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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. Four score and twenty years ..........Hey! dose me hair look alright ...lol
  2. Just curious Nick , is the T handle made so its wider then the hole in the ice would be so it can never be lost , it sure looks nice , you did an awsome job .
  3. Man........ thats sick , i am sick , come on soft water .. lol , Thank you for sharing BK .
  4. I was thinking this afternoon there had to be a formula to figure that out and who did i know and could call to ask and looky here , i should have known , way ta go Roy .
  5. Correct me if i am wrong , Acording to geometery in order for it to work corner to corner the box would have to be farly wide , Pauls storage box might be to narrow for that trick . Sorry but i just had to get that off the brain .
  6. I was gona taunt him a bit and say , they don't call me Mr Watch This ! for nothing ........ lol .
  7. You bring your boat up here one day Paul and i'll show you how to fit those seven footers in that six foot box .
  8. I have to say upright tube rod holders work well for me except for when i get the morning coffees , fishing rods don't like low over hangs above the drive thru's , no sir they don't .
  9. Thats awsome , have to give it a try .
  10. There might be .............. lol lol . I'll give you the dif , it means you like hard ball ..... lol .
  11. Billy Bob , your an sd .......... LOL
  12. Can't be Nip , mine was'nt blowing a horn
  13. My mistake , any how theres one good idea for holding the rods up out of the way . And am still laughing .
  14. No No , but i think i've got it figured out now , looking at the hight of that dock and seeing where the level off the floor isfor the boat , and if not how you got out , or how is it your gona get in ,you ain't that tall is whats making me laugh ........... lol
  15. Harold why is it i find my self lauhing looking at your picture ? I am serious .......theres nothing wrong with the picture and it was an excellent reply ..... so why am i laughing , you have to help me out here ! ll
  16. Iknow thease are old school but they work for me ok , no more broke rods since i put them in . Having them right handy in the spot in the boat where i fish from they give me a place every time to stick the rod while i get the hook out .
  17. Mike you could check with Gib , he has'nt left yet to come up , he would be happy to bring them up and i could drop them off to Brian..... just a thought if that worked for every one .
  18. Very sorry to hear this . We feel your hurt .
  19. Take good care Chris
  20. Ok every one , i think he's ready for some hospital jokes...............
  21. I wonder if there's any one on here from Bonville Ont who would remember those days .
  22. like king of the castle ................lol
  23. North of Cornwall Ontario 1964 , i sat on top the hydro pole sticking out of the snow waiting for the school bus .
  24. Look after this now its dark .
  25. Roy must be out there with you then
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