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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. had to pull the car over in stoney creek as I couldnt see the cars infront of me from the heavy downpour that was around 330
  2. I hear you it sure did honk waking up to a 70 degree house and in my ac'ed car all day...Only to come home with wifey handing me an ice cold pint that was in the freezer for 4 hours...only to find 3 more in the exact same location..... Then going for a swim before dinner.. But I do agree my son plays baseball tonight and as long as the kids are extremly hydrated they all should be fine.. I play ball at 8 and Im not looking forward to that.... At least I can run to my car between innings and chill out a bit.......as long as the kids or anyone is sweating and the water intake ( not sugar drinks and not even gatorade) is of adequate quantaties they should be ok, just watch for a lack of sweating lethargy with some minor motor trembling....Then there is a problem..
  3. UGGGGH Tony lets not mention that walk out on Simcoe that day......Aaron has some pretty good stamina for makin that walk........My wife ehhhh arent you in the midst of doing home renovations........ That day was fun though, watchin the hut fill up with water on 14 of ice..........
  4. what do ya expect when bass are eating 12 inch rainbows all day lol....Sure do produce some big bass in california
  5. never a small world....Hey Mike......can you check the waters behind your house I hear they are down 4 feet. If they seem to come up a bit wanna bass it Friday
  6. Nice Mike all I can say very nice indeed. Sorry I missed it......I was thinking the same. It would have been worth the trip just to see Andrew in a canoe...Eh Dave.....always a great report
  7. naw more then likely a southern california guy who's idea of a good cook out is some mahi mahi with an articoke glaze seared to perfection on the right side grill Personally Id like to see a hind of beef on that thing slow cooked for a day !!!!!!
  8. dunno how much it can cook but it sure is funny seeing the guy with socks under his sandals.....
  9. I ll be flippin some of my favorite laydowns and looking to see if I can find that 7 lb'er that seems to like chompin my jigs but shakin loose
  10. the virus can be transmitted via frozen fish. The only way to ensure its not transfered is to not in fact move fish and secondly to pasturize any product. VHS while a virulent virus would not be the cause IMHO. Its more likely a virus that carp are highly suceptable to.
  11. good liquid soak in 2 tbs of kosher salt, white wine, some molassas and brownsugar soak for 45 minutes then cold smoke ( if possible with apple chips) for 45 minutes. ( Cold smoke is under 180 degrees) and off you go
  12. is the livewell a rotationally molded plastic, an aluminum or plastic lined one?
  13. I was thinking the date could be August 4 on a lake about an hour north of Orangville
  14. humm I should have corrected that father child event lol....I am thinking of a lake that you can fish from shore....
  15. I was thinking about this all day so I figured Id put it up before I go zzz How's about this for an idea. 1 day event nothing serious at all dad and son team bass tournament on a small safe lake. We all pitch in some BBQ stuff....bring our boats maybe even kick in 20 bucks to the pot to donate to make a wish foundation and lets the youngsters show us dads how its done. Any thoughts or am I in left field
  16. As a Devout Christian Im not even going down this path. Simpy put though teachers have no place stating these sorts of things and if it was my child who heard this I would be darn sure that the person was terminated asap
  17. hey Raf are you Mark P's cousin?
  18. spoke too soon 9 degree drop in temp in 10 minutes and raining cats and dogs
  19. wow Im sitting on my deck enjoying pints and watching the sun. Looks pretty nice here in Mississauga
  20. Honestly and I hope this doesnt offend anyone here. But you have got to be one of the best inovators and fix it guys out there. I really should tap your brain over a few beers to see hwo I can re do a windshield
  21. great report bud, unreal how these kids of mine keep me hopin, so much so I cant even make the trip up
  22. well at least some of you are out and about............
  23. mint sign no questions its the truth
  24. can someone answer me beyond the obvious how a regional fire at a refinery in Edmonton is going to affect S Ontario's gas supply stability
  25. Seems it has been since the first week of May since I wet a line. Extreme cabin fever is in full swing. Am I the only one.
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