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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Too funny!!!!!! I have fished for the better part of 40 yrs so I certainly don't need any schooling from anyone here on the finer points of conservation, regulations, yada yada yada. I can assure you. I have been forever preaching moderation to family and friends and anyone else that cared to and even those that didn't care to listen. CO's, Biologists and others of that ilk that work in the system do a masterful job with what little resources they have been given as well as the countless hours filled in by volunteers. I tip my hat to the whole lot. Its the brain dead Mother FRS at the top and their minions that I have a growing disdain and passionate hatred for. They have taken our, your, my money for years and have done nothing but confuse issues. Had a look at a ramp lately, driven down pothole riddled roads and noticed the vanishing access to everywhere as well as dwindling fish stocks??????Thats the REAL WORLD!!! All they do is take, steal, pilfer your money, rejig a few words and "NOTHING" else, and that is supposed to make you fall in line and listen to what the no-nothings have to say? No thanks. I can legally catch limit day after day, gift hundreds of them all away and if I stop for lunch and eat one or two I cannot catch more to fill my bag limit? Are we all living on the same planet? WOW!!! They must be mailing the Kool-Aid now. Up until a couple of years ago it was a rarity when I kept my catch, let alone limits but as I get older I am enjoying the catch as well as the whole experience more completely than ever before and for that I must follow every single, solitary rule to the absolute letter? Those of you that want to follow each other down the kill chute, can, as well as pile onto guys like me when I pinch ya a lil. Either way, I'm going to enjoy my shore lunch... and y'all can enjoy all day KinderCare , another farce that your sport was sacrificed for. IMO. Any help anyone, including experts, clubs and federations and the like gives this GOVT in particular is the wrong approach. They don't deserve it. HOOKED! Thanks man. I get it. Just ain't into swallowin bro. SEBASTIAN.
  2. Read the Regs??? Exactly my point !! (The Regs) are full of holes and riddled with non sensical bull, and to think they pay these public sector lightweights money they'd never earn in the real world. I'm all for conserving our resources but until those who govern us step up and give fair value for what they take from us I guess I'll just have to keep on having shore lunches. Not my idea but its certainly something I can sink my teeth into.
  3. I couldn't resist. Is this a serious comment? Don't tell my some Governmental Imbecile thought this up all by him/her self. An angler catches a limit of fish and eats 2 for lunch. Am I to understand that said angler is not allowed to catch 2 more to fill his/her limit? The fish have been consumed therefore allowing an angler to fill the limit again. Basic math, no? Illogical to say the least, but nothing new.
  4. Banks, Automakers, Investment houses, Lobbies, Governmental Dept and Ministry Fiasco's , etc.........I could go on and on!!! White Collar Crime !! Its a shame really. The last GM jobs Dalton helped usher in were a token because the ones they recently sent to Detroit were slated to be chopped during that said ushering. I am totally against any private entity bailout at the expense of the taxpayers simply because it isn't any Governments money to take. If I take money that isn't mine, without asking its rightful owner, it is considered "STEALING!!!!!!!!!" The more important and disturbing fact is that no lawmaker in North America has even batted an eyelash. Oh they might talk a good game of pomp and circumstance but that's just what it is.Would the same luxury be afforded to U and I? Highly unlikely. I ask the most important question I can think of. "What am I, or better yet, WE, going to do about it? It is really simple. Push Back. With the collective power WE all share as "One", WE can change a way of thinking and in turn build a better future. Cause after all, we are all just visitors here and how would we like it if someone left us this mess of an inheritance ? It might be time we pushed back a bit before we are summarily thrown from the cliff. Just my .02c. Taxes in. Moxie.
  5. Something will happen somewhere, sooner or later. When shes good and ready, Mother Earth will shake us off like fleas off a dog . Until then by all means enjoy the fresh tire change.
  6. I often remind my kids how lucky they are to have grown up with their grandparents in their lives . Perspectives from generations past for sure. Enjoy the time you have with him Mike and be sure to tell him we say "hello".
  7. Friends of the family have recently purchased a small cabin in the woods in the Arden area and we have been invited for the Canada Day long weekend. Since they are as unfamiliar with the area as I am I was wondering if anyone on the Board has any knowledge of the area as far as which lakes to access and how accessible the access. They are situated close to Buck Lake and my Rig is a 16ft Crestliner. I realize I've asked for enough already but any info above and beyond the access would be greatly appreciated as well. Thank you.
  8. Greed is one of the elements that is going to drive humanity into the ground. Everyone needs Gasoline so staying home or rotating boycotts will likely fail because you will eventually need it. Governments throw good money after bad all the time, but instead of Peemier Mc Dolty pissing a couple of generations worth of funds building Sunflowers and Pinwheels for the last 2 years we could have built a refinery, natural gas fired generators, waste management incinerators, upgraded power grids. I've got a feeling gas prices will be the the least of our worries in the not too distant future.
  9. They would be fined once off the ice. I understand it is impossible to legislate stupid but just imagine a Rescuer making the ultimate sacrifice in this scenario . What then? We all make mistakes and things happen at an accelerated rate on the water but given the circumstances this year it was an idiot move for sure. They should have gone tomorrow, maybe even break out the shorts.
  10. Everything has been said. IMO there should be a small fine of maybe... $1000 each to help cover the cost and effort of the rescue but more importantly to give it a higher visibility since being rescued will probably just give them and others the idea that there will always be someone to pull our dumb asses out of harms way when we make bad decisions.
  11. Ya!!! Lets Fire Wilson!!! WOW !!!! Really??? Another knee jerk reaction in the never ending list of knee jerk reactions. Silly Leaf Fans. Unlikely to happen but I hope they go 0-Fer the rest of the way just to hear what the next magic cure is. Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
  12. I will agree Rick Nash would be a great addition to any team. As far as the Salary Cap goes MLSE has thrown good money after bad for years and it has been an utter embarrassment . IMO the primary reason so many teams are thriving and are still in the hunt for a playoff spot this late in the season is that the three point game has watered down much of the competition in order to keep the American fans interested and hopeful. This might be due to the fact that Gargoyle Bettman still believes that he can fool Americans that only see snow and ice on television into choosing hockey over the NFL, NBA and MLB, not to mention the equivalent sports at the College level. Just my three cents. Ps. Dale Talon Built the Hawks into a Championship Team and if Panthers ownership is patient and willing to pony up he is well on his way to building another Contender in Florida. Both those teams recently beat the Leafs on back to back nights.
  13. I do have to admit they played better last night and if Chicago would have forfeited the game after the first period they" might" have had a chance. NOT!!!!! Three unanswered goals? I'm guessing Chicago is gearing up for the playoffs and just wanted to practice coming from behind? It's possible isn't it? Is anyone having as much fun as I am??? Next in line is the Habs who have basically given up the ghost this year and are just plain awful but given the Century old Rivalry these two team share doesn't mean it will be easy by any stretch. Stay Tuned!!!
  14. I hear you Grimace. That was an interesting time for Depraved Leaf Fans but in the end there wasn't one single cup to show for it. Not a one. So I can't give Stevo his due cause he didn't get the do done. 45 years and counting.....tick.....tok.....tick.....tok.....hehehe.
  15. Heres a Stat: 1968-2012: NO STANLEY CUPS
  16. The whole organization has pretty much sucked for 40+ yrs. Four decades of Doom. Harold Ballard , Steve Stavro , and who can forget the latest Champions of Mediocrity: The Teachers Union. I won't even begin to list the many unfit GMs' and Coaches that have done the Owners bidding during that time frame. The head on this snake has stunk up and infected an entire city for a very long time and it is sure to continue with the next addition of ownership to be shared by two media adversaries that have never avoided pissing on each other at every opportunity. Hang on for the ride Leaf Fans because if you thought this was the bottom you are about to be introduced to a few more levels of hell.........LMAO!!!!!!! Ps. Need to up my post count and couldn't pass up this opportunity. They really are a lost cause though.
  17. Crack Pipe? Sandwich? ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Must be the misguided lashing out. Anyone who continues to follow this mess will be in dire straights soon because once the OXY's are banned in Ontario there won't be anything remotely strong enough to take away the pain. Even if they make the playoffs, what then? Crack Pipe?........LOL!!!!!!!! Edited because I dropped my Crack Pipe on the keyboard......lolololololol!!!!!Whew!!!!
  18. Everyone has the magic answer and heres mine. The entire franchise needs to be retired. Most Leafs fans are just that, Leaf fans. There are 29 other teams in the Bigs and in any of those arenas the fans don't show unless there is something to show for. I was a Leaf fan years back but grew up and became a hockey fan instead. On nights they play I make a crapload of Popcorn, get comfy in my favorite evening wear and watch only to cheer on the opposing teams, and on most nights for the past 20 years I wait for the collective agonizing moans and groans from their loyal but mostly misguided faithful. The circus ain't coming to town anytime soon and you know why? It never left.....hehehehehe. GO LAUGHS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Six more weeks? Its no wonder with the lack of winter in Southern Ontario that most of us are starting to climb the walls at this point. The worst should be behind us. Anyone for Groundhog Stew?
  20. Edited because emotion kept me from making sense. I have always had the belief that some of us are put on this earth to remind the rest of us what life should be about( Courage, strength, tenacity, hope, dedication, etc..... They truly make everyone around them better. Some people might refer to them as Guardian angels and others as Heros . Either way, they are simply the very best of us. Best regards and thank you for sharing. moxie.
  21. Very tragic. Deepest sympathies for your family.
  22. Good to hear. Justice comes in many forms. Moxie.
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