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Everything posted by dracokaos

  1. Ya, thanks guys. I'm gona make an appointment for the dealership. Cheers
  2. Ya, my first thought was stuff burning off since it was a new truck. But i have 2500km on it and I still notice it. Generally after I've been on the highway and then exit and slow down, it does dissipate after about 2mins. Its hard to describe the smell. I know what burning oil smells like and its definitely not that. It does seem like a burning off smell, but like I mentioned earlier, it still seems to be there. However It does seem to be dissipating somewhat. I'll give it another 500km and see if it disappears. If it does completely disappear for you please let me know. Thanks
  3. Hey there, does anyone with the new dodge ecodiesel have a smell in the cab after you have been driving for a bit? I find it work prevalent after coming off the highway. I think it has to do with the active grill shutters but not sure. Thanks in advance cheers
  4. LMAO.....my wife sat in that truck as well.....then looked at the sticker and told me the big horn would do just fine! oh well, beggers cant be chooser's
  5. I ordered Mid March, they tried to find me one from another dealership but were unsuccssful. I ended up getting it May 22nd. It was actually 10 days early. I have almost 2k on it now. Gas milage continues to get better. I got the BigHorn package. What did you get??
  6. Great trucks eh! I got one last month. Give it a month and it will break in a bit and your mileage gets way better. I'm averaging 9.1l/100km. I do a fair bit of highway driving but the city driving I do is on the middle of Toronto and usually bumper to bumper. I towed my boat today and discovered I get better mileage towing then I did with my 2013 F150 eccoboost on the highway without towing anything! I was a ford guy but I to have gone the way of the dark side Congrats! you will only grow to love it more! Cheers
  7. I was a Ford guy for years but have recently, last month, made the switch to Dodge. I picked up the new Dodge Ecodiesel and love it! Tons of torque to haul the boat around and the gas milage is incredible. I get better gas milage hauling the boat then I used to get with my eccoboost F150. I'm currently averaging 8.9l/100km combined. Nice and big inside to haul the family around and up to the cottage. cheers
  8. So i have to laugh at myself a bit....I picked up my boat from the shop after they fixed my trim issue. I hooked it up and did my circle check. Started driving and things just didn't feel the same. I wasn't sure if its because I haven't towed it in a few months or if something else was wrong. I checked my mirrors and my my trailer tire looked a little low. i was 5 mins from home so I carried on. I was backing into the driveway, which is a slight incline, and my trucked seemed to be working a little harder then I thought it should be, but this is a brand new truck, Dodge Eccodiesel, so I was thinking it was just the new truck and different motor so that was the issue. I parked the boat, and jumped in to plug in the charger for the trolling motor battery. I thought it was a bit weird the floor was a bit wet. So I lifted up the in floor storage and discovered why the drive home felt a little different. The boat was full of water, I completely forgot we had a massive amount of rain yesterday and I didn't give the cover to the shop when I dropped it off. It took almost 30mins to drain it...LOL Not sure why I didn't pull the drain plug before I left the shop. I'm thinking its because I usually don't transport the boat with it in so I forgot it was there in the first place. Anyways, the boat is back at home and working. Cant wait for this weekend bass opener!!! Cheers!
  9. hope everyone is alright...
  10. ya, your right. thats the silver lining! cheers
  11. ya, that is a great deal. Best I've seen lately was close to $500
  12. At the end of the day the new shop, and my new shop now, got the problem fixed. Thats what is important to me. I was definitely upset when i got the boat out of storage and had an issue, for the second year in a row. All is good now and my boat will be home tomorrow or Tuesday. Cheers and hope everyone has a great Fathers Day!
  13. so I just heard from the mechanic. Looks like when my boat was winterized a wire was disconnected from the trim module. Whether it was intentional or by accident it was still careless. This shop really stepped up and solved this issue super fast, and this was the first time I've been there, but I can tell you they have earned me as a customer now. Cheers
  14. I did mention to the service guy that I got my boat at the end of June, not June 9th, I think he made a call to tell them that the motor was pre-registered and should have the warranty coverage until June 29th, not June 9th... I think....I got sidetracked when he said they still couldn't find the problem....
  15. well....the good news is Mercury warranty will cover the work...the bad news is it wasn't the solenoid...now they have to dive deeper into the motor to try and find the problem....still got my fingers crossed it will be done this week so I can fish the tourney I already paid for cheers
  16. Work gave us the monday off so I will be hitting the cottage from Fri afternoon until Tuesday. I still would have taken Monday off vaca if needed. My wife is going to have to use a vaca day for the monday. Hope everyone has a great long weekend!
  17. Oh ya, good point. 2011 Mercury Opti 115. I'm not gona panic, if I miss the tourney then so be it. I just feel bad for my buddy whos fishing with me. He loves it just like I do. I'm more fustrated that my warranty has expired one day. You always here about warranties expiring just as something breaks but this is the first time for me......lol Thanks guys! Cheers
  18. I did try to trace the wires but from the switch on the side of the motor it goes deep into the motor and I couldn't trace without removing all of the housing. The switch on the throttle is behind panelling and there i would also have to take the panelling off. I was hoping the solenoids were going to be somewhere obvious but I couldn't locate them. Thanks for the advice though, I always get awesome advice from this forum! Cheers
  19. So, I'm fishing a tourney on opening bass day. Work has been so busy I haven't had a chance to take the boat for a test drive to make sure everything is in working order (you can probably see where this is going) I park and start preparing to launch it. I try to raise the motor so I can get the outboard motor stabilizer off and nothing. Will not trim up at all. I'm hoping it is just a dead battery so I back it in the water enough to cover the intakes and motor turns over no problem at all. Crap! I yank it out of the water and start looking for loose wires or blown fuse, anything that may make it a quick easy fix. Motor trims down but not up. 2 solenoids I'm thinking. one for up and one for down. I start calling marinas for service. 2 week waiting list just to have it looked at. I find a place that will check it now but they are not Mercury warranty providers. I head home to grab my cover thinking I will drop it off at the non mercury warranty guys only because I have to get it fixed. I decide to check my warranty when i get home. Guess when it expired??????? YESTERDAY! I make another phone call to Lakeview Marine in Port Perry. He says to get it up there asap and he'll squeeze it in so I can fish the tourney. So i'm pissed that the warranty expired yesterday but he says he will see what he can do. I start thinking about when I first picked up my boat and it occurs to me that I signed for and picked up the boat on my birthday, it was my present to myself a few years ago. My birthday is in 3 weeks! The marina I bought from pre-registered my boat and my warranty started on that day. Hopefully this isn't going to be a issue, but with my luck I'm sure I have a fight on my hands. fingers crossed its a small problem and it gets covered
  20. try fish4charity.com Its held on Lake Scugog on opening day 125$ per 2 man boat. I've fished it the last few years and its a good time.. cheers
  21. does your trailer have brakes?
  22. Hey T Bone, I dont know North Bay but I have a cottage just North of Huntsville which is about 90mins south from North Bay. I always use Big Daddy's Fresh Meats. Meat is always awesome. Never had an issue. You can also call and place orders. I highly reconmend them Cheers
  23. i vote we ban him from posting unless he shares his spot! lol Must be nice, always been a dream of mine to live on a lake cheers
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