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Everything posted by manitoubass2

  1. Love the nod from boxcutter to big pun(RIP)
  2. Glad you like it! Its a great tool for me at work or fishing. It tells me almost exactly when its gonna rain etc. So that helps me pack up my equipment in time.
  3. Is the leafs/carolina game televised tonight?(on a canadian channel)
  4. Another for weather underground or wunderground app. Most accurate in my area by a longshot
  5. Your the man bruce!!! Amazing
  6. 99.9% of politicians This is what happens when corporate mates with government. Back door dealings are a fact. Shes only apologizing in just. Its not sincere. She is set, and im sure alot of her family/friends/political ties are as well. That being said, I must be a distant relative?(please dont kill me) Im the only person I know that has a reasonable, even cheap bill(knock on wood) *I pay about $170-210 per month AND I HAVE 10 PEOPLE LIVING IN MY HOUSE
  7. Nah man. Although it will work on occasion, your cell phones GPS is not reliable and its downright dangerous to depend on. That and running navionics app on your phone the battery is toast in a few hours at best
  8. Nice! Donations already comin in from OFC members (thank youse) and some sponsors lined up today!!!
  9. Pull down pants, cuff, bendover cough No vaseline and no permission
  10. Oh please jump on this!!!! What better way to introduce him to fishing than Lake of the Woods???
  11. Tinfoil hat. Sorry, had to say it.
  12. I can write a full page... Ill just say this. Can I join???
  13. Turn it harder and make it here!!!
  14. This is amazing!!!! Lets get this going for sure!!!!
  15. Yeah I spose
  16. Ok here goes. First and foremost thank you to everyone that has reached out!!! Amazing folks! Truly appreciated! Any and all donations are accepted! Its truly up to the individual(money, gear, clothing, or personal service ie Limey) With cash donations please pm me or email me at [email protected] so I can provide receipts to your generous offers! Now to the event info Here is the original poster of the first year. The first year was held on Rainy River at Rainy River Forst Nations. Due to unsafe ice the event was cancelled the next 2 years. The event is being moved Lake of the woods for a few reasons... 1. It was Elvis's plan before he passed 2. Garaunteed safe ice 3. Better winter fishing 4. Easier accomodatios 5. Ability to hold a larger attendance Here is a picture of the general area, and fishing boundries(loosely) defined by black circle. This is located by Morson Ontario if you wish to view on a map. Its north of sleeman ontario. Its a drive to spot minutes from mainland(morson,big grassy reservation, big island reservation) There is an ice road for easy accessibilty and nearby gas and amenities We will also be providing transport of people and gear for those with no vehicle. Pop up shelters, 4 wheelers, gators, constructed ice huts are perfectly fine. We will predrill holes based on the number of tickets sold. But, augers are permitted to drill where you please withing the (yet to be determined) boundries. Three weighing locations will be available. One central, one west and one north. Also porto potties. The fishing starts at 11am, ends at 5 sharp. Then the awards cerimony takes place at the big grassy gym along with potluck dinner. We also do the pennie table events and 50/50 draw at this point. Then the Nighthawk band performs until 9-10pm. Alcohol is prohibited (elvis was a drug and alcohol counsellor so please just be respectful) (im not gonna bar someone for sipping a mickey, but please be respectful, get drunk and our not gonna be welcome back) Ticket prices are yet to be set but will range between 20-30 bucks/ less for youth We have numerous categories split between adults and youth. Yourh division is 0-16 years old. Adult 17 and up Categories are 1st walleye Biggest walleye(by measurement) Biggest northern pike (by measurement) Must have valid fishing license. Pending the amount of sponsors, preciously we had every angler leave with a prize, and I hope to continue that, but it will be pending. Livebait is allowed and so are barbed hooks as per MNR regulations. Please bring tobacco as an offerimg if possible. Im not enforcing it, its just respectful as for the traditionally families and area. All thats needed is a pinch(half a cigarette) Ill add more as I can. And any suggestioms are extremely welcome!!!
  17. Doh!!!! I was just there???? Ughhh I got the wife a winter jacket retail $179 on sale for $49. And new work bibs, reg. $179 on sale for $74 I shoulda looked around more, woulda bought this in a heartbeat
  18. As dutch said. I enjoyed it. Not every report needs 8 thousand pictures and 10 page write up. I seen a nice fish, a canoe, nice weather and a happy angler... 10/10 in my book?
  19. Geez!!! Awesome replies guys! I hot a few things to do then ill address ideas. Ill also give map info and detailed events of the day because its not just fishing! Many thanks!!! Rick
  20. Lol. Walmart is 25km away February here isnt really any colder than where you are I dont think? Unless its a cold front Id guess -15 to -20 ish. 3 years ago it was like -7. The slush was hard to deal with. We used a gator with tracks to weight fish. This time around were gonna do a central weigh/release station(s) Imagine the cost and timing issues of a GTG on LOTWs? ??? It would be epic, and epic expensive
  21. As in youll guide? If thats the case that would be amazing! Only issue I could think of was the tourist anglers we got. A few showed up from as far as 500km away(statesside I believe) If I coud work that out with ya that would be an awesome prize on your part Simon!
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