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John Bacon

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Status Replies posted by John Bacon

  1. I can't reply to your post about the Frenchman's Bay boat launch.

    From what I understand, they do plan to eventually re-open the boat launch for small craft.  Unfortunately, there are no plans for any dedicated parking for vehicles with trailers, so it will be of limited use for people with power boats.  Since contruction has already befgun on the site; I doubt that there is any chance of changing things now.  

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Those spots will be gone when contruction is completed (at least according to the plans that I have seen).  There will be parallel parking along the side of the road.  Perhaps you'll get lucky and there will be a spot long enough for a vehicle with trailer.

      My brother-in-law attended some of the meetings for the project.  He did say that most people preferred to just leave the area the way it was.  Unfortunately, that's not what the politicians chose to do.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Looking for a 14-15ft tinny for the oldman, electric start, deep V and stable. Let me know!

  3. Obviously, TLC is not longer The Learning Channel, terrible lifestyle choices or totally lame crap seems appropriate

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      OLN is not really the Outdoor Life Network either.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. This is a much needed rain.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      There were a few drops on the trucks this morning. Not enough to matter.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Anyone know if ice is off frenchmans bay? If I don't wet a line soon I'm going to go mad.

  6. Anyone know if ice is off frenchmans bay? If I don't wet a line soon I'm going to go mad.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      The east side had been open for a while now. The west side was still solid a week and half ago. I haven't been back since.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Lake O might just freeze up! i couldnt imagine setting up the hut out in front of the city skyline, would be so cool

  8. Who was the dim wit at Chef Boyardee that decided it was alright to stop putting the pull top on the mini raviloli cans?? Like come on... you expect me to carry a can opener too. I like to travel light...

  9. Just shook Steve Paikin's hand for all the years at Studio 2 and The Agenda. He was wearing full Leafs attire!!

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Just to be clear my comment was in reference to him wearing full Leaf's attire; not about having to shake your hand. ;-D


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Just noticed gas up to 96.9 just now.Here we go again!!

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Yeah, Barry was about 10 cents cheaper than Toronto last weekend. Maybe they will be up to 96 soon.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Just shook Steve Paikin's hand for all the years at Studio 2 and The Agenda. He was wearing full Leafs attire!!

  12. Its that time of year. The dedicated, online credit card was compromised. Glad I check the balances on line regularly.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      From what I understand, purchasing from small retailers like gas stations and restaurants is more risky than on-line purchases.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hard frost on the car this morning and I let out a big waaahooo...Sharpen up your augers it's gona be a cold winter and good ice. Kinda like when some of us were kids...

  14. Winds gusting to 90 ks off Jordan tonight. yowza

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      There will probably be a bit of chop on the water.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Guess I better get the beacon light out for the toon. It,s some foggy out there this morning.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Yeah, I couldn't see land from the 85' are of Lake Ontario.

  16. Bring on Lady O......again!

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Is that on the south shore? That is way warmer than anything I saw on my graph today.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Bring on Lady O......again!

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Water temps are about 35 deg F according to my Lowrance.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. Stupid fish.LOL

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Did you get skunked? If so, wouldn't that make them smart fish?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. job posting....computer technician must extensive experience in re formating hard drives and destoying incriminating data...please apply in confidence to Kathleen Wynn Liberal Party of Ontario.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Because she was part of his government. I think it would be naive to think she didn't know what was going on.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. Well at least I know why cty rd 6 is closed between the 12th and 13th... Son needs a new car! Some lady was nice enough to stop in the middle of the road and leave her WHITE car there!

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      They should be facing fraud charges if they offer $500 for a $3,500 vehicle.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  21. You don't get a real feel for just how cold -30 is until you experiance it for the first time.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Send it our way. I put the boat away; it is time for hard water fishing.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. Away on a 22 day work stint, apartment got broken into. $2K plus worth of stuff stolen. Am I allowed to break my lease and move? Nope! Laws sure are silly.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      Sorry to hear about that. Is you apartment in Ontario? If so, this may be of interest: http://www.ltb.gov.on.ca/en/Key_Information/STEL02_111482.html

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  23. Wierd theft. Wife left car unlocked. Theif went in,stole about 25 timmie tea bags,petty change and a small ash tray. Left the 25 cd,s.

    1. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      They don't fit their iPods ;-) When I was a teenager kids my age wouldn't have bothered with 8 tracks ;-D

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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