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Rich Nelson

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Everything posted by Rich Nelson

  1. Thats exactly it... He lucked into a big fish, and now he thinks hes king.
  2. And the record Musky will not make anybody rich... Ha ha.
  3. You have a scale in your boat that goes to 70 lbs? Most guys dont.... Many large fish are killed each year because the angler thinks they have a record, only to realize that their 57 incher only weighs 50 lbs. Length and girth formulas dont mean a thing on those giants. If it was as Big as Dale claimed, it would be dead.... End of story. For the record, the St Lawrence fish Dont get as heavy as Musky from the Bay for their size....
  4. Ya, what everyone else said already... Ha ha. Not even gonna watch the vid, too late pal. The card was crap to begin with
  5. Absolutely! ha ha. He can claim whatever he wants... Big Fish? Yep. World record? Nope. Only a dead Musky can hold a record.
  6. The bite can be way better on lakes with a lot of boat traffic and fishing pressure.
  7. New legend Tournament rods have a new style handle. The trigger sits lower on the rod, and IMO is very uncomfortable. Not sure why they changed it from the way i was. Dont know about their other rods, but I would check before you buy one...
  8. Sorry, my post was suppossed to say the original survey was 20 years ago. There is only one of the original sites still there, but not for long. The shallow bays where they spawned in the past are gone due to development, and receding water levels. Hopefully the fish are spawning succesfully somewhere else, but for know, it isnt known where that might be.
  9. A few of the outpost lakes are no longer accessable, but a few are. There are 2.5 hp nissans you can take in the boat, and portage 100 ft into Pineland lake. Boats are sittin beside the trail. Lots of good Pike in there as Bill said.
  10. MNR did Musky spawning surveys in the southern part of the Bay, and found many wetland spots holding spawning Musky. There is only spawning site left due to receding water levels, and it has been approved to turn it into a marina! This spring a study was done, and they couldnt find a single juvenile Musky in the southern part of the bay. Low water levels effect a lot more than most realize....
  11. Ive been goin there for years. decent fishing numbers wise, but harder to find the big ones. Great hosts, and amazing food! Great spot in the middle of nowhere with reasonable prices. Im sure you will enjoy it
  12. Once again, great vids!
  13. Most arent gonna give you the exact fish locations.... Big island is huge, so focus on the structures closest to the island. A little mapwork will point you towards the best locations
  14. Water temps are still warm, and a drawn out fight would more than likely kill the fish... especially with a newbie who doesnt have the practice in releasing them quickly. Yes, they can be caught on light tackle, but its a bad idea. If you catch them on light tackle while targeting other species, then not much you can do but your best to release them quickly. Just because they slowly swim off doesnt mean they wont be dead within 24 hrs.... Delayed mortality....happens more than we think.
  15. i would suggest getting some 65 lb braid. Yes, you can catch Musky on 30 lb, but it wont stand up to the abuse of bigger lures, or bigger fish. Spinnerbaits are a great choice when looking for active fish. If they arent responding, then try the grandma with a " twitching" retrieve. Trolling the Jake is an option as well. Find the structure on your map, and troll around it. Buying a bulldawg or other soft plastics would be a good idea as well. ( medium size dawg for that combo) There is no way to control what size Musky you might catch... Although on average, the southern half holds smaller skis ( and pencil weeds) Most importantly, if you want to catch one, put in the time. First one is the hardest, but stick it out. Good luck
  16. Big channel cats, and good walleye fishing. I would suggest fishin below the dam.... above is very shallow
  17. So?....
  18. 53.5 46 lbs
  19. Kesagami?
  20. Tightning steering isnt helpful if there is a strong breeze. Slow the boat down, and set up with the wind behind the boat. You shouldnt have any issues doin it that way.
  21. Nosbonsing is a very tough lake for Musky... It was hit very hard in past years, and the population is down. there are still good skis in there, but getting them to bite is a different story. they have seen a lot of lures! Not saying West Arm is an easy fishery, but I think your chances are better there, and some giants!
  22. Nice fish Mike!
  23. Good stuff Matty! Nothin in freshwater fights like a King!
  24. Drift sock, or 5 gallon pailwill slow your 20 hp down while getting your rpms up higher.
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