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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Ryan ,did you not have a darker dog before?,sorry if I missed the post.Looks like a fine dog,and a nice catch as well!!!!Maybe you have two dogs looking back.
  2. That one nurse that contacted it in the states,experts said she wore all the correct clothes,masks etc.They were leaning to the end of shift changing of garments.Perhaps going from work protective clothes to street clothes,may of been the problem???.If that's the case,this epidemic is to be treated REALLY SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!This is what I heard a couple days ago.
  3. Wonder what they were in a frenzy about?,must of been some smaller bait fish they pushed to the shore?,great video though!!
  4. Nice pictures Joey!!!
  5. Just finished episode 5,WOW is all I can say!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Tonight for me is catching up on episodes #4 and #5 SOA,what a nice show .LOL
  7. A true fisherman here ,not trying to get the extra glory.Well done sir !!!!.A beast is a beast.
  8. Good to see them starting to click,wonder if Randy can afford to bench Gardiner again?.Bit of money there sitting on the bench.I'm sure Reims will get the call again next game .
  9. And you without your camera? lol.,would be nice to see a pic of them with no background of course Joey.Must be cool to see .
  10. What I've been doing with my 305ci I/O is in the spring,,I turn the motor over a few times with the coil wire off.Hope it gets the oil up?.Other wise a couple cranks and she fires up.So far so good.My problem last year was the water in the tank.Hoping that was a one time thing.
  11. They haven't played the leafs,this could be a BIG lift if the Leafs can beat them tonight.
  12. Awesome catch,bass fishing?,I do that all the time without a reward like that lol.WTG!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Nice find,hard to believe they would go to that length to find the right spot.Determination in some I guess?.
  14. Looking good Dave,can't wait for the rest.You must of had or heard a few good stories ??.
  15. Your playing with a one game chemistry here? .
  16. I'd say go with what worked last game,let Jake sit out,Reimer in goal,we may be on to something.I have a feeling you may see that?,just sayin.
  17. DSLR? ,Great shots!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Everything aside,looks like Ron still has a pretty good gig with hometown hockey,not to forget his Saturday nights with Don.Things could of been a lot worse I would think..
  19. Terry,watch walking dead till the new season starts at 9pm. It'll get you back up to snuff lol.I'll be watching the laffs till then.Looks like a good season starting for the walking Dead.
  20. Looking real good!!!!!Happy Thanksgiving To you!!!!
  21. I loved that rant.I now know what some have known for a long time.Totally agree with him.
  22. HNIC was just reminding us how Crozby and Malkin have the time of there life against Toronto!!!Forgot about there point totals playing the Leafs. Hope the Leafs can hold them off!!
  23. $117.9 here in Barrie this morning.fill up time !!
  24. Beauty fish Joey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. I guess no adapter available?.
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