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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. I have heard rumour that a group on the credit is going to start to push to remove the no kills....something about it not being fair and promoting an elitists mentatily with fly only
  2. Bill I have experienced a Mike wilderness steak.....lickin the lips right now maybe you and me should kidnap him and make him take us to the back country at his place for bass and brookies Surf and Turf now thats more like it lol last time I drove a hook through the hand tequila worked pretty darn good I guess if I had a magic brownie or something I might not have noticed the hand from all the goblins and faries dancing around lol
  3. Penn Im guessing late 70's
  4. I hate you for taking this trip lol well not really more like envious would love to come for somethign like this but sdly my girth and advanced age would have me begging to eat some shrooms not for the food but for the out of body experience I would need after those walks lol
  5. here is something that also confuses me.......... When you purchase a boat from someone else go to the mto office to gain new plates on the ownership you list the serial number of the trailer pay the taxes get the plate.....its my understanding that even after that the actual trailer isnt transfered into your name...that being the case Im going to assume there are lots of trailers out there not in the current owners name....and am I correct in this one
  6. If you can send me a PM with your email I ll sent you a great MNR document on it
  7. the website is currently getting a massive update too many tasks too short on time sadly. more volenteers would sure free up some time.... of course there is a difference between a native and naturalized, its a bit of a leap to still consider them invasives's though. OMNR hirarchy in how they manage fish is native, naturalized and then we move to invasives, although I see this hirarchy changing soon to bump anything on the SARA ( species at risk ) above the natives
  8. No offense but thanks for the chuckle there….. CRAA has done more work on the Credit to protect native fish populations than any other group, these are well known and proven facts, Brown Trout Rainbow Trout and I’m personally hoping very soon its confirmed Chinook are naturalized species so they also finally get some protection. I just love the invasive analogy thanks again for the chuckle. So Brook Trout work,you have asked for a specific example well so here is a recent one so here you go. CRAA worked for well over a decade to remove a specific online pond on Rogers Creek, prior to this by pass channel temp loggers had it temped in the 28 degree range but yet above the pond when temp loggers were inserted brook trout were visible, finally after the right partners were in place the bypass channel and Rogers creek to the confluence have demonstrated that brook trout now utilize this new water, migratory fish are nowhere near and there is no overlap what so ever it will be roughly a 150,000 project once it’s all done and its habitat that has a direct and immediately measurable improvement on Brook Trout habitat. I can list about a dozen or more things the group has done to specifically enhance or protect waters that Brook Trout utilize yet Migratory animals will NEVER have access to you asked for 1 if you want more references on it let me know, suffice to say the club is now looming on 4 million spent in the watershed and well over ½ of that is was and will continue to be spent on improving habitat that directly impacts Brook Trout. The group believes in whole watershed remediation in that work done upstream has an impact downstream right down to the very water quality coming out of the Credit and into your taps at home As to migratory fish having access to habitat where Brook Trout exist, as per the managment plan the farthest up you would ever see a migratory would be Inglewood, with the reach to be still determined by a class EA, it wold be a far stretch to say Brook Trout exist below there these days, Natives come first thats a personal and club belief On a side note before the speculation inuendo's and internet postings about the groups work or more at the very least check the facts before posting false facts please
  9. having been the recipiant of finding the tracks unwillingly make sure you do find the channel and stay in it
  10. naw its a ranger guys will understand glad to see it all worked out for you
  11. Rainbows will never have access to the forks the farthest possible they could ever go is below the east credit in Inglewood....the brook trout population in this reach and below is next to nill
  12. The only problem with that equation is the ones who want the steelies up have spent over 3 million from the top down infinately more then all the other groups combined
  13. there really isnt a brook trout population to speak of below inglewood so thats not a real concern, browns and rainbows utilize a somewhat different habitat. Mike a case of beer 1 night and I ll really give you an eye opener on how some user groups can be
  14. Pretty neat video and the article depicts the onging issues on the Credit read and decide http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/621082
  15. thanks for the warning....too bad it wasnt last week as I am just getting over a 10 day flu...I have in 40 yrs never been this sick
  16. ahhh dunno about that one....1 fish in a slot = more fish and bigger fish as I see it for steelhead on the N shore of Lake O Remember every user of a resource wants something different so there is no single magic bullet answer, while someone might want a certain thing as thier perception of the fishery another will want whats exactly opposite again thier perception of the fishery. its really a balancing act for the most part and then from time to time radical managment aproaches to deal with an immediate issue ( VHS, or toxic intervention, over harvest bait collapse etc) What I despise is any ministry willing to be overly concerned over optics of an issue and will do the least possible not from cost savings/ cutting but from its fear of disrupting the optics in a scenerio .......that is our current OMNR as they would rather stay status quo then make a decision that might make a user group upset, even if 99.9999 of the pop would support it... from an fm perspective the most important thing we can do is get the managers to understand optics can go both ways sorry bout that mini rant lol
  17. last year on Sgugog, I was at pine point fishing and had to run back to port perry the entire time I was running the trailing edge of a massive summer storm with lightning and huge winds just behind me....it was actually weird if the storm tracked any other way I was toast
  18. why is canadian tire having a special on his batter
  19. sweet pics spent time sitting on that very same rock...Im actually contemplating coming up that way in a few to pay a visit to the harmony for those small little tasty critters
  20. best post ever on Mike thread.........Joanne rocks !!! ohhh sweet report Mike
  21. yes starting around 5
  22. GAME ON !!!! we are transfering Tonight and nightly....Im going to say the next few days will be record breaking many hands make light work see you at the ladder around 5
  23. Well, Penn raising should only be an option with the chinooks in streams where access to rearing habitat is not an option such as an existing barrier, Port Dalhousie is an example, but with a viable fish ladder at Bowmanville IMO pen rearing shouldnt be done there and where stocked the practice of stocking and the specific location as laid out by LOMU should be re examined. Any fish if pen reared is going to have a marked increase in its survivability. Remember thy Life History of a chinook differs from all other cold water fish, by spring of the following year they are gone back to the lake. There are a few off the radar creeks on the N shore of Lake Ontario that do in fact recieve a run of a migratory brook trout. All of these fish are plactic in thier nature some more then others and as such will migrate out of a river environmentto a lake.
  24. generally as long as flow is not overwhelming due to rain and its above 5d we are lifting daily at 5
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