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Everything posted by Locnar

  1. Even to get some decent sized resident brookies or browns and I'd be ecstatic. Trout fishing has always been a mystery to me, so this is already a big step up from where I was before today.
  2. The belly didn't look slit open to me. There were many others as well... this one was by far the biggest. I'll be gettin' back out there when I get my next day off... which is in like... 9 bloody days... It's definitely an interesting style of fishing. After I lost that much nicer sized trout, I'm gonna have to redeem myself.
  3. That's what I figured... it's a trout, I must be doing something right. Not too sure on the name of the fly... it was a bronzy colour nymph. Quite small.
  4. First fish on the fly! Not very big, or impressive... but it's a start. Caught about 9 of these little guys today. And lost one that was significantly bigger, by the looks of it... it was nearly 16 inches. Also saw lots and lots of these nasty things in the river. This one was the biggest.
  5. I've had much success filleting them... but I've only kept and ate ones over 10 inches. Most of the meat is in the shoulders and the belly.
  6. Congrats, them some beauty fish you got there!
  7. I've never caught anything in the lynde marsh... I have seen lots and lots of carp, and have heard the bullheads are in there... Bullheads never seem to be there everytime I've gone down there. I've heard there are some nice fish in the harbour, but again... Never caught anything there either... There are a couple of ponds up that way... One of them I've heard has bass, but you're not allowed to fish them yet. One I know has carp n goldfish. And one looks more of a natural pond than a stormwater reservoir, might have some fish in it...
  8. Went out for some fishin' for some panfish... didn't really matter what we caught, just hoping to catch something. After an hour we found the fish, bluegills n crappie. They were all in an area about the size of my driveway... if you casted even 10 feet out of that spot, nothing... Overall we caught probably 50 crappies (all good sized) and numerous bluegills. I kept 8 for dinner tonight. This fish at the top I think was the biggest.
  9. I just wait for a rainy day and hit my backyard at like 11pm.... Nightcrawlers will be everywhere on those nights.
  10. They are running in Lynde creek. But they haven't started grouping up in their orgy balls yet... some here, some there... but there are lots.
  11. Chris, nice crappies man. Usin the dry fly?
  12. Yeah I wound up going up there... looked alright, but no fish in the river where I was. Was hoping for a crappie or some sunfish... I did see one dead sunfish, but the water was crystal clear and it looked like not a single weed was growing in there yet.
  13. In my opinion, the LCBO shouldn't exist at all. Alcohol should be sold anywhere that wants to sell alcohol. The government monopoly over alcohol is preposterous. They receive 0 sympathy from me.
  14. Which pond do you think it is Chris?
  15. Oops... http://i.imgur.com/cRmhQJ0.jpg
  16. I found this little local pond while walking by the creek, inspecting it for troots or suckers... which I didn't see any. Looked at the pond for a couple minutes and saw fish activity... so I grabbed my rod and hooked into a bunch carps and some gold fish. Nothing massive this is the average size of em, I did land one about 9lbs... which was good fun on a 4'6 ultralight with 6lb line. decent little local spot to fish while nothing else is in season.
  17. Anyone know if the Kawartha Floods are effecting the Port Perry/Seagrave region?? Was going to go up today and throw the line around a bit.
  18. I've thought about getting one... but they are damn pricey. Plus I'd rather have the ability to leave one in the water to be able to watch when I'm not there to see what kind of activity is in that certain area of the water... but that would be a pricey and risky thing to do, don't want anyone walking away with it
  19. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/shiocton3 Anybody seen this before? Cool underwater live camera in Wisconsin, watching the walleye going up stream to spawn. Every so often you'll see a group of em passing by. Pretty cool I think.
  20. If someone wants to help me catch one in relatively clean waters, then okay... I'll volunteer.
  21. So, a wire leader then?
  22. Thanks guys, I will have to try to get out to the BoQ or the Grand this year. I've never fished either, so it'll be interesting. I heard somebody say that the Holland River gets them in the spring... anyone able to confirm that? Also, the Grand River is quite large... would you suggest trying closer to mouth at Erie?
  23. As I have never caught one, nor seen one in person... I'd like to try to hook into one this year. Is there anyone knowledgeable in Bowfin fishing? Any tips are appreciated. I have no idea where to look, when to look... I do believe they are a warm water species, and the only lake that I know holds them is big ol Lake O. Any others that might increase my chances? PMs are more than welcome if you don't want to the world to know any specifics or anything. Obligatory, "Not looking for honey holes"... just something to set me in the right direction. Thanks
  24. I use a 4'6 (used to be 5') ultralight, with like 6lb line on it. It has landed me some really nice bass along with tons of panfish and even a walleye.
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