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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. i hope this works? these 4 are from toronto lakeshore this is while fishing at simcoe... kevin
  2. beauty report! man snag, now you did it! i was supposed to do some work today but instead i just got all ready to head out for some TO pike.. errr! i'll go for an hour or two, if i get something, i'll post a couple pics.. kevin
  3. yeah. pretty sure there will be one on boxing day.
  4. well i'll be storing indoors, but i guess its not too bright to stick it into a bag still. otherwise i have done most of it. COMON HARD WATER!!!! haha, please don't kill me for saying that.. haha kevin
  5. why not seafoam? i heard people using it and it shows on the page that i can use it for fogging? http://www.seafoamsales.com/deepCreepConsumer.htm i wouldnt have time for the rest of the season to use the boat. so sadly i must prep it up now =(
  6. i was thinking the same thing jb, i'm thinking of getting rid of my 14 ft tinny for a bigger boat, maybe cliff and carol takes mine and i take your's.. hahha kevin
  7. well, with all the workload i have coming ahead, i think i will be getting my boat ready.. how depressing... so my boat is pretty much ready. but the motor is the more difficult part for me with my 20 hp merc.. i just changed the gearcase lube today ran the motor with the bunny ears to get out all sand and whatever out of the system a few days ago. however i still need to seafoam it and put some antifreeze stabilizer in the fuel/fuel line. oh yeah, i'll be taking the wheels off the trailer too, placing them onto some cinder blocks instead. since my boat is a pretty basic tinny, i dont think much is required of me. the boat/trailer will be stored in the yard and the motor in the basement. however, is it alright to put my motor into a big bag or something so bugs/spiders don't crawl into the holes i dont want it to of the motor? thanks for any help kevin
  8. OUCHHHH.. i hate those kind of pics.. makes me curl up.. otherwise.. amazing trip! kevin
  9. i'm jealous! i need to head out this weekend!! it is a must! possibly my last for this year on the boat.
  10. HAHHAHA.. thats too funny, oh you guys! haha kevin
  11. i know if you got nothing positive to say, then don't say anything at all but this sh## is getting very stupid, well actually this whole entire issue is stupid. i like the point of you charles pointed out, if you're speeding and i run you into a ditch, that makes it perfectly fine? uh, no! whatever.
  12. oh my... that is very impressive...
  13. i dont see the floater suits online for bps or cabelas .. =(
  14. way to go!!! kevin
  15. i'm looking for a floater suit.. but i remember from last year, BPS had a unadvertised instore sale of $150 off i think for the mustang integrity one.. i hope the sale comes backk..i regret now buying it last year. kevin
  16. i give this video a thumbs down.
  17. oppss... haven't been searching the board too much.. just that a friend told me about the article, so i thought i would post it for you all to see..
  18. something about nipper tipping, interesting read.. makes me wonder if it is still safe up there?? any opinions on this? seems like certainly a awful thing to do!! and i've heard of "happy slapping", whats up with some of these people out there?!?! http://www.thestar.com/article/260646 sub article http://www.thestar.com/article/258131
  19. WOOT, time to go shopping on some american sites and ebay!!
  20. the ones i goto, i checked online for their availability, and yup! still got them.. i hope.. i will head over today to pick one up.
  21. seems like a decent deal. i will pick one up to use for over the winter. http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...fromSearch=true but sorry, the sale is ending this week, better get one fast if you want one..
  22. can you just do print screen?
  23. i had the same prob, brought it to aikmen's in missisuaga, got it fixed in no time when he had the part, less then an hour. but for me it was under warranty still, otherwise it is like $100 for parts and $50 for labour?
  24. 400-500 for it if it is in good running order. $600+ is kind of pushing it.
  25. alright post the pics as soon as i can. oh.. so screws with silicone, i was wondering how in the world u rivetted them on without craking the seat open.. ohhh.. lol
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