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Everything posted by coreyhkh

  1. Wow awesome shots, I have just taken up photography its confusing but fun. I hope one day I can get pictures like that, What size lens did you use?
  2. We spend way to much on health care, I would rather see more money put in to protecting what little natural spaces we have left. The way the health care and schooling system is now does not work the government just keeps pumping money into it with little effect. In 40 years I don't think there will be much point in living as the world will be pretty much a waste land do to Human greed.
  3. I have cleaned them alive its not very nice, you get blood everywhere.
  4. A catfish you cant kill them, you leave them out of the water for over an hour and they are still alive like nothing happened lol Whats the best way to kill them before cleaning?
  5. I ordered a underwater case with flat lens for underwater. I took some test footage around my house I was impressed with the low light performance. I get the new case and rod extension Tuesday caint wait. this is the one I got http://www.eyeofmine.com/gopro/underwater/
  6. wow that's cool eagles are so cool and smarter then we give them credit for. I have noticed a lot more eagles in London this year they are awesome to see.
  7. Thanks guys I got one today, I had to go all over London to find it.
  8. Hey just wondering if anyone here has a Go Pro camera I am looking at getting one and using it for underwater videos, mounting to my boat for cool shots.
  9. I am sorry for your loss animals are better then people and love unconditionally. People on the other hand are dumber then dirt and think we own the planet.
  10. I was there also and I wanted to get some of the new power pro super-slick, it was sold out, they should bring in extra stock for items.
  11. I tried 4 times and it would not work for me so I just went to Canadian tire.
  12. how big are those.
  13. I would like to catch a large one in the summer and see how the fight, in the cool water I find they have a lot less energy. In the summer in London I catch small channel cats and they have more power then the large 15+ ones I got in the spring.
  14. Seems they have a few things on sale wish they had more though. Like everything in store at least 10% off.
  15. glad everyone is ok, though with the mild weather I would of never been out there.
  16. My first fishing rod was foam I still have it but I would never buy one. Cork all the way.
  17. I am going to try the bags. I don't troll that much and prefer to use my trolling motor, but Its a pain to use when trolling.
  18. Another sign of the end of the world.
  19. What size drift sock should I get would two 18" work? My boat is a 16' deep v.
  20. Thanks guys I am going to get two drift socks. I have limited room in my boat for the buckets.
  21. Hey guys I need a way to slow my boat down I troll to fast with my 90hp. I have looked at those prop plates and drift socks they both seem to have there down sides though, the best way would be a second small engine but that is would take a large chunk of coin. Would drift socks work or would they cause issues. any feed back would be welcome. thanks.
  22. If you go be careful on Sunday I could see open water on Muskoka I heard the other lakes where the same.
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