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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. That would be great at the right price.Wonder if you could use your drill instead of a gas auger?. .
  2. Just noticed gas up to 96.9 just now.Here we go again!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fisherman


      Good thing I loaded up at 83 at No Frills

    3. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      5 cents in a day here, still better than last year.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      98.9 now,stop please lol.

  3. Nice going!!!!!!!!!
  4. It did say discontinued,you would think there would be other models available .PA may carry something similar?.
  5. Thanks,sounds good,just checked CT on line and couldn't find them,will have to drop in to the store.
  6. How did you guys set up the tent fan?,great idea,probably small and battery operated?.Nice review Mike.!!
  7. One thing I've noticed this past few months is there always seems to be a breeze/wind.Little to no calm days anymore.
  8. That's a dry heat lolol.
  9. Myself as well,the few times I've used him.
  10. Another very lucky one.!!!!
  11. Finally put the last pieces together for my fishing arsonal.Last piece came together today.Have something for any fresh water fish,salt water,not applicable .Very happy .

    1. porkpie


      Yeah, I've said that before lol.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      You may be right lol.At least good for today!!

  12. Pats for me,this whole super bowl thing is way over inflated lol.Dinner hot italian sausage on the barby!
  13. Any fish? lol.
  14. He's far to slow,and almost every night I swear he doesn't know if it's Tuesday or New York .Getting him out of the line up I think will help.When your players see the laziness,and no effort to get back or move guys out of the way.I'm sure that has a great negative effect.The amount of money he is paid per game,he should be playing the game like he owns it.JMO.
  15. Lol,wonder what would of happened if he hit a guy his own size/tough guy ???,maybe out for the season?.
  16. Not being smart here,but at that pace they were going,I think Dion may have even scored.That was about his speed .lol.
  17. Love the kids reports,looks like you two had a blast.Thanks for sharing.
  18. Awesome numbers!!!!,how much for a guide service out ?lol.Well done.
  19. Looking to add some inches tomorrow!,who knows what we'll get!!

    1. Nipfisher


      A nice pike would help out.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Perch was the best we could do to add any inches.

  20. Some may argue Reimer is the better?.I think either is a #1 goalie.They each do shine from time to time. When your facing so many shots on a average night,sure not hard to let a couple easy ones in.Last night being the exception..
  21. Not going to say I told ya lol,betting it won't be another 15 years till you get out again
  22. Did Chris,figured it out.
  23. I wish!
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