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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Wish it were that easy Joey. Peoples' bellies are full at the moment. We'll see how they feel when they start to experience hunger pains. By then it might be too late and of little consequence to initiate change.
  2. Hot eh? lol. More like poke my eyes out with a hot stick.
  3. I feel your pain but its the action that speaks volumes. Utter decimation of this party is necessary along with a continued onslaught when the new sheriff in town wanders off the path set out for them by "US". A mass rally when they get out of hand wouldn't hurt either. We have the ultimate power. We just have to demonstrate our willingness to use it. All depends on who we want to blame when our kids ask us why things are the way they are. We giveth and we can taketh away.
  4. Had to chime in. Accompanied a friend to Cambridge this afternoon so I could drive back a vehicle he had purchased and while I was sitting in a local establishment enjoying a veal sandwich all that could be heard was the owner, staff and a patron complaining(with much fervor) about the leafs and how to make them better. The infection and rot brought on by years of neglect and incompetence is far worse than I could have ever imagine. Almost spit out my food at one point while trying to contain my laughter. Silly leaf fans, hockey is for real teams.
  5. Hehehehe. Winters' last hurrah. I hope..........
  6. I don't mind the brother in law thing but come out ahead of it instead of allowing the optics to write the narrative. A continuation of the flagrant disregard for you, me and the rest of us. A big ole' screw you with a middle finger salute to the blood, sweat and tears they take from us day in and day out and just throw away to their friends and others lined up on that kickback convoy that has followed this group of thieves around for the last decade. Tim Hudak might have spoken out of term but I would dare her to take any action on any of the nasty E-mails I have and keep sending to her and a couple of her incompetent ministers week in and week out. I'd love for her to make a martyr of me. I double dare her in fact. I wonder how that would go over with my fellow Ontarians. I wonder if they would stand behind a sacrificial lamb, show some spine and finally show the size of cahones needed to make an example of this group and put future politicos with a similar aspiration to lead what is expected.....no, demanded of them on notice if they choose to be honoured enough to lead us, the people. Until then we continue to read the headlines, listen to sound bytes and banter back and forth while they figure out how to retain power so they can continue getting away with the utter destruction of our province. The campaign promises made to us with our own money drive me crazy. We don't even flinch. Why does this happen? Are sports, selfies and you tube vids more important than our future? If so that is a damn shame. Opprtunities lost folks. I bet they're having a laugh at our expense while huddled around a campfire that is kept lit by them throwing our hard earned money onto it. Come get me Kathleen. Bet you mine are bigger than yours. Not by much but still bigger. Edited cause I simply lose my mind when I write about these dogs!!!!!!!!
  7. lol. Comical indeed but he's definately thinkin inside the box . If not for sex the internet would never have become the great expansive dimension it is today.
  8. Used a 9'6" Fenwick Legacy paired with a Shimano Solstace for years and held more than my own against the rest of the gear others were packing which says more about the angler. Schooled quite a few drifters while shoulder to shoulder picking apart the same seam of water with that 9.6. Much easier travel through the bush and hit fewer branches overhead when fish came loose. But that was when the creeks and river banks out this way were owned by tree canopies. With streams becoming more devoid of trees and wider ,a longer stick would make more sense.
  9. Spring has truly sprung. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Use one now with a 2 stroke 50 and haven't had an issue yet. A tip from a friend if you choose this option is to cut out a notch between fully open and fully closed which will allow you to slow it down to a crawl and still offer you decent steering control in the wind. Edit: The price tag and added weight of the kicker made it an easy decision for me.
  11. Only if it were an electric campfire. Did I mention I am no longer allowed to be in possession of any combustible materials? Stipulated as part of my parole conditions.
  12. hehehehe. No worries. I was just thinking out loud again.
  13. How about they were tied up and forced to eat the roe and raw meat until they stopped moving? No need to waste dollars housing them in a corrections spa or need to revoke fishing privileges or worry about them being a party to such endeavours again.
  14. I have a rather wicked sense of humor and see good in most things but I am also a realist and make no apoligies for that point of view. I can see where you would be skeptical concerning my state of mind and I understand and respect that. I am not fooled by mirages placed in front of me and see right through such clutter as I know most others do but not nearly enough find the nerve to question. The world should and could be a better place but I'm afraid that as long as there are those who are in it for themselves and continue to lead others along that garden path the future is doomed for failure. Anytime Wayne and thanks. I'd also love the opportunity to fish with premier Wynne. If for nothing else but to use her as an anchor once we find a honey hole.
  15. Way to pop that cherry. Continued success to you.
  16. Ice is gone and so is cable. No time to waste on over paid atheletes playing games in the overly hyped fantasy land called sport. Time to go fishing. Note to leaf fans. Find a new hobby cause its gonna be a long while till you see something resembling anything other than mediocrity. hehehehehehe............
  17. Take a look around. More borrowed money across the globe than ever before and lots of it. Rising prices for everything, falling standards of living, dwindling wildlife and other food stocks, over population............ Take your pick.
  18. lol....... Those guys ain't spawned in ages Wayne.
  19. Great idea. No catch and release. Shut it down. Add more lakes to the list. Maybe actions like this will be enough to get the ball rolling towards marching to Govt offices somewhere and demanding an explaination as to where the hell all the money we pony up is going cause it sure ain't helping our fisheries.
  20. Capitalism at its worst.
  21. Can't beat that action. Nicely done.
  22. LOL!!!!!!! Nice one. Watch out cause now that they have Shanahan overseeing things the cup all but belongs to the leafs and their deprived fans next season. Another boneheaded move by an organization filled with boneheads.LOL!!!!!!
  23. Lack of proper nutrition and excersise are key. A neighbour of ours lived almost 8 years with an inoperable brain tumor that would have taken a person of average health to the grave in the customary 6-10 months. You care to know why? He ate as healthy as he could and rode his bike and walked counltess kms. Doctors were amazed. We are all going to die. Depends on whether you want to cash your chips earlier or later.
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