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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. Um, you mean apart of completely eliminating the MNR chinook stocking program? Isn't that really enough? what are you talking about.you honestly think the omnr stopped stocking chinooks due to the Atlantics...lol got any proof of that one too. While it was a funny picture you wearing the tv guys shirt posing on the Credit, and I see yous passion for the nooks, the only reason I got into this thread was to point out your obvious leaps of faith and typing blunders on the program, so please if your going to post facts at the very least make sure they are correct rather then some sort of fear mongering on a program.... species at risk Native, (including re introduction) naturalized fish that how OMNR manages fish under its spof 2 directive. and any FMP needs to deal with how the MNR wants fisheries driven, some stakeholder input how fish communities are dealt with. Besides dont you think the guys running the chinook program can and are doing a better job then the MNR. soooo how is it that the Atlantics are hindering any other program again...
  2. Chris mind answering a few questions I posed, talk about double talk, mind answering where you recieved your data, any peer reviewed papaers to support anything your talking about What evidence do you have or possess that the Atlantics would could or will ever impede the Chinook program?? that’s more in line with the great TV guys fear mongering as we see in your signature again cite some literature that’s peer reviewed that’s credible but without any evidence I don’t think so .... You are referring to a fisheries management plan re a pen site in cootes paradise as the reason a pen can’t go there for the Chinooks, Atlantics didn’t preclude that one from happening please read the FMP it should answer why that site isn’t suitable for a pen project, it had nothing to do with salar The vast resources never would have gone to anything anywhere.....someone was shopping for a feel good project and a venue to introduce a product....someone saw a program and some money for it there’s your Atlantic program. Under no circumstances has this money came from other projects or would it have been there for any other project. Maybe some project in another province, might have seen the pitch for wine introduction and bought it and today the millions of dollars spent in Ontario could have gone to BC to protect an Okanogan sand frog or something so good to see my province and my favorite rivers got the money not BC. Being part of a PUBLIC group I have seen the direct benefits of this Atlantic program and haven’t seen 1 negative one, sorry I’m waiting for something credible there from you on that part Check the stocking numbers of the early Chinook program against the early Atlantic program then come back with some info on the early parts of a program Let’s not even get to shortsighted discussions, a perfect storm with these additional chinooks in the pens could be eating themselves out of house and home and I’m literally going to cry when/if that happens. I ll wager a few cases of beer on this one...with the advent of these pen sites the fishing off the mouth of the Credit and Bronte will get worse, the blame will be of course the US pen rearing project the MNR and its stocking practice some loch ness type monster eating them all etc....anything, but in reality the fish are spread apart and are honing in on other natal streams. Those small low gradient streams in Kingston and past will see some nice returns of Chinooks that never had them thanks to the pens but it’s just going to be a short sighted solution to dealing with deplorable over capacity stocking practices by the MNR , and I ll go as far to wager that the end result will be Harbor chinooks on the Credit that bloat, and there isn’t a run of fish to sustain a hatchery program. Everyone will say it’s this or that but it’s in reality it’s about spreading fish via short sited management directives.... Stock them into the watershed that’s the answer and remove some dams giving them access to proper water Coho's are another demon, truth there is that certain OMNR staff and some hatchery issues with thermal over loading put collection farther and farther back....good on MEA for spearheading it and CRAA for helping to find the fish this year hope to continue that ... Anyhow to answer your final question, a genie tells me there is another 5 yrs of money in the pipe, thanks to some deliverables provided in the last two years anyhow you can email me those links to support your comments on the original posting if you don’t want to post them here
  3. Dutchy thanks for that link are you in a genetics lab out that way, if so I have some work for ya....., Im sitting here on the fence on this one maybe have another beer too while im at it. but clofchik I copied your text in different sizes so its defined I don't know if you haven't had the first coffee in the morning, if you've drunk some funny tasting Kool-Aid, or the rabies from the wolf bite has moved to it's final stage and your brains are slowly being broiled in a fevered delerium. To get the level of Atlantics in St.Mary's on one river would need the complete elimination of every other fishery in Lake O. No chinooks, no steelhead, no browns, no lakers, nothing. All to get 40,000 stocking dependent Atlantics in one river system. Do you have proof to support that comment??????? Atlantics spawning successfully in the Great Lakes is nil. Successful adult returns for fish stocked as fry & smolts is nil. The only returning adults in any fishable numbers were stocked as yearlings. The amount of resources it takes to collect, hatch, feed & raise an Atlantic is exponential compared to every other specie currently being stocked. Again so this doesn’t go down some wayward path your proof on the matter above was????? Swim up fry have been evidenced. Please fish the upper Credit and the Atlantic Parr are like vermin they are so plentiful and some financial numbers to back up the latter would be very interesting to see also the vast majority of resources are from free volenteers, OFAH and funding from Australia To get a St.Mary's size of run just in the Credit, would mean an end to every other MNR stocking program on Lake Ontario, for a relatively small off season river fishery, a negligible offshore boat fishery, and a lot of empty water. Honestly where are you getting this information, as its about as false as a cubic zerconia again some proof on that would be an interesting read as well and who’s money is it thats financing that yearling production or the entire program in fact. I will beg to differ as your napkin must have had some beer spilled on it… actual cost is a fraction, and again its not your money or mine but a third parties for the vast majority and leveraged in kind work One needs to digress and look back to how long it took to get the chinook program off the ground, here in Lake O. Like the Atlantics hate the Atlantics regardless sit back all of you and think about how that animal is/can be or might be parlayed to get other work done that might not have been done without its presence or addition to SARA the species at risk legislation. Need an example, Norval dam has been in the process of getting a new fish bypass since it ceased to operate 20 yrs ago, no where close any program currently could have made that happen in any measurable time frame. Atlantics knock on the door and thank you salar a ladder is in the final stages of approval and is scheduled for construction this summer and sooner or later other species will have the opportunity to use it, thats one single example I could think of about 20 sitting here. The various FMP's being written as we speak how are salar opening doors to habitat? Species at Risk funding to do riperian work( money that never would come to any other program ) thanks Mr salar, I can continue to the Atlantic haters what other benefits they are and could potentially hold and lets not talk about the fishery in it, Im only talking the potential millions in a pot to do some great habitat work and who benefits all those other cold water salmonids. Can someone please demonstrate 1 single negative impact the Salar program has had on the Lake Ontario Fishery.....
  4. cooking today outside saw a moth.......bring it....I say
  5. Mike send me an electronic form of the lund decal or the rough dimensions I have a friend who can do this, As for paint , call Lund to get the paint code www.colorite.com you can order the cans directly and should either be OEM or so close no one will know.
  6. its been pretty cold but if you start looking Orlando and somewhat south your gonna do ok......or you could fish the canals for peacock
  7. I remember those days Marvin enjoy them, soon lulu lemon, texting and and pedicures trump it all
  8. buy the loomis you wont regret the rod
  9. and here I was thinking it was my bad gas
  10. hummm I think that I was the sad topic of that exact same situation on a US Steelhead site a few back
  11. Usually I would agree but a total restoration to a bass boat is like a car these days...take apeek at these HTHM its inspirational for sure http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zerothread/...tera-ii-project
  12. put another 1000 in beer and I ll come help
  13. hthm I think the first task is a good cleaning, then a equally through inspection of the transom and potentially a peak at the stringers....I know some have put an aqua view down to peak dunno if its applicable there. If the stringers and transom are rot free....then off you can go and for about 3k you should have a nice restore.
  14. the coiled up wire is more then likely from a 1240 lowrance flasher, that glass work need attention asap. Dont knwo how to say it so here it goes Are you on a ( as little as possible ) budget or a I l spend ??? to get the boat restored
  15. First thing I would do is give the entire boat a cleaning and good degreasing, it makes looking at everything somewhat easier. IMO
  16. every time I have eaten crabs in the last while I think about those guys Marvin what the hell you were a crabber too...dang I gotta hear the story on that one day
  17. sucks its a good show...but drinking 10 redbulls a day and smoking 400 butts aday does have consequences
  18. the plastic is virtually the same arcylic product be in a 200 pair or a 5 pair, its the film that makes it and again my understanding from my brother who is an engineer and makes the very same films that tyhe difference is marginal at best.
  19. good for you Peter Im no officially a non for 761 days I havent inhaled on 30,440 lung darts and have saved a total of $10,958 thanks for making me think about this..good luck
  20. I was thinking the same as I heard a rumour re garmin
  21. co2 is the clsoest I can think in oakville
  22. apperently Lowrance has told its dealers to continue selling its product as this case has no merit, I switched from traditional lowrance products to 2 new humminbirds with down imaging/sidescan the interlink every thing required to network it cost me roughly 2700 as opposed to double that to go to new lorance technology, maybe lowrance knew they are going to have to pay and gaffed the prices...dunno
  23. Dont get me wrong here I have bought dozens of cars over the years, usually I find the car determine its fair price, go to the dealer offer 10% below on a lease and move accordingly I have bought every single car within 20 minutes of a discussion. This go around with no leasing, its cheaper to pay cash for the darn thing, I guess i have some sticker shock.....I will say though that the car business is still in the dark ages with thier approach to direct sales...
  24. Is it June yet...saw a show last night south on the pym it got me stoked beyond belief
  25. funny you mention that I was watching Krupa last night fish for brookies 200k north of the pym and then monster pike and walleyes on the pym IS IT JUNE YET... I think once we all get together we should work out the driving deal, I was thinking about us all chipping in and renting a huge ecoline with 6 seats I think it should cost a few humdred extra but might be worth it
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