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Everything posted by love2fishhave2work

  1. thanks everyone for helping out. I may have to create a few more compartments. one would never think of this stuff without prior experience and my guess is some bad experiences.
  2. What are those things?
  3. Now we are talking. Will cigars be ok as substitute for the cigarettes?
  4. oops, i thought everyone already knew. 18 foot aluminum sylvan with walk through windshield and a 115 optimax on the back.
  5. Yup, i confirmed it. Thornhill has the by-law and it is ignored unless someone complains. Then they have to enforce it. Dave, be nice to your neighbors. I think the garage will work on an angle but maybe for fun it will be out there from time to time.
  6. I am looking for advice from everyone who has a boat on this board. I will be picking up a new boat in a couple of weeks that i picked up at the boat show a few months ago. 18 foot aluminum. I have never personaly owned a boat. I am sure there are lots of little things that i should have in my boat that i would never think of. So with that said i am going to the sportsman show tomorrow and will be looking to but some of the essentials. I can figure out the oar, life jackets, emerigency kit but i need some advice on what else are must haves that are not legal requirements that i cannot think off. Any and all advice welcome.
  7. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. GaryV, you are the man. I think that the angle trick may do it. Now i get to park it on the driveway to annoy my neighbor and then stick it into the garage at an angle when the by-law officer shows up. Brilliant.
  8. Knowing my neighbor and how anal he is, i am screwed from keeping it at home. Maybe a house sale is in my cards for the future. I wonder how my wife will take it. In the meantime i need to figure out a plan B. Anyone know of a storage facility that houses boats in the Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Vaughan area? Much appreciated.
  9. Well that sucks the big one if it is the case. Something i never even thought about since i see at least 4 boats in my general area. Any suggestions on what i can do given that i want the boat close by so i can pick different bodies of water to fish?
  10. Hello I am fairly new to the board but need some info from anyone who would know. I recently purchased an 18 foot aluminum boat with a 115 motor and trailor. I planned to keep it in my driveway during the fishing season, once i take delivery in a couple of weeks. I live in Thornhill in a typical residential neighborhood with neighbors on either side. One of my neighboors who learned about the boat today told me that it is a violation of the city by-laws to keep a recreational boat of that size in one's driveway. Up until today I never thought twice about it as I see many driveways with recreational boats in their driveway. My take on it is he just does not want to look at it and is being a ********. However, maybe he is correct. I will call the by-law office of the city in the next couple of days but i was hoping someone out there may have an answer for me sooner. Are there in fact by-laws that would prevent someone from keeping their recreational boat in the driveway. Thanks for your feedback. I welcome all comments.
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