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Everything posted by Headhunter

  1. I think I would like to see a bit of a bigger fence! HH
  2. With three distinct viruses, rather than the rather mundane original version and a fourth potentially hitting us here in Canada, I just can't wrap my head around why we haven't locked down the airports to international flights? Rumblings of putting India on a no fly list, but when? HH
  3. When you live in a less densely populated area, you can make these kinds of decisions for yourself. When you live in an area that has high population density, we are talking about a completely different ball game. Easy for folks who have little to no chance of exposure to the virus to pass judgment on those who have to live with it every day. I'm not saying you are wrong, just not on the same playing field. HH
  4. It's the SLA's where the rubber hits the road. HH
  5. It's a once a week here at the house! Best way I have found to empty out the fridge of it tender left over morsels! HH
  6. When you call in, contact the billing department. They will try to get you to accept whatever they can get you to accept. Probably a day's rate., pro-rated for the month. If you don't get joy from them, ask them to send you to "customer retention" and haggle with them. HH
  7. Well, if Rogers is blaming Ericsson, then somebody dropped the ball at both companies. Nothing gets put into "production systems" unless it has been fully tested in a beta site. Also, Rogers should have a DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) in place, for these types of situations. Given that the system went down in the middle of the night, that is typically when new apps are downloaded into production, so it makes sense that something killed the production system. Rogers will sue Ericsson, Ericsson will probably sue the outsourced development team and the legal battles will ensue for years. If you were affected by the outage, be sure to contact Rogers to get credit put on your bill. If you don't get joy, they have a group internally that is called "The office of the president". They are the top group of customer support folks who do have the power to deal with this. HH
  8. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/covid-19-ontario-april-19-2021-cases-icu-vaccines-1.5992969 HH
  9. Canada's most reliable network is down. Cell service and data is down from BC to Ontario as well as some Atlantic provinces. Perfect timing Rogers as so many people are relying on the service, that they pay through the nose for, to book the vax appointments. Looking forward to how the naysayers bundle this into an anti-Dougie slam. Rogers as of this note have not provided any real response to customers other than, "we are working on it". God bless them. HH
  10. i was thinkin an inner tube and just follow Brian around. HH
  11. Well, given that the vast majority of teachers, Admin and support staff are still in line waiting for their vax, please feel free to help out by grabbing a book, sitting in a room for 300 minutes a day with 25 potentially positive kids. Then, feel free to bring it home and share with your family. I have to believe that it is far better for kids to not attend family funerals, then to be remote learning. HH
  12. Interviews with regional police forces on the TV today indicate that they have no intention of pulling people over, whether driving, riding or walking. In fact, many of them have not even seen the legislation to which they are charged with enforcing. HH
  13. Glad it worked out for yah Chris. It's definitely a keeper, especially when you consider that I freakin hate turkey! I do like this a lot though.... HH
  14. Well, so much for my 4 day fishing/camping trip in late may! HH
  15. Sometimes it DOES take a Rocket Scientist!! (true story).. Scientists at Rolls Royce built a gun specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners and military jets all travelling at maximum velocity. The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields. American engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the Windshields of their new high speed trains. Arrangements were made, and a gun was sent to the American engineers. When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken shot out of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof shield, smashed it to smithereens, blasted through the control console, snapped the engineer's back-rest in two and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin like an arrow shot from a bow.. The horrified Yanks sent Rolls Royce the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs of the windshield and begged the British scientists for suggestions. You're going to love this.... Rolls Royce responded with a one-line memo: "First ... defrost the chicken" HH
  16. Don't believe Terry, he's actually not sorry. HH
  17. The CDC has listed Canada as a no go zone! https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/covid-4/coronavirus-canada HH
  18. We now have 11 confirmed cases at my local Metro, where my kids work. After the initial infection hit the store, virtually ALL cases can be traced to contact in the lunch room. Metro says they are mandated to provide a space for people to eat their lunch. They feel they have mitigated spread by setting up plastic shields, air conditioner and air filtration system. Unfortunately for some, that hasn't worked. Metro hired a private firm to test any and all employees who wanted one. The two recent cases are of students, who have been the greeters at the store entrance. They used the lunch room. Folks, as "Uncle Doug" would say, your best bet against infection is to stay the h e double hockey sticks out of confined spaces. the other thing that has become apparent is Covid fatigue, folks just plain tired or restrictions, masks etc. Don't let your guard down! Be vigilant and let the vaccine catch up to the virus. There will be an end to this... HH
  19. I wanna see those sorted rivets! LMAO HH
  20. No problem Cliff. There is no play book for this type of thing and as such, we see conflicting reports from various sources. People in the know are learning as they go along and passing what they find out as they learn it. The only thing we can be sure of is that isolation and distancing do work. Science is playing catch up with a disease that is not static, hence the conflicting messages. My suggestion to all is to connect with your doctor if you are not sure and follow their advice. HH
  21. There is a lot of confusion Cliff, I might have some answers for you... -post infection immunity does not mean that you can't get it again, there are many cases of folks getting it numerous times over a period of time -people who have been infected and have recuperated should get the vax, to prevent severe infection, should they be re-infected -I have not heard of rebound effect for people who have had it and been fully vaccinated. I do know of people who have had it numerous times, have suffered from long term "brain fog" only to receive the vax and have those symptoms go away within days of receiving the vax. -Anti-body tests are far more difficult to develop than vaccine, they are in process -nursing home tests are not the same as the full blown test at the clinic... they are less reliable portable units. Similar to what the airports are using. They are however, better than nothing You are correct in being concerned and cautious, the "variables of concern" are much more dangerous, especially when you consider that it is now taking out healthy people in the prime of their life... 35 -50 year olds. Watching the Jays game in Texas... get ready for numbers there to spike! No masks, distancing, nothing... just like when the winter storm hit them, money before people. HH
  22. Well, this story just keeps on getting better.... On Friday, we got a call at the house from Toronto Public Health, they were looking to speak with my son. (If you recall, my son has been working non stop for the pas three weeks all the while two members of his department have tested positive) they informed him that he has now completed his "mandatory" 2 week isolation period! Well, that was news to us as he had not received a call from public health until this call! Needless to say, we are infuriated! I spoke to the store manager who explained to me that public health was made aware of all "potential" transmissions and that he should have had a call from P.H. three weeks ago. I have tried to reach public health to discuss, but they are CLOSED today! HH
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