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Everything posted by snag

  1. I'll see if it's still there. Should be good. Maybe later in the week, this illness has bunged my schedule!
  2. Well UF, Nice try anyways man. Something tells me that you will have picture heavy report soon. The credit is so great. If you feel bad, just go to Helens for some fish and chips! Ciao, Snag
  3. You know Nigel, that was actually the first thing I thought when I saw her too! Hey, I was serious about the float tubing there, so let me know again in the spring; I'm in! Sorry Mr.Pike, I'm still sick! Glad you got out though. This week is looking good too!
  4. I'm always "Grateful" when the scrappy guys hit. They do bolt back pretty good even after they take a hook deep. Good one!
  5. That's definately a drum. Good try, nice to get out.
  6. Both you and the fish look happy! Congrats
  7. Soon that sign will say "no topless rednecks" I imagine you are still cleaning or enjoying a feast right about now. Say fella, Where's the dam?
  8. Hey OUTAHERE, Are you Out of Here? 4 pages 60 replies 2400 views And you don't have the balls to reply on your own thread? Or do we have to wait another 4 years? Great thread.
  9. I couldn't sleep due to the cough. You will appreciate the conditions that day, very windy and wavy. Casting into the wind was maddening.
  10. Yeah, it was fresh. I actually thought that it may have choked too. Seems to be a very high cause of death for esox. However, lamprey holes with innards poking out were prevelant. Glen, That picture has not been altered! See a doctor at once!!!
  11. I'm sick, so I'll be brief. Must go fish. Met up with Fidel and fished till 12pm Had some follows Expected more He lost a beauty I lost this one after we parted company. It just couldn't be interested in the long haul out of the water. Whatever. The day before I hooked into this expired Esox. sunning itself on the rocks (hoped it had a lure of mine. Denied). Necro-angling is fun. O.k. I saw it floating and snagged it to perform scientific observations. I have issues. Then this baby hit and gave me a run for the money. Here she is thanks, bye
  12. Got any good recipes? Love the ice shots.
  13. Is there an award for rigor-mortise?
  14. nice one Cliff! very romantic night too.
  15. "Snagman"? What a ridiculous name.
  16. A little guitar, harmonica. My singing raises the dead. CCMT, that was awesome!
  17. It's O.K Joey, He'll be nice to you. He doesn't discriminate against coolers! YET! I don't have a boat, will he hate my poor shoes?
  18. Yeah, like me! I have definately "profiled" a few people around here. Most of us are nuts.
  19. All in due time naked angler, all in due time..............
  20. Wow, what a beauty. Great pic! Should've been with me today though.......................
  21. Those boats are awesome. I have been very close to purchasing one. Never heard a bad thing about them. For what they are, they seem to be the best.
  22. 1.) 50"+ T.O. Pike 2.) 50"+ musky 3.) 7lb. smallie 4.) flipper 5.) Mermaid 6.) Aquaman 7.) All the lures I've donated to the depths
  23. Organic farming and now emergency generators
  24. or I will...................
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