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Everything posted by Fisher_1

  1. In the past week or so the Silvers have been slowly coming in. Its mostly guys out in the river going for walleyes getting them but some guys from shore have been catching a few.
  2. Jon Bondy @ http://lakestclairfishing.com/
  3. Ill be there Saturday Morning.
  4. Strike King open eye. usually 1/4 or 3/8oz depending where im fishing. I also use a Palomer Knot with all my spinnerbaits
  5. 1. Strike King KVD 1.5 2. Strike King Preimer Spinnerbaits.
  6. Thats NOT right. We have those rules for a reason and people need to follow them. The fact that the MNR isnt doing anything is crap. Down my way i heard about a couple guys tossing crankbait with a steel leader tied on for pike got a fine.
  7. Look for any underwater structure I.E. Large rocks, Logs Weed clumps that sort of thing.
  8. I tried the KVD line conditioner this season and I notice i slight increase in casting distance not much but its there. and it seems to retrieve abit nicer.
  9. I use Spiderwire Camo on most of my setups and I love it.
  10. If you launch from LaSalle you are real close to the salt mine and lately theres has been alot of walleye getting pulled out there. and your also about a 10-15mins ride to Amherstburg if the Walleye have moved down thats way by the time you come.
  11. maybe the RCR museum in London can help. http://www.theroyalcanadianregiment.ca/thercrmuseum/index.html
  12. would that be legal to use in Ontario?
  13. thats was a great report
  14. i havent caught a goby in years( yey). the last 1 i seen some kid caught it so i told his mom that she has to toss it on shore. well the little boy thought it was funny, the little girl on the other hand cried for about a hour. i was laughing a bit not gonna lie
  15. good job those are some nice fish
  16. just drink more beer and you should be ok
  17. In some of the channels of the Detroit river theres at least 6 huge goldfish that have been released in there, plus about 3 large Koi. My buddy was tellin me one of the Koi would be worth about $300 and someone just put him there.
  18. im in LaSalle On and down here with the humidity we are reaching over 100F(over 40c) it is absolutly ridiculous here.
  19. Fisher_1


    very cool
  20. hey Dave
  21. channals of the Detroit river in LaSalle. tossing spinnerbaits tubes and worms
  22. Strike King Bleeding tubes in pearl pepper. They work amazingly up in the bayfield area where i go camping at.
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