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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. 90% of the blue zone fish are not US more like 50% and the records we have compiled for over a decade of running the PC boat launch 90% of lake rainbows caught are killed for consumption vs about 25% in the creeks. A 5 fish limit is not sustainable
  2. I sit on the council that was formed to get the lake worked out via the fmz's sooner rather then later the lake will turn to 2..but you all know that going from 5 fish to 2 fish only reduces overall harvest by 5% maximum...Currently overall harvest is in the 30- 40 % range and to have a sustainable fishery it needs to be in the 15% range. The only way to actually accomplish this is to go Ny's route and go with a 1 fish slot size...going from 2 to 5 makes no dfifference what so ever OMNR and LOMU both know this but think that baby steps are in order, but the reality is scientific evidence, stakeholder input was gravely ignored
  3. having a bass boat isnt about the fish.......its about smelling 2 stroke at 70 miles an hour lol
  4. hit the nail in the head, I never could grasp the entire concept of fishing for money, firstly because as a bass angler I suck and secondly did I say I suck.....but I found a home bought a nice boat and now am spending a small fortune as late on it...why because in the small clubbies or largers ones like CBAF it really is about getting out and having fun, sure its competative but the friendships, jokes, and things to learn are awsome...... until a while ago like I said never could grasp the money thing and even now its not about money because if I wanted to make money bass fishing I would sell the triton and pocket the cash I honestly believe that anyone who likes to fish for bass should at least a few times fish a tourny from a bass boat as the things you learn, are astounding. Its not for all of course but taking off and running down a lake at 70 miles plus getting to s spot and hooking fish, running to a new spot so on and so on is addicitve and like I said something IMO everyone should experience.. After re discovering Bass its 6 yrs and I know squat but each time I flip a jig or talk to someone I absorb and learn. Clarles said it for less then the rental of a crappy leaky boat you can fish with a legend if your lucky or not but you ll learn and walk away with it as a big high light of a summer. Charles you can only drive around fast if you remember to fil up with gas....ohhh I did learn that this yr have extra gas
  5. Hirk done know if the connectors would work Im asuming they are both greay and not blue or red connectors.. I pulled out a flasher from my boat and repliced the connectors making a proper watertight connection and it appears to work perfectly fine.
  6. dunno I have had a few frontier rods already replaced with gl2 and gl3's pretty good upgrade from what I paid for them I think Im blown away that Shimano is warrantying them at all....personally made me a bit more brand loyal to shimano after that...
  7. Part two a continuation A favorite scenery shot ironically the best bass fishing of fall on Erie is just off this river mouth. A nicely colored up fish for fall Another scenery shot. A NY toad usually not this big for sure Having thanksgiving Monday free and with the weather expected to be mint, I knew this was the last day for greens so off I went, happy I did as I found some really nice fish Well with some serious steelhead under the belt Great lakes bass were still on the plate….I had 1 final tournament to fish I was going to fish some of the frosty’s but life and steelhead got into the way hopefully next year that’s not the case Anyhow on November 1 off I went across Erie in 5 footers I recall friends were on the water and even they had it rough…note to self the pinkie is still sore and don’t run across Erie in 5 footers in November without gloves ever again………did I say the pinkie is still sore and its 8 weeks later Didn’t make money but again I met 1 really cool dude that day Well I finally got the pleasure of meeting someone I had wanted to meet for some time it appears the bass bite got him this year too off we will go, of course with my buddy in tow…I was really hoping we would have a kick butt day and without a shadow of a doubt my friend sure had one hot hand a nice scenery shot from the morning And my buddy chillin after a serious fish pound I believe we were in the 50 plus fish for the day Well in between all of this I finally took a few off and relaxed, the final trip of the year took me full circle to where I started the year on my beloved Credit I hope next year is just as good I met new people, I fell back in love with bass my wife hasn’t killed me for all the “but I need it” purchases and God granted me and those I love good health, therefore another year of " I fish there fore I live" Thanks for looking
  8. As a year it should be called full circle We at the club worked hard for many years before the ecological framework changes happened to have sections of the North shore rivers opened to more angling opportunities, happily the OMNR listened. For the first time in many many years I was able to legally fish the lower stretches of the Credit for steelies. So my year started January 1 on the Credit and this picture as it was the first fish caught in these new waters and the last picture from an article on a conservation group in ODD I’m hoping it’s not so, that magazine's quality and respectability will dwindle under the new regime as many are saying So with some rest and relaxation my son and I decided to take a run up for perch He is my youngest and the most adorable little kid out there, of course I am biased' I was told by a local that the 4 inches my son was lying on was open water with chunk ice a week before this picture, but it was fun watching them jig perch up Not much time had passed and one of m good fishing pals commits me to a white jig fest on Simcoe, after the 4k walk we finally get on fish, funny thing about that day we walked I swear more then we fished but I had dinner There were a few trips in between but none that were eventful memorable or photo worthy until>>>>>>>>>>>> Winter steelhead I will say that spending time with some new friends is always a worthy thing to do as you never know when a best friend is about to emerge The Niagara with friends.....It was cold the hands were hot and I had the distinct pleasure of meeting amongst the rest a man named Trev...it’s a day I’ll remember for quite some time as his stories from when I wasn’t even a twinkle enlightens ones zest to fish for sure The pictures that came out of this trip were neat Got to love the weather Well with the thaw coming and having some business out east I figured let’s kill 2 birds with 1 stone I didn’t have a pile of time but enough to find a pretty fish willing to take my bait as an offering Feeling the urge for a road trip off I went to the states for a bit of dirty water angling, nothing better than finding old browns mixed in with fresh chrome it was a fun day for a pile of reasons none the less was spending time with a close friend A northern excursion Knowing everything would pop and soon I would be busy on the daily fish lifts the club does I figured time to get out, it was a neat trip where for some reason I became obsessed on a low angle shot....go figure And the shot just didn’t turn the way I wanted And the reason I love steelhead so much a tank out of the ladder on the Credit The opener Usually by the point of trout openers I’m all trout bummed out from fishing them hard on every single chance I can over the winter although openers from the old days was about seeing river bums you have seen in a while with msn these days they are a nudge away.... many times I’ll even leave roe at home and see if I can get them to go on bugs..The take down is out of this world A few trips in between for some hidden late spawners and I was content to put the long stick away for a while... May was a clean the house event with a few garage sales, after some thought I decided to sell my old boat and pick up another one that was more in line with my summer passion BASS!! Out with the old And in with the new!! Not much I had to do with this boat other than a cleanup detail….and this picture says it all really Well it’s time to chase the brown and greens…. Bass opener was approaching and I really wanted to spend the day with my wife so that she could understand this obsession we all have, I was happy to know that after a few hours she finally understood and was even more understanding of this constant need to fish…after she took this picture it was humbling to see how she perceived it and me while flipping a jig quietly for hours The triton on her fish trip for a sliming with me The greatest thing to ever happen to me Christina, simply because she puts up with this fishing nirvana And another tiny one from the day A few days later as a return for his generosity over the winter I asked if a good friend would join me, partially hoping to hook a pile but also to quit eager to extend the friendship some more (happily it most certainly did that!!) It was a tough bit but we managed a few fish and even more laughs Shortly thereafter I got a call from my friend Donna to come fish with her and Walter, to kick off the GOSD never shy to turn down an offer off we went ½ a day of fun followed by running back for the kids baseball game I recall being exhausted that day but I was happy that she finally got how important these Lake Ontario cold water fish really are….and how committed she is to them and us as anglers This as it turns out was my favorite picture of the entire year of me anyway Well work Baseball with the kids and life had me tied up for the rest of the month a few small local outings but nothing to shake at other than seeing just how fast I can push my boat……alas it was time to pack the clan and head to the cottage….. It was a summer trip to remember filled with some serious first. My youngest lipping them and hooking them My daughter getting beyond EWWWWW gross!!!!! To hummm this is cool And of course the dock fishing extravaganza ‘’fish hooked without bait” we all laughed so hard I genuinely think that dock won’t hold fish for a year. I did try on subsequent trips too and it really didn’t hold fish like it did earlier on in the year It wouldn’t be complete without some time up north and some back river with two close friends some 4wt fun, its surreal when its 30 degrees outside but the water is a cool 14 degrees and these things are everywhere And of course the greatest family on the planet Ohh ya some fish I actually did catch on vacation Back home and fully rested I found some time to fish with someone I have gained a lot of respect for …..From a moment at a fishing show when we really didn’t know each other and me asking him to help with the craa hatchery to a guy who has stood up and ran a hatchery that is responsible for lots of those rainbows you catch in the blue zone these days. If you like your steelhead he sure is raising a lot of them for you We decided to run out and have some fun…. Next summer will come with some techniques the GL guys aren’t aware of some light line tactics that should seriously rock!!! This picture is of a bait ball so dense it disengaged the sonar A neat picture of the day And finally a fish from the day Well finally I had the chance to fish a few club events’ this summer and enjoyed every single one of them. Tournament fishing at its funniest but regardless I still subscribe to the principle that if I wanted to make money tournament fishing I would sell the boat…bottom line it’s all about the fun and giggles Somewhere in all this summer fun I knew I had to get out again so again I decided to do a small lake that I know had serious smallies in it…..while we didn’t slay them it again was a wicked day of fishing What I’ll remember about that day was our faces after we couldn’t manage a bit for a bit and this guy’s 12 yr old spanks them right in front of the boat as we chatted…. I really do love this pothole lake for its smallies for a tiny piece of water they have some nice fish in it off the radar not many know about it and it sure does produce some real pigs Of course a classic of fishing with milo that anyone who has ever fished with me my chronic obsession with FOOD!!!!!! Not wanting to stop I quickly planned another trip out to get on them……………. It was a bit cooler but the bit was ok Well the following weekend I fishing a tournament on Quinte after day 1 I was happily in 9th less than 4 lb off the lead out of 68 boats I felt good for the next day as I was really teamed with one heck of an awesome bass fisherman Insert this picture for day 2 and insert teary eyes the cards just weren’t there…I’m blaming it on beer and ballet dancers lol but I did learn hook sets are free so set the damn thing already fall steelhead Well I left the bass rods aside for a bit to dawn the waders and dust off the long stick. never upset to do that I tell ya and off I go on one of the biggest river walks I have ever done, for those that know the catt I walked ½ way from Versailles to Gowanda it was an epic walk with not a lot of fish but some serious quality hiking with someone I consider one of the best GL steel headers out there…., then back at it again a few weeks later and again a few after that, I will let the pictures talk along side with some great scenery shots of my fall steel heading season so fresh a lamprey just met its demise TO BE CONTINUED
  9. I still get the malicious tool kit warning....so you have a patch or the variant bury's in your computer for a rainlyday
  10. P and A is out of this planet expensive expect to pay up wards of 500 for a new screen and it wont be molded to fit. They are ok if you need raw plexi but as a custom fab way over priced. Charles had it best whats the make and model, I have seen in the last 2 months every single windshield for sale on one forum or another A suggestion is also to take exacting dimensions and see if another manufacturer has it. Is it a twist in that holds it I found a lowe windshield for a previous boat that I tweaked a bit and it fit like a charm cost 120
  11. what ever you do dont wash it with household laundry detergent the pours of the gortex will clog and the jacket will not perform . buy a gortex cleaner and follow the label
  12. lol speak for your self been playing it with the kids all day......
  13. mike some good suggestions but each reel and the technique you are using it for requires a different line...If the purpose of it is an overall general purpose baitcasting reel, 15lb xl is imo the best over all mono line if your into a braid power pro is a great choice in the 20 lb and up range if its under that your seeking berkly crystal ... What reel do you have
  14. awsome report.....good to see you out in the real weather while the guys wearing shorts out in the main lake have the boats packed away....
  15. 1 thing to add to justins...if you find short strikes its wise to actually thread the trailer and tuck it under the rattle shorten it up a bit
  16. ebay the last few days has seen some insane deals.....
  17. aah depot harbour where the chum flies out of a 5 gallon pail and pickups backed up blaring willie nelson on the 8 track.....ahhh the good ole days... It wont freeze for a bit
  18. the dowjones went from 11300 to 8400 that is an insane amount of personal liquidity gone vanished and regardless of what our investment team says I dont see recouping that money quickly enough, that ROI was a fundemental componant of investment income which is now gone... thank god I listened and bought interest only mortgages within the self direct or I would really be upset So where is my tax relief, where is my bailout, and lastly where is my money, sure I can liquidate take a modest tax break against earnings but peronally thats a flawed thing too. As far as Im concerned the big 3 and the over zelous unions that run them can all falter and go into chapter 12. The business model the big 3 ran under was flawed, the common guy say this on the assembly line, I recall a family member who was a high placed union guy at ford scratching his head as even he couldnt figure out where these cars were all going,yet the CEO's and forcasters in the corporate didnt see it....give me a break....let them sink, as I for one dont think we should pay for their poor business modelling Understanding how the forcasting models work they saw this coming and figured that they could ride it out.....opps.....I guess they were not able to factor crude speculation into the models fast enough...too short sighted without not enough long term stratagic planning IMO
  19. danbo yes...in an self susataining fish population a world record, note not a trophy fish but a world record I would not think twice about its demise as its time has come and gone in terms of adding to population divergence, its benefit to tourism. local economy, and its wow factor far exceed its potential to be caught again, now in a non self sustaining population, that becomes a different kettle and something that now borders on personal ethics. I ll add 2 to 1 on that 50 buck bet lol
  20. Not to jack the thread but Simcoe's population is a limited population not an over expanding one IMO and the opinion of lots of others who fish it.....Erie is where that toad is going to come from....then again there are some inland res's that have warm water plumes in teh winter that could potentially do it too sorry for the jack
  21. IMO that fish is worth more dead then alive, locally from its tourist and income potential beyond on its educational merits, and scientifically from its genetics
  22. I did email him and said as my family was planning on visit to illinois can I get it in person paying cash
  23. thanks for the advise jos is always the best deal, the unit I was looking to buy was the lcx38hd canadian best price on it was 1990 this retailer had it for 990 hence why it peeked my interest..... acopy of the reasoning It is not that we don't use Paypal account but we've been having alot of problems regarding some individual bad fund deposition into our account,like stolen paypal and all that which has led to the cancellation of our paypal account two times. Right now we only accept paypal payment from a company account which orders in bulk. Any individual payment must be through either Westernunion or the other. Hope you understand this.Your payment is 100% secured cause i could understand that you want security on your money.We have been into this line for a quite long and we won't jeopardise or tarnish the image of our company because of a unit order.We Customers wide world as we deals in order consumers electronics as well like cell phones and other. Get back swiftly so we'll be able to proceed.Your address and phone number is needed to process the shipment. Thank you, Ben.
  24. I scoured the internet to find an e commerce site to buy a new fishfinder found an ad on a webboard so I contacted the guy...appears like a reseller, or internet seller, yet has no website, so the price is almost too good to believe... Anyhow I said I would like to pay via paypal and a credit card so there is record of the transaction. He said he doesnt accept cc's or has a paypal acct, the only way he accepts money is via westernunion or Moneygram online having never used either is there any recourse if a fraud is committed.
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