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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. NO. Grimsby I don't / (kidd/kidding) When I go fishing I target 1 fish or type of fish. I do not throw lures that are in the 2-3inch range for out of season fish during their spawn cycle or whatever I pitch 5-8" lures for big pike... I also know when and where the fish are.(I think) Based on 40yrs of fishing along with the experience of endless days of fishing. And yes......... I can fish of any type that I listed plus more with success . But I stay within the rules. And staying within the rules is what this thread is all about? Don.
  2. So I guess you don't want your canoe back? It works great.. Don. Thanks the kids love it.
  3. Calm down . If you miss one its no big deal... Get it fixed properly and carry on. If you don't know what is wrong. DON'T PANNIC......(It only leads to more problems) Chill out and fix the problem... Don.
  4. Lets just step back for a second. Fishing OOS fish in Canada is illegal . Whether its for herring on Simcoe /bass on a back lakes /musky/walleye /lacers/whiteys/pike Or any thing else you want to fish for the plain fact is that if you have any knowledge you set up your gear for the fish you are seeking.? Given that. It becomes imperative to set your gear up in order to TARGET whatever species your fishing for.... As it states in the regs..... MNR looks for that..... So the Key may lie in education? Or what about a graduated licence?? Start as 1 of any species and go from there? I have fished since I was 4 yrs old I am 48 at the end of June I would pass any test no problem.... As for taking things into your own hands go for it . But educate them instead of threaten them....? Canada has fought hard for conservation over the past 30yrs ..... RESPECT IT.... Don.. If you choose to ignore what responsible ANGLERS respect . THEN SHAME ON YOU. KISS IT............
  5. Should have called me. I was bored out of my mind by 7am today. But Marks Work Ware house has some good deals for fathers day.40-60% off shoes /boots and clothing. Kinda like fishing. ya never know when . luck goes your way.... Don.
  6. Cool but I wont be musky fishing. I will be going after pike or bass. Got a good feeling this year. Good luck. Knock em out. Don.
  7. GbayGiant and I should go fishing.. Big baits....=Big fish................ Don..
  8. Go away. Don.
  9. In a tube shallow water?
  10. Thinking I want to go for a river walk tomoro...North of hwy89..

    1. misfish


      How did ya make out Don?

  11. Are they allowed to carry a gun in Canada when fishing?? I don't think so? And yes bass fishing does teach you how to target kinda like hunting. Hunting for fish??? Or hunting for deer??? Different methods/tools same goal..... (catch and release is the only difference) Respect that... Don.
  12. I guess a kayak is out of the question?
  13. The US has a longer spawning season and warmer water. Canada has a very short spawn with regards to bass. As far as the US go for it. Be happy with 1-2 pound bass .. I like the 4-6 pounders. Northern states love their bass but a year round open season will be their own demise. Here in Canada just leave them be and let them do their thing. If we put to much pressure on the fish there wont be any left or we will run into the same problem that most land locked lakes face . Such as Nipissing and their wally problem? (no bigger than a Simcoe perch)??? Fish them to hard then who are you to complain???? (not to say Nipissing is the only lake) Don.
  14. Please feel free to correct me but most of the sport fish spawn and leave their eggs to fend for themselves.? Bass defend their bed until the fry can fend for themselves? What these idiots don't realise is when they pull a bass off the bed bait fish /sun fish/rock bass and anything else will move in instantly and eat the eggs or fry... This kills off a whole generation .. Thus limiting the ability of future generations to spawn and limiting your own chances of catching a trophy bass.. Morons . As stated in the topic tittle you guys are IDIOTS ..... Don. Responsible anglers know ....
  15. OK lets try this . You cant fish any lake until the fish have finished bedding/spawning? Ice out to bass opener????? What do you think about that????
  16. I would think that educating these people as to the negative effects of pulling bass off beds might go a long way . I think allot of people miss the point that you must target a particular fish when others are out of season that means not encroaching on fish that are spawning or pre spawn. What these people don't know or care about is that they have all but ruined that fishes yearly reproduction cycle. Thus giving themselves as well as other responsible anglers less opportunities in the future .. I have long been an advocator of fishing courses or at the very least a written or on line test in order to get a fishing licence. Case in point. I work with some one who is educated and has purchased a fishing licence last week and he was raring to go. So I asked him a few basic questions after talking to him and I was wondering (in my head) why this was such a big deal? As it turns out he had absolutely NO idea of the regulations and I sent his head spinning to the point that he either gets his hands on the regs or he is afraid to go out in fear that he is doing something wrong. Education is the only way ... As for the wall of shame cool idea. This could probably work if we all talk to our local bait & tackle stores and who knows OFC might jump on in? Don.
  18. Bigbuck hit it rite on the head. I would rather be told what needs to be done rather than having some spoiled brat blowing unrealistic smoke up my butt... With the state of our over whelming social system and sense of entitlement that runs rampant among most of the baby boomers as well as their kids and now their grandchildren its no wonder this country is on the verge of bankruptcy. Now that I am into my late 40's I find myself looking for a person that has the long term vision and fortitude to stick to their guns. I would like to see another group of politicians such as . Pierre Trudeau Rene Levesque Mike Harris Brian Mulroney At least they had a vision and the guts to stick to their guns. Any one else running for office of the kind of caliber??? I don't believe so. Nothing but a bunch of brats.... Its pretty sad.... Don. Ps Go Chicago
  19. Now the (abs) get put in their place.......
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