the utmost respect, Sakic and Yzerman looked to their left, right and behind them and saw all stars and hall of famers all around. Including Forseberg, Lindstrom, Hasek, Datsuk, etc etc etc. Sundin looks around and sees Andropov, Pono.....ky, Ian White with Brian McCabe and did we forget five hole playing net who could not stop beach ball when the game is on the line. Also Sundin managed to captain his team to a gold medal in 06 while Sakic was the captain of Canada. Don't get me wrong, I love the guys you refer to but they did have a little help including help from Europeans. Given what Sundin has played with over the years and to put up the stats he has, this city should be grateful. He also did it with a smile on his face and never publicly criticizing the city or its pathetic management. He has earned my respect. Can't comment on the other guys you mentioned.
  9. That last second goal was just the almighty (most likely a Wings fan this year) playing some final mind games with us hopeless leaf fanatics. Can't say i did not see it coming but fell for it anyway.
  10. Do you stay close the the causeway without going into the sanctuary or do most typical crappie spring spots hold fish?
  11. Surprised by Scugog, certainly the closest of the Kawartha's for me. I have rented boats and fished from a marina on the Island before but never for Crappie. Thanks.
  12. This will be my first time in 10 years venturing out for spring Crappie. Unfortunately as my name indicates, the amount of time I spend fishing is limited. Given that Simcoe, Rice and some of the other Kawartha Lakes are all within reasonable driving distance for me, which in your individual opinion are the better lakes to maximize potential of success in my limited available time. All feedback appreciated. The boat advice I received thus far has been fantastic.
  13. My money is on Andropov. I heard they were planning for a shooting next week.
  14. No, they are a very good team. That is not what i mean. They have nothing to play for, can't advance or go back. Last thing they want is to have one or two of their top players go down to an injury against an Islanders team that will be playing very hard for something. Brodeur will sit and their top guys will have their playing min reduces. The 3rd and 4th liners will get more playing time and a few guys who are on the bubble will be getting a look prior to the playoffs start by the NJ coaching staff. They have no reason to compete in this game and given the high intensity of NHL hockey, if one team is competing and the other is riding out the season, my guess is NY wins and wins big. I may be wrong but as a Leaf fan I hope not. I like the team but they do not have depth or talent and will get smoked by Buffalo and I don't want management to have any reason to keep Ferguson. This guy is as bad a GM as they come. Just look at his record. Show me something that worked well that he did. I will show you many moves that were total busts.
  15. Even though i am extremely disappointed with Leafs management, I think this team way over achieved for their level of talent. Good on them. Islanders will still be playing a AHL team tomorrow and Leafs season will be over. With that said, last I checked before they introduced the OT and the single point for the loss there was no OT and it was considered a tie. In essance Leafs poor OT record worked to Montreals good OT record. Can't blame the point system for that one. Leafs would have made it if OT did not exist.
  16. Yup, just like i said earlier. Islanders will be playing the NJ AHL team tomorrow. At least it ended on a high note. Only thing left is the shine the clubs, sharpen the hooks and fire Ferguson in the off season.
  17. My first entry on this thread. I wish this global warming thing would start already. This weekend sucked.
  18. Leaf Ownership + Ferguson + (Raycroft, Kabina, McCabe and a bunch of other 4th liners) = Golf Season.
  19. Here is my take on what happens tonight. Leafs will win, because they don't want to start the golf season on a loosing note and they get to continue to play mind games with all of us. We as deranged Leaf fans will get an extra 24 hours to plan the parade route only to realize that the game they needed to win was on Thursday night. That was when our beloved hockey team was shooting with golf clubs instead of hockey sticks and thinking how to get through the next 60 min without breaking a finger nail or hurting their golf grip. NY Islanders will sweep their next two games and the Leafs and Habs will be playing skins in Florida and fishing for Snook on Monday. Come to think of it, if I was Sundin looking to my left and my right and then watching McCabe behind me, thinking that this is what I have to carry into the playoffs, then early April golf and fishing sounds pretty good. When was the last time this guy went some 10 games without a goal. Can you say this thing can't finish soon enough. By the way, I think straight up University is the best Cup route should the Islanders manage to pull a Leafs and give it away.
  20. First it was 93. That was when we had an owner who cared more about winning then money. Not many like that. Second, who cares. Leafs will never make it to the cup with the teachers fund running it. Or for that matter any ownership group who understands that the way to make money in this town is to always be second best. Our brilliant ownership that has the resources all other NHL teams dream off hires a rookie GM who gives McCabe 7 million a year for 5 years (that is Right McCabe), trades one of the best goalie prospects since Potvin for a one year has been goalie who has yet to steel a single win for this team or give one of the best hockey players this city ever had in Sundin wingers like Andropov and Pono....#@...y, does not in my mind care about winning the cup. Leaf fans, including myself are delusional if you think otherwise.
  21. Why don't we wear suits anymore when we fish? I guess that explains why it is the fish of 1000 casts today.
  22. Man they suck, why even put on the skates
  23. 2-2, we are going to the cup baby
  24. It will be painful if they make it. A very frustrating team to cheer for. Look completely disorganized tonight. Would almost wish it ended on Saturday so i can focus on baseball and fishing.
  25. Oh wait, my mistake, just day dreaming. Damb that telephone.
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