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Status Updates posted by manitoubass2

  1. go to the chat room schmucks

  2. mainville waleye and pike here we come!!!!!!

  3. heading off for some spiritual enlightenment see ya in a few months OFCers

    1. BillM


      Don't hit the bong too hard :)

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      All the best!!!Rick.

  4. humbled by the mighty rainy river. many sturgeon and no walleyes bummer

    1. esoxansteel


      say hi to red gut bay for me

  5. holy mang is it windy on the river today! gusting at 43km/h!!!

    1. irishfield


      Similar down here.. was fun hovering into the wind today!


  6. open water!!! walter hunting in the am!!!!

    1. spincast


      got some down here, might be a bit of a hike for ya tho

    2. manitoubass2


      Lol. My spot is open, launch is clear. 20 minutes away man. Gear is already loaded. Lets hope the bite is on!!!

  7. First ice trip of the year cancelled for safety reasons bummer

  8. Plans are made :) see you on friday limey. Hi ho hi ho, its off to plow i go

  9. Well plans are half made to hit the ice friday. Just gotta pick a time to meet up ;)

    1. Christopheraaron


      Need lengthy report with lots and lots of pics! Good luck!

  10. UGGGH, last day for walleye for the next month. Booooo

  11. yesterday was my first day on the softwater! Man was it fun!

    1. TJQ


      Are you in mexico??


  12. off to Falcon Lake derby!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johnnyb


      Dude that's amazing....have fun! And get back on Twitter!!

    3. manitoubass2


      thanks guys, but we had a horrible day. conditions were brutal. I picked a good spot, sinning fish came but 20 feet from me at 12lbs. and johnnyb, you got it dood!

    4. manitoubass2


      *winning, lol. was an absolute awesome derby though, top notch and alot of fun!

  13. no more reports from me, damned.... Still love this site though :)

    1. limeyangler
    2. Marko


      Exactly ..what?

    3. irishfield


      Another bitten by the 100 to 1 comment ratio of NF to Fishing posts!

  14. lake of the woods tomorrow and monday! Hell yes!!!!

  15. 2 small entries for team 3!

    1. FisherJuli


      Way to go!! Small is better than none!!

  16. Have a good ice season guys and gals!

  17. Just said goodbye to one of my best friends on this earth. Sucks hard. but we are dancing the night away in his honour!!!! Love ya James!

  18. Really liking the new layout! Good job guys!!!!

    1. sinclair


      This is my favourite new feature!

  19. Idle No More gathering tomorrow! Looking forward to it!

  20. thanks for the job props TJ! Always appreciated!!!!

  21. I love that handle duude, thats awesome!!!

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