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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. both of these sites can drive you to a local club, you ll have to make a decision on where to go..... http://www.bigfatbass.com/ http://www.cbaf.ca/ I havnt fished the bass clubs in 2 years but the cbaf is a small membership to join ( like 60 bucks or so ) of which you ll get a sub to flw magazine etc.. Most tournaments are 60 to enter and as a non boater there is a set fee in the 40 to 50 or so range Bottom line where can you spend 100 bucks to go get into a 50 k boat in some cases fish all day with someone who can fishfor bass hook fish and at the end of the day even make a few bucks
  2. Last year I was in London on an unrelated thing and stopped by the show, I personally liked it more then the ones in toronto.....
  3. an apology, after I asked an mnr freind he did in fact answer that its legal as long as the approprite commercial invoice is avaliable, he mentioned its unreal whats in some of these tanks right down to americian eel
  4. you 2 wanna get a room or something
  5. illegal walleye have commercial catch status bass are by catch...ilegal call the local OMNR office and let them investigate
  6. if your looking for a really sweet rod, there is one here for sale by fusion I fished that rod and was sad to let it go for te price its a sweet stick
  7. Lew for the most part the additives out there are just smoke and mirror, stabilizers do s certain job but I suggest you do a quick google search on seafoam I have been using it in the cars and boats for a long time and does exactly what it says
  8. Charles I do have a few secret crib locations for sale too
  9. the Lebaron business model and thier method of retailing is strange for sure.......but to not allow a supplier to showcase thier products is even stranger. Besides, while Im not one of thsoe star stuck sotra guys ( well angela Jolie not included in that ) I did finally get to meet next to Red fisher a true fishing hero babe winkleman, it was a great 15 minute talk in the isle !!!!
  10. Lew I had a friend look at the exact same boat and color at the show and I was pretty impressed with the boat there was nothing missing and at the price it was a serious deal...Im guessing you picked up the one from the show
  11. LMAO at putting out lol thats funny....feed some starbucks cofffee and it will work out
  12. I saw some pink hat wearing dudes funny that was but nothing competed with Dave Mercer's effort ( successful I gotta add) at spilling my beer out as I laughed over his poop story...that had to be one of the funniest things I heard...dave you owe me a beer for the laugh lol
  13. give it ohhhh until june or so Seriously at best mid week to come on and then there is 15 cm of snow I hear so might be my original line. . . . june
  14. krupa is a neat show thats for sure
  15. you wouldnt happen to be nick would ya
  16. the show was not what I was expecting... ....what I got was pretty much the best graphical new show on TV fishing wise, I learned something and he came out of it looking like a veteran TV dude........to say I was impressed is understating it
  17. whew I thought the wife finally got you that manzerre lol
  18. someone sent this to me. . . its actually a good read, with the US ecomony driven by the 2/3 consumer spending here is the giant of them all and how they break it down. . . maybe congress should get some input from them http://www.nypost.com/seven/02072009/posto...4007.htm?page=0
  19. 4 bucks wicked I ll get my wife one a day wait a few months and tell her . . . well honey you know those coffees cost a fin a day so add the math sweetie...as I casually slip a new boat brochure under her cup of fu fu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. the ice jam at the paper mill was almost 2k long, the top of the non funcitoning dam there is a 10 foot head and it was covered by 2 feet of water it was a serious ice jam for sure.. But this does mean 1 thing.........Steelies will be in reports in the next week
  21. Trust me no envy here in Canada...that video I posted was sad and disheartening, similiar to the lady begging the president for help in fort Myers....Some citizens got wealthy beyond belief while the masses are needing foodstamps and leaving pictures of loved ones in the house...10% made trillions while the other 90% are struggling to eat let alone anything else
  22. it will get killed in commitee...if not killed a major re work on it
  23. you 2 at it again.....sheesh get a room already this matrimonial bickerin isnt fun lol
  24. ummm where can I get part of the 350 billion dolled out....
  25. wheres my hat to take off for ya.....we know this thread will get tanked soon so here is some more to add... Unions they certainly had thier place in past to secure better conditions, asafe environment, better pay and beyond of that there is no doubt and many owe thier current situation to union members from past..our global economy has changed there are policies and programs in place to protect workers at the work force I for one think unions have out lived thier times and I think much of those dues could go to better places like workers pockets
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