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Everything posted by manitoubass2

  1. Hit or Miss for me but that's basically all lures. I mainly use them through the ice. The past 2 seasons im pretty much ice fishing Northland buckshot spoons exclusively. Tipped with a shiner they basically catch everything. Love those spoons
  2. Hahaha what the hell? Looks like a midevil torture device
  3. I used to be on a forum where this one dood made lures with real fish skin such as sturgeon. I can't remember the price, but it was insane! Mind you the lures looked INCREDIBLE! I think he was from Sweden??? I'd probably cry if I lost $100 lure
  4. $22 I'll rarely go over $10 But I mainly fish bass, walleye, crappie, perch and pike
  5. I honestly have no clue??? Maybe the barometric pressure is felt by baitfish? Small airbladders leaving them more boyant and in shock that presents a prime feeding time for larger game fish???
  6. Lol, that was the trip to the Sutton too wasn't it?
  7. Yep! I only use the web as a guide. Buy local where I can see the products(for me that means Winnipeg lol. Check out that broilking unit though. I've used my dad's and it's awesome! Can't speak on longevity as he just got it last summer, but it's built well. No chinsy parts, cooks as even as possible, no flare ups, and if I remember correctly it's a 40". I think it retails around $1200 ish which is not bad at all. I hardly use our oven lol. Between the BBQ and crock pot, the oven is basically just used for sauces/side dishes if needed Why cook inside when you can cook outside?
  8. Already crossed off firing a 12 gauge near Mike's head lol
  9. I hear ya! I do have a chinsy unit from Walmart that I just use for hotdogs etc, but it's basically destroyed from a storm a year or two back lol I def. Don't mind paying top dollar for a great grill. I too BBQ at least 150 days per year. Those cheap units can't handle the volume, or they heat uneven or whatever. Not worth the hassle unless you just cook hotdogs or burgers. When you find the one, let us know what ya got!
  10. Sounds plausable. But ask anyone who spends alot of time on the water what the bite is like 30 mins before a storm hits? Lol Weather it's barometric pressure or not, there is something about it that turns on a frantic feed
  11. Bummer. They have a model that's around your price range and it's really nice! I think it's called the BLZ 5 LP I shopped around on a site called BBQ guys.com Lotsa nice grills on there and reviews too
  12. Have you looked at Blaze BBQs? Or the broil king regal s590 is another great propane grill(after my pops bought one and seeing how great it is, im getting one myself)
  13. Why does a BBQ need Wi-Fi? Lol
  14. That's something I'd like to know. I've caught a few pike with either another pike in it's mouth, a walleye or a sucker. And you can see that it's been in there for what I'd assume a few days, and the fish are hardly breaking down. My guess is it take a month roughly to break down
  15. Online or in any fishing/hunting magazine http://canadianangling.com/lunar-tables-4/
  16. I had already cleaned the terminals as they had a tad bit of rust developing. Never had a battery issue till now and it's for an obvious reason lol, but yeah I think im gonna change it this weekend anyhow OI I have that same booster. But like mentioned it wasn't recognizing the battery it was too low. I checked it on two other vehicles just to make sure and the booster is fine.
  17. Hahaha I was waiting for roloff to actually get one!!! You talk to your pup like a human, same way I do and people look at me like im crazy hahaha Nice outing Simon, looks like wabigoon is a lil low this year?
  18. Exactly what it was, thanks!
  19. That call was brutal. Look where the ref was, basically in the corner behind the net. Of course he had no view of the puck, he was in horrible position. I realize they are human and make mistakes, but that call was REALLY BAD. And shout-out to the Nashville fans. Aside from the stupid catfish thing, wow did they rally around their team! Matt, did you notice the pens fans sell out the building in Pitts just to watch the jumbo Tron? ?????
  20. Hmmm, I missed something The booster shows it's hooked up correct and the battery on the vehicle is low. But the charging light is not on??? So im in search of another vehicle to boost and test the booster itself
  21. I haven't met a pilot yet that didn't appreciate some deer or moose jerky
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