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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. I think that any deposit from a single person over 10k has to be reported to ccra, dont quote me but I remember my acct saying that
  2. ohh god Wayne your dead on with the cash not that I ever have any of the real green stuff lyin around I had a friend who buys from the auctions from time to time I thnik I ll go that route seems my 08 f 150 with 11k sells for around 21 to 23k at the auctions
  3. yes its a large dealership Im sure my money is pittence to them, I offered money for the car right then and there, and would take delivery asap....ugly I wish but my boss would have to approve your transaction and .....well...........ahh.......
  4. so my lease is coming due and Im in the market for a truck. I walked into a local car dealer and saw a really nice truck, it had 11,000k on it and its asking price was 27900, I offered 25,000 for it, he told me that left them 1000 profit roughly, I pulled out my credit card and said I ll pay tonight no financing required...the business manager refuesed my offer.... 1000 profit ( Im sure there was a little more though) instant payment and he said nope.............am I missing something
  5. Scugog Boy ontario streams had a PDF file of the Credit River Managment Plan on it that covers what the directives are on the Credit, this document is a template for how various fish are managed on the Credit. Right, wrong or indifferent its the way its managed at this point Currently Chinooks are stopped at the Streetsville Dam due to the plan mentioned above. Personally Id like to see them get up the system and do thier thing, but other watershed groups I think would have extreme issues with that. CRAA will have a directors meeting to discuss projects for 2010 and beyond in a few days actually . We always welcome input from anyone who cares about a fishery www.craa.ca is a great venue to add your perspective desires or post your intention to help the club with its various projects, we always want new members and fresh blood.
  6. Roy Radio world had the 997 for sale for 1395...an incridible deal considering most pro staff were at 1600 or something last year...
  7. Gavin I just updated my humminbird today with the down scan its pretty sweet looking
  8. my wife and I were actually talking about this today, not your post but the making of home made breads...care to share a recipie or 2 they look fantastic
  9. True Craig....shoulda forgone it and hade some beers or wings with you.......At leat I was able to show my wife the merit of upgrading to a larger boat though.....
  10. I went thank god the passes were free as I doubt I would have went otherwise. The only difference was more sham wow type sellers and a noticable absence of bass boats. Triton was represented by Bay city and a few skeeter boats but thats it......other then the newly reduced Z& with a 150 for 24k new. Other then that it really was a dissapointment. Unless your going to buy a wake board for the cottage or are spending 2.4 million on a crusier personally better to save the money for the spring fishing show......
  11. nice comments Doug plumma dont worry its all good fun
  12. those are soem great shots....its a nice piece of water when there are fish in it
  13. All the best for today and Tommorrow
  14. pretty much if its a resident fish its refered as a rainbow trout if its a migratory its a steelhead, there is no difference in the fish for the most part but after a few hundred years theres some different genetics but for the most part its just a different life history where the residnet spends its life in a stream environment and the steelhead is considered a migratory fish living in oceans and migrating to rivers to spawn. There are variations to all of this but for the most part thats it.... Besides Rainbows are pewny things that eat bugs steelhead are hot slick chromers that eat anything
  15. and that is one sad fact
  16. awsome any compete recipies that you care to share
  17. ok is there a specific porpotion of it all
  18. I have come close but no cigar......It cant be that tough as everytime i have fish and chips outside its there......any one got one they want to share....
  19. just a plain ordinary colored up steelhead
  20. nevermind the poll guess which one is from lindsay
  21. I got 50 on the kid from Lindsay
  22. Craig time for another round of beers...
  23. Mike it depends on what you want to sue the reel for, but I would stay away from the quantum with a push pole, get the shimano its well worth it...
  24. good read Craig, too bad they just dont have the tramsoms to hang them off
  25. not to sound strange but the first thing I would do if I had a bonus million right around Christmas would be to make sure that some local famalies had a christmas to celebrate
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