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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. I believed my hole life that your Gold was not to be sold until you were absolutly broke with nothing but your shirt on your back , but if you walk into any bank the banker will be more then happy to show you how .
  2. Nice peice a fish'en Dave , way better then i did .......
  3. I looked at the 186 last fall and had to have it but it did'nt happen , the trade in allowance sucked , i did realy like the boat tho .
  4. I believe i have a set of cast iron ones that should fit your wheels back in the shed you can have , 50 pounds each i think .
  5. A couple of sets of lawn tractor wheel weights mounted to the wheels hu Terry , i know a guy ner you who should have some .
  6. x's 3 ......lol
  7. I might be old school here but i like a boat with a solid covered bow , its reasuring if it should get rough while out on big water plus i like being able to head out in rough water when no one eles is out and be able to make it into a calm bay to keep fishing , horsepower.... i don't think you can ever have enough of that , just my two cents for what it worth . Happy shopping .
  8. If you do get her then i'll know your in perfect hands .... lol and if so tell her uncle Ron says Hi . Take care for now , i have to get back out to the shop and finish what i was doing , lunch break is over .
  9. Have you run into a little blond haired nursey call Maranda ?
  10. Another 2 cents worth , i started the season last year with an all new Aba 7' and loved the thing til i broke it moveing around in the boat and hit the tip on some thing , it broke way to easy i thought for only having it for a few weeks , then i bought or i should say the wife brought me home a 7' Shamano for mt birthday and at first i refused to use it thinking i wanted another Aba , but as time had it i ended up going fishing early one morning with it and feel in love with it , it balanced out real nice on one figure and thats what i fished the rest of the season with and probably my rod for this year as well , then again i am not a seasoned diehard thats tuned in yet.
  11. Your in the cardiac ward right ?
  13. Are you up and about or do you have to stay still ?
  14. Wish i knew the guy .
  15. Its to bad that the world is full of people who want to be leaders first and for most when they don't know how to be fallowers .
  16. Lets all hope chicken littles eye sight does'nt ever checks out to be 20/20
  17. Chris i was wanting to say , maybe it was because every one here posted the poup out ya yesterday ....... lol , and if so that was a good thing , heres to having your self a good day today .
  18. I read it , i get it , and i don't understand it , but i do . Is it all going to add up to one day soon banning fishing all together till it cures it self . Is'nt that how they fixed all the fishing problems on the east coast . Watch out .
  19. Jet , your report make me want to ice fish after i told every one here i never will be a hardwater guy .
  20. SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. lol , i guess from the time i posted that one , till the time he replys again should give us our answer for that one .
  21. So with all of us posting to you , when do find the time rest .....lol
  22. Chris do you know any of the Tessier boys from over your way ? Like Red , Roger or Morris ?
  23. Hey Chris , from now on i am gona call you Mr Timex ...lol , only you know why i can talk to you this way while others wont ... if your up in the midlle of the night and i am as well i'll let you know in the status box and we can chat , your in good hands and i am rooting for ya .......... Ron
  24. Yes some what ..lol. more so at the fact it did'nt cost any thing to fix it ....lol .
  25. Some one had ask for me to let them know what the problem was with my jeep once i had it fixed . I got it in the shop this morning and found there was a bad connection in the plug at the heater sensor relay , the locking tab was not locked on the plug letting it sag down and loose its contact , once put back in to place every thing is working now the way it should . Thanks every one for your help ........... Ron .
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