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Everything posted by young_one

  1. HARDCORE...but then I wish I was fishing this afternoon.
  2. Nice catch! Good looking reel and rod, and beautiful chroms. What you do with your old float fishing setup? Did you sell them, or use as back up?
  3. Its that time of the year again! Beautiful steelheads, as always. Can't wait to see more reports from Canadian Copper.
  4. Must've scared the crap out of 131 passengers Youtube Video of Air Lufthansa A32 Nearly Crashes Full Cover CNN Story
  5. Goal for 2008 Get on the Top 10 Hit List for 1 specie.
  6. Is this a daily thing now? I should turn on my msg alert or something.
  7. Yikes... I wonder if those double decker buses in UK increased their fare. YRT is $3, (25cents more) soon enough TTC will increase its fare too. I'm sure during the summer months, the price of gas will only be higher. SUV + Boat(x2 engines) :s
  8. 12*C at downtown TO, should've check out the lake front ice conditions.
  9. Love the new 777 addition to Air Canada. Last summer I flew back to China, to my suprise it was the 777. More space and best of all, even the business class had AC outlets, endless power for my laptop made the flight seem a lot shorter. Any idea how many 777 AC has on duty for Beijing flights? Small world, Richmond Hill residence. It would be an interesting experience to meet a fellow OFNer 40,000 ft altitude.
  10. Hardcore! With my free time today, I took a nice warm nap. Excellent fishing.
  11. Awsome report, actully took me 10min to finish everything. Definitely, Report of the Year!
  12. Walleye opener at Deseronto, or even the weekend after. White Tracker, you can't miss me. Hopefully this year it wont sink.
  13. LOL, that might happen to me one day
  14. This is totally fishing unrelated, but then I always grab some coffee before a long fishing day. I guess its some what related. Save Your Losing Tim Horton’s Cups For Free Coffee—at Country Style! (March 3-9) Full Article
  15. On the subject, I just found this off redflagdeals.com ******** Here's a clever little freebie from Country Style, the Ontario coffee chain: March 3-9, bring in a losing Tim Horton's Roll Up The Rim cup and get a free medium coffee. Now, finally, every cup of Tim Horton's will be a Roll Up The Rim Winner -- whether it's a winner at Tim Horton's or the Coffee Style down the street. ******** MORE COFFEE!
  16. Count me in! I'm living UofT residence, on Spadina. I'd like to have some fellow OFNer's teaching me a thing or 2 about urban pike fishing
  17. Hey Hawg, Thank you for your guide on Sunday, I'm really satisfied with my first hard water walleye being 5 1/2lb. Unfortunately my friend and I had to leave early. How was the fishing in the evening? Did we miss a lot of action? I definitely regret leaving early, but we had other things to do that evening. We'll certainly go fishing with you next winter, or maybe even this upcoming spring. Take care, and good fishing. Will
  18. Planning to hit BOQ tomorrow, since my auger is broken, decided to fish 1 more time before my reading week is over. Anyone recommand good ice hut rental? I would really like to catch my first hardwater walleye. I understand its more likely to catch something with a guide, is it much more expensive?
  19. That's an awsome ice fishing expedition! beautiful place, nice report!
  20. thanx for the update! note to self: dont buy anything big
  21. Since my old insurance policy will expire soon this week, quickly made a few calls to the big companies. A fellow board member by the name Bassgoon suggested All State, they sound like a big comany, so made the call yesterday. Guess what! 1. The new quota will save me $1200 per year all together. 2. Same insurance policies! 3. They didn't mind one accident I had last year with the boat, (lower unit had to be replaced) 4. I can still shop around for a different boat insruance, the deadline for that is March (its currently in the high $700's) 5. For the sedan, the deductable with previous policy was $3000, now its $500!
  22. Which insurance company do you use? My family's insurance contract expired this year. Planning to shop around and see if I can get a cheaper quota. I believe its probably cheaper when I combine all the home insurances together. Home insurance + 2 cars + boat
  23. Feb 16 Bay of Quinte First trip of the year, we originally planned for Trenton rivermouth, but it was way too risky. Thanks to Ron from Skevy's, he directed us to Big Bay, where the ice was very safe. For anyone who is new to the area, I highly recommand dropping by the tackle store, it's professional, friendly, and informative. With my parents and 2 family friends, we covered a huge area with ten holes. (Early Family Day outing) Ron told us the area would be, "pickerals or jumbos." Sure enough, we connected the jumbos. As for the walleye...well, next time Most of the fish were caught using pickeral rig(spreader) with a tip-up application. First fish caught through ice! Excuse the background, if it gives too much information. Met a board member who was fishing the area as well, "bricknblock" Thanks for your help with the auger, and looking forward to fish with you in the future. My new ice-auger, Jiffy - 2HP Stealth STX broke down after drilling a dozen holes or so. (Gearbox problem) How come everything big I purchase from BPS always brakedown on the first outing. (ex.Tracker boat in the spring) Gonna go to BPS this afternoon, hopefully I can work something out.
  24. Excellent report! =) Can't wait to try Scugog when the weather gets a lil better. The heart video is truely fascinating!
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