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Everything posted by snag

  1. Thanks! Time to get a few 'yak threads started.......
  2. The eggnog has kicked in. But seriously, I love it. Stay clean and be nice everyone.
  3. WOW CLIVE! Those are beautiful fish! Soooooo shiny! AND YOU'RE SMILING!
  4. Kinda neat. O.k. I was bored. My Webpage Reports to come..........
  5. This dude caught a shark from his Kayak. Hey Jediangler.....Just do it! click here: My Webpage This kayak/shark fishing thing is getting more and more appealing.
  6. Ran into similar issues. I had frozen birdnesting of my line. Had to thaw the mess out in my car and still had to cut some feet off. Bring on 0+ degrees! (but just enough so ice-fishing is O.K.)
  7. Suuuuuuure post this after Dano's lovely Charlotte gets the axe. There is no justice in the world!
  8. Anyone know if BPS has them? Hey Fidel!
  9. Raised in Mississauga mostly, moved to B.C. spent a few years travelling all over the world. Moved to T.O. now Mississauga. Want to buy a cottage get back into agriculture and have another baby.
  10. If you all would be kind enough to include addresses, I will commence robbing you. I can't list EVERYTHING I've bought. It would be too much. I would start hyperventalating. I will say that my choices have been well thought out and gleamed from the brain drain here. Thanks.
  11. Absolutely fantastic! Can't wait to see what you two pull up next. thanks
  12. Always the scientist. I bet it tastes like chocolate.
  13. Good god! What's wrong with it? Looks like an alien is about to pop out. Locals should lay off the donuts for bait idea.
  14. Look at those cute widdle eyes! How can you not pander to her and give her everything she wants?? Woof
  15. I'm workin' on it! Trying for more quality and not quantity. I've been catching fish, just not happy with the sizes......
  16. I've trolled them behind my canoe and have caught pike, smallies and perch. They still wiggle nicely in the water. Wiggle, Wiggle, CHOMP!
  17. Yup, that'll work!
  18. Too little Too late Girly Bike Man. Actually, it looked like a sweet ride. For a nun!
  19. Thanks man, how's the little one? I have some of my winter gear ready! Thanks BT, (P.s. I couldn't go to Hooters 'cause I got disbarred)
  20. To love and lost, Is better, Than to never had loved, at all.
  21. Way to brave the weather boys!
  22. Dustin, You have no idea how many times I've quoted your signature. It is sooooooo true!
  23. Had a big conference in Toronto. Everyone headed to Hooters for dinner. I, am a refined gentleman. I headed for PIKE. I was alone in the dark when this baby hit. or, I thought I was alone. This business dude was taking in the waterfront when he saw my rod bend from afar. He casually walked closer, and then RAN TOWARD ME! HE FREAKED! He yelped, " WHAT, PIKE HERE, WHAAAAAAAAA??????" He went into fetal position and yammered: Black is white day is night Left is right. When he pulled it together, he took a pic and said it was the most amazing thing he's seen! Classic!! Bow, and curtain. Thus ends another edition of MEAL TIME WITH SNAG.
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