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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Yeah, take a peek in at OFAH and you'll see the contrast!
  2. It doesn't matter how 'unqualified' or 'unfit' Hillary may be, Trump is wuinning that race to the bottom by a country mile!!
  3. Reached a new low!!! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/aug/09/trump-gun-owners-clinton-judges-second-amendment
  4. Forget Dr's and teachers. We need to pay pro athletes a lot more!!!
  5. like rats from a sinking ship! http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/07/us/politics/donald-trump-gop.html
  6. I find this funny in a weird sort of way! The problem for Trump, noted the source, is that “at some point there’s just not enough people to keep insulting to be successful”.
  7. What are you guys doing talking about fishing on an NF thread!! There otta be a law!!!
  8. That's a bit Rich. You engage in vigorous discussion in all sorts of non-fishing topics! Here we have a thread where your opinion is in the minority---for reasons far too numerous to mention----and you suddenly are turned off. As for dividing people, I guess you are right. I agree with a lot of what you have said on many other threads but not on this Trump 'debate'
  9. A guy walked into a crowded bar, waving his unholstered pistol and yelled, "I have a 45 calibre Colt 1911 with a seven round magazine plus one in the chamber and I want to know who's been sleeping with my wife." A voice from the back of the room called out, "You need more ammo!”
  10. I'd enjoy watching that happen.................goin for the popcorn now!
  11. I'm afraid you are grossly underestimating the number of crazy people out there!
  12. How about this for a headline??: "There is something very wrong with Donald Trump" How does that qualify as "news"?? Nothing like stating the obvious, something that we already know!! Double DUH!
  13. As I see it, the other boaters had a legal obligation to at least get close enough to determine if it was a real emergency. Once they determined that it was 'just' stuck they were free to leave. It doesn't sound like the other boaters made that determination. (We paddled up Byng Inlet on Sun and saw enough boaters go flying by w/o slowing down to know that there are some real picks out there---no to tar all with the same brush)
  14. His training say he should try to de-escalate these situations. So what does this murderous thug in a uniform do?? The very opposite. Far to light a sentence.
  15. "warm"---now there's an understatement!! clothes hung outside yesterday dried in record time. No wonder---it was like the med setting on the dryer out there!
  16. Not all scum floats on the water!!
  17. Sounds like my parents. My bro once said that our father tried his best to ruin his health and our mother tried her best to keep hers, and they both failed. I thought that was quite an astute observation. Like many, I just drink to make the women look better! On a more serious note, we live on a radioactive planet that gets bombarded from other radioactivity from space(esp the sun). That probably help us mutate into who we are as humans, but tends not to be good for individual lives.
  18. Sounds like 1 of those conspiracy theories that the Americans just love to spread around.
  19. No, you tell it like you want it to be!!! As Homer said---"back in the good ole days, before there was a cure for polio"!
  20. I just hope you are a Cdn and can't vote.
  21. It's all over for all of us if Trump gets elected. Imagine giving that bozo the nuclear trigger!! Shudder to think of it. The 'man' is seriously delusional ! He's going to solve all problems on day 1--poof, just like magic. It would be a joke if it wasn't so bloody tragic!
  22. Let's leave Cdn politics out of this. Trump/Pence are so extreme that any comparison to Harper or Harris is too far fetched. Pence is governor of Indiana. Can you imagine any Cdn province electing somebody with such extreme views as listed above by Netminder????
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