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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Did it that way and not even a hum.Triple checked everything,the connections are right as advised.Didn't even trip a breaker.
  2. There is only a violet and smaller black wire marked with e.Just don't know where they would go as well as the main black and white coming in.I used to know this stuff ,getting older sucks lol.
  3. On the terminal picture,that black e wire is on tab 4.I believe it says violet to be on 4?.
  4. Going to add these two pictures again.
  5. Was offered this pump and from what I'm seeing it was wired for 230 volts.Any of you electrical guys know how to change the wiring.Here is a picture of the wiring plate(mind the focus) and a picture of where the wires hook up.They had the black wire on Line 1,I have moved it to line 2 for 115,but not sure where the purple and white wire would go.Any help would be appreciated. Sorry guys,having trouble getting them to enlarge.The top screw is line 1 and the lowest screw is marked line 2.
  6. Almost June and still ice on the lake.You sure do have a short season .Surprised you didn't drop a line down Dave?
  7. You pull the picture Rick?.
  8. In that picture Dave,kinda looks like a friendly dog lol.
  9. Sorry to hear Rick,glad she is ok.They are one fighting till death machine.Watched a documentary a couple weeks back.His big brother the wolverine I did not know they were even nastier. Been known to kill bears and anything in their way.To bad dogs don't know when to back off even if it isn't protecting the family.Instinct I guess.By the way ,from what I heard ,wolverines go right for the neck.A little unnerving to say the least.Hope your dog learned a lesson,for the families sake .
  10. I believe soon as allowed,summer?,you will see some changes.For better?,not sure,but changes are sure to come.A general manager soon would be a good start lol.
  11. He must of came with some conditions?,get rid of all the free loaders,and we know who they are I might add.Just can't see him coming for the same crap we have for the last couple years.Don't see it.
  12. My boat is more than safe enough for 20-25 km winds.Without down riggers in open water in my area,I won't even try fishing there in anything above 10km's.Having said that,smaller bays ,casting,windward side is just fine.I guess the equipment you have and the size of the boat sure makes a difference in your comfort zone.
  13. Yes,the prop is all he needs.
  14. The hub can be rebuilt.Had it happen on my 40hp Evinrude years ago.
  15. Nice Brian,no shortage of perch and blue gill I see !!
  16. He's hooked Rob !!!!!!!
  17. Nice fish !!!!
  18. Nicely done,thanks for the report.
  19. Far better team this year,as you said they all came to play.Great effort by all.
  20. What a game so far,GO CANADA GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. We were talking about that today,a buds father has one with the watch.30 mins he can get,there is a light on the watch that starts changing color meaning time to head back to hand lol.He says unless you see it,you can't believe it.Included go pro.Awesome deal !!!!!$490 he paid.
  22. Love the pics,watch out for the kids as I know you do.Not sure the dog could take that on?,maybe ? lol.
  23. Nice Mike,once in a lifetime,if your lucky lol.
  24. Not sure if I said the same,thank you so much for the heads up.
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