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About sonny

  • Birthday 09/06/1969

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  1. Just so you know out of the blue l saw your smile. l have only seen you once in my life and you still have a impact me. Peace to you and may you be fishing heavens waters.

  2. Congrats bud,,,i wish you and your bride to be all the best!!!
  3. I'll be there trying to go two for two,,,!! Always a good day out on the river...ohh and i'm sure there's a limit on how close you can fish to the dam. Never got my anchor stuck once!
  4. You got yourself one talented lady there mike!!,,I hope she gets as much enjoyment creating them as i do looking at her work!
  6. Well the day turned out quite well for me and my father at fishmaster walleye tournament today with a tough day of fishing with only two fish weighed in we ended up taking first prize as well as biggest fish Calcutta...thanks to fishmaster for always putting on a good tournament with good food afterward thanks to john for the bbq! The day started off tough while we moved to deeper water without a fish being moved.After the waves kicked up a bit we made the decision to move to shallower water with it paying off with two fish being caught in two passes,,,lowe and behold the only fish,,,ol' dad did a great job netting the fish and the rest is all history,,,A win out of a tough day!! Some teams got skunked with no team having more then two fish,ours were just bigger!! A couple pics of the ceremony! winning teams! Ohh ya,,,now tomorrow for the skyway salmon challange,,,,hoping to go two for two!!
  7. Sometimes you have to pluck out the weeds to make the garden beautiful again!!
  8. Should work for ya,,like bernie said,,,i have changed many of them in the past for the same problem,,,only once did i ever get it to act up in the shop,,
  9. Your a lucky man,,nice to spend quality time with your son creating memories that will last a lifetime!! good job!!
  10. perch-- half regular bread crumbs and half grame cracker crumbs,,,,milk and egg wash walleye-- three quarter italian bread crumbs and on quarter Parmesan cheese ;;flour first egg wash and then crumbs
  11. CHEERS to all our American friends!!
  12. Ok headed out on canada day for a bit of fishing with a couple buddys..got on the lake at 6:30 and tried our hand at the perch thing,,a bit slow but manage about a dozen or so keepers,,then headed out on the lake to set up for walleye,,,had a nice on in the boat withing the first half hour somewhere around 7lbs,,,,the trollled quite a bit without a bite,,,landed the second one just before calling it a dayas the sun was ruthless,,, a bit bigger the the first,,,fish came off medium dipsy 150 back on a 2 setting pulling a copper colrodo leaf worm harness,,,sceond cam off a rigger down 50,150 back on a chartruse worm harness,,,, It sure is nice to get back to walleye fishing!! even if it was a slow day,,,back to buddy's for a fish fry,,hmm nothing better!! pics to follow awaiting pics in email as camera was left at home
  13. humminbird 798si
  14. www.tamarvacations.com
  15. Sounds like the wrong pitch prop...i couldn't over rev mine if i tried unless it's trimmed to high
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