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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Sorry for not explaining , what i ment was being self emplyed and making it on you own rather then working for some one eles .
  2. Totaly awsome , well worth it and i can't get over how much you guys look like Dwanye .
  3. I have some here i made up if any one wants to know , i used 2" trailer balls on the ends of them , makes them pack a bit more weight to the punch and fits the palm of your hand nice less'ning the shock .
  4. Any body who has enough money and wants to buy me out i am ready to move five hours that way or five hours that way . Been here since 1988 and seen enough . Its one of the best places in Ontario to earn a living if thats what your looking for .
  5. Way to go there MC , we like pictures but don't see any ... lol
  6. x2
  7. Don't worrie Frankie , it was'nt put there to win any thing , every body knows i dont do hard water , its was for my sadisfaction that i atleast did some thing to make you laugh in the mean time til we have others to look at ...........lol .
  8. Abrakeydabra ........poof ****
  9. Battery ? quick load test , ground gable? quick cleaning and retighten , Starter drawing heavy ? quick test , second last house on the left , talk fishing while you watch............. lol . He had a heads up early this morning that there might be a chance , he has an eye open as he's installing a timing belt as we speak so another fisherman has a ride for tomorrow morning .
  10. you'll have to go back to about october to get this one ....... lol
  11. Mike , north over the train tracks on McConell ,when at the bottom of the over pass make the right , do the little jog there to the south and then east to Gerard st, turn north onto it , second last house on the left , drive straight in to the small shop , five night a week and all day saturday and all day sunday , he will take care of you no matter what you need , you will be impresed once your in the little shop , and dirt cheap , all you have to is drive in the drive way .
  12. Just like we knew it would ,,,,,,,,,,,,lol
  13. Woh , i think i hind in here for a while , its crazy out there ....... lol , WOW those fish look good , i see you like eat them the way i do , funny how that is , for some reason lately i find the food taste better with less stuff put on it while cooking ,but thats just me .
  14. Lets corral this one and let the other two get away.........
  15. Ok Roy , if we can keep this one and delete the other two i would be greatful .
  16. I like doing family history and finding out who may be in my family tree , i came across this picture of a commercial fisherman taken around the turn of the centry , i believe it was said this gentle man was born in 1896 and fished the waters between Ontario and Quebec to earn his living , i did'nt know there was commercial fishing going on at that time so close to here . Sure would be nice to know this gentle man's full name , and one here have any clue who he may be ? Sorry this is the only size picture i have . Thanks every one for having a look .
  17. You gona eat that one Brian ?
  18. I can beleive it , i always wash mine when i get back with the hotsy and let it drip dry in the shop out of the sun , but theres always water spots on the windshield .
  19. No way Steve really , i'll have to give that a try on some thing here .
  20. Thanks Art , i never thought i would get it from a plumma , on one of my old show trucks i enjoyed showing guys at the out door shows while on a hot day in the afternoon how well PPG detailing workded to show up the shine on my black fenders , of course there were no water spots tho to contend with , not sure how will it would work around a boat .
  21. Knowing we can paint a boat any colour we choose , i have always wanted a black boat , can't tell you why other then it needs to be black . Soon i will get the chance to paint one and black it is , i could lick a black laquer paint job thats seen cut all day long but i am no fool , black with water spots ... nuts , so what would work to get you to the darkest dark and help hind those nastys , will dark charcoal do it better ? Go ahead and help me to see .
  22. Funny they forgot to mention an auger and rod in that list ... BC . the bus ! , you probably looked fine ........lol
  23. x2,3x,x4,x5,x6..................keeps their fresh flavor and tenderness .
  24. You get out there and enjoy Nick, ta hell what any body says , just remember nail clippers are for toe nails not ice chippers ..Attention! , o'ya soldier in this case stand at eass . Have fun .
  25. Now you know why i don't have to ice fish....................lol
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