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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. Wow.. what a offer.. Jason that is very nice of you.. lucky you, Cliff and Carole.
  2. i only fished there once, caught a 5inch bass and that was it.. lol good to know that there is some fish swimming around.
  3. very nice cliff and carole! very kind of basskicker! hope you guys boat some more fish soon!
  4. actually, i second brian's opinion.. when i went, at night, i brought back my boat...
  5. mine wasn't too far from the launch, it was 406 and i clearly heard the cars driving by.....but i guess mine was one of the ones closer to the highway. the launch is good, the docks are good, but the bugs; not good. i think the overnight docking was like only $2? aswell, six milke pp is right off the highway, so it's pretty quick to get there. btw, hows the new boat? kevin
  6. only been to six mile once, and it was this year. you can expect bass(LM & SM), pike, bowfin, panfish for sure.. if you are camping at six mile, make sure you get a lot that is further away from the highway, unless you dont mind the sound of trucks driving by in the middle of the night, well that's if you are sleeping in a tent.
  7. had a better day on pigeon that i did! i only got there for an hour before sundown, wasn't worth the trip from toronto but sister's bf really wanted to go.. oh well.. atleast you got some decent fish! cheers
  8. nice bass there cliff.. its over 3.5lbs easily.. great outing you two! wish i could join..lol cheers
  9. seems like you are always down at the laekshore pulling in those hogs! i'm jealous...
  10. here some info from their site... http://www.seafoamsales.com/products.htm
  11. im pretty sure you can
  12. not a problem at all.. jst wondering.. not bad of a set up at all.. maybe i'll move to something like that later on when my 14 footer breaks down... but i think i would want a console.. getting tired of holding the throttle..lol
  13. very nice upgrade gerrit!, just wondering, how much are you paying for it if you don't mind pming me.
  14. i'm semi into it.. mainly into the live plant thing.. more natural looking.
  15. side note: i just bought this from a fellow OFC er.. he said it was working this past weekend.. and for those that didn't notice, i just put in the receptacle just now, but found out the fude holder wire is only 12 guage and gets pretty.warm/hot so i will have to change that, so i just connected the motor directly to the battery to see it running at the moment..
  16. anyway to fix that? even when i use the copilot it doesn't work.. i assume that part is in the motor then and not in the pedal?
  17. but i have the co pilot.. even when i used the co pilot only.. no diff??
  18. my minn kota power drive 55lb is stuck at the same speed.. although i have the co pilot.. appears to be the same speed still... any help on this?
  19. some nice fish there pete! ever get into making the deck?
  20. sorry to hi jack alex.. but... anyone know where i can launch for clear lake? i just called up kawartha park marina and its $10 for launch but she said there is no space for trailer parking, so i would have to drive over to youngs point to park....
  21. i haven't been there yet this year.. best of luck to ya bud.. i would think try to go earlier and do some topwater near the islands.. plenty of bass there
  22. ok great.. 40 amp inline fuse.. i assume we're talking about this kind... ? and for the wire.. i guess 10 guage? any more comments/help on which wire?
  23. ok great.. 40 amp inline fuse.. i assume we're talking about this kind... ? and for the wire.. i guess 10 guage? any more comments/help on which wire?
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