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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. TJ,wasn't Gracie the Anderson of our time now,I'm thinking the money starts rolling in now for Wiedman?.to win a match like that ,he'll get his turn.
  2. Great fishing report!!!!!!!!!!,but that bear is a little close for comfort if you ask me. .lol.
  3. Not sure,but if you have two,easier to keep the boat straight. I've always seen two.Not sure what the law requires.
  4. WTG Dave,you never know!!
  5. A more mellow Matt ,I think I like it!!! .lol. Let's go leafs!!! .
  6. Alone with your dog,that is quite the trip.Me not so sure. At least one bud lol..I'm thinking you were pepared for the unexpected ?.Great report Dave!!!!!!!!!!!.
  7. Nice report Brian,those pictures awesome!!,and a few fish to boot,nice .
  8. Tried mine yesterday. Did everything I wanted a portable to do.The price I got it for,well that was a steal!Good luck with your new portable Frank 81!
  9. I'm also not a fan of leaders.I use 30lb braid and the Pike usually steal one or two lures a year from me. .
  10. Lookin like a beauty day tomorrow!

    1. spincast
    2. Christopheraaron


      I'm fishing! but my guess is the pitching water is blown out, so I gotta do some searching

  11. Thanks for the reply.From what I see,down image shows depth, structure,and fish.The side scan as you say looks like fish and depth that all I can see so far. Should work great for a second finder or portable.Going to try it tomorrow. 45 hours on 3 C batteries. I can live with that. Already thinking where to buy a small 12v x4.5v dc converter lol.
  12. x4,Needs to be replaced Chris.
  13. What a day!!!!!!The monkey is long gone. Thanks for the report!!!
  14. That's the best option Roy,but a stamp telling pitch and diameter would sure help,I would think?.
  15. I guess that wasn't Boston's future?
  16. As said easy to replace.Having said that I had a prop break and could only find the numbers when the prop was off on the inside part of the hub. It should be there somewhere.
  17. Very nice and clear Brian. .Great shots and video!
  18. I'd like to see Bozak signed up as well. At least get that out of the way.
  19. Anyone have any experience with any of their models?. I know they are good for slow trolling or ice fishing so I've heard. Have a chance on a really good priced one,just wondering if they are as good as I hear for what they are to be used for. TIA.
  20. Well isn't that a son of a gun. I've had it for at least 8 years . That's not So bad i guess?.Thanks
  21. Well recently I've noticed a lot of constant cluttering on the screen as you will see in the picture.I have Varied chart speed,gray area,sensitivity,hard reboot etc. The temp reading and depth readings seem bang on. I use this as a second fish finder hooked up to a 7ah gell battery,or on it's own in a canoe or whatever. Anyone know why the clear screen of before is gone and now this? In Simulation mode the screen appears normal showing bottom ,fish,structure etc. I'm wondering if my transducer is gone or something else?. TIA.
  22. I think I would be fine,let the hook drop to the bottom than give it a crank or two up.
  23. The rumour I heard last week about being traded to leafs.The leafs wanted to give up to much imo. Good for Chris!
  24. Yes, the wind was blowing us north east.You two weren't 100' away. Managed a solid 3lb and a couple 1 1/2lb..Lot of other fish caught but not very big.
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