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Everything posted by moxie

  1. What happened on 9/11 wasnt deserved but it was and inevitable result of a foreign policy that had run amok and became little more than a self serving excersize. My reference was to how quick the US govt was to throw whatever evidence they could at the UN to get their blessing and storm in there, turn upside down a place that the "Tyrant" had firmly under control then dust themselves off and leave without implementing the proper tools in place and make sure the transitional force stayed as long as needed. They are directly responsible for the spawn of this band of misfits reigning terror worldwide. Its not my opinion either its just the way it is.
  2. The answer is in your question. "Nothing". Let the US govt figure out the GD mess they created. Canada always steps up and rerely does nothing. Build a camp over there and staff it. Hell even service it with a Tim Horton kiosk. Keep it over there.
  3. Wrong. You forget about everyone else?? Besides if you do believe we've caused enough damage as has been said by some , what the hell makes anyone think we can stop it let alone reverse it ? We are only human and give ourselves too much credit. As far as JT & Uncle Kate go? We won't have two nickles to rub together or a pot to piss in once these Socialists are done with us. Many thanks to PSWs', whiny Millenials and The Great Unwashed.
  4. I told you guys this KID was bad news.
  5. Liberals don't do anything for under a Billion. Many thanks to PSWs', Whiny Millenials and The Great Unwashed.
  6. My son is a Blackhawk fan and my daughter is a Pens fan so they'll be just fine. As for those who's kids are leaf fans,oh well,I guess the world needs some of those poor louts.
  7. My daughter and I went to a friend's house today and we baked more than 200 cookies for a boys youth group in Peterborough and will be driving up there with cookies among other goodies sometime next week. Oh that doesnt include the more than seventeen thousand in taxes I have paid this year to date with more than a month yet to go which should go to the charity at home ? But then again you probably already knew that.
  8. Damn straight! I am my brothers keeper but the last time I checked charity still began at home.
  9. Pretty gutsy changing gears but you at least have to like what you do. Good luck.
  10. If it was an educator( as thet refer to themselves) shake it off. Most aren't very bright.
  11. Just musing. French police raided a suspected safe house and killed a couple maggots. One of them was a woman wearing a vest and she blowed up real good . My question is does a female get the same amount of virgins?
  12. These millenial pukes see fractions as a weakness but a united front acting with extreme prejudice would leave little doubt. Wish Stephen Harper still held the reigns instead of this bleeding heart rookie. "Watch me?" I'm watchin' and all i see is a boat in a storm with no rudder. Just as i expected.
  13. Not our fight huh? Lets not kid ourselves. The fight will eventually find us. It is inevitable.
  14. I hear ya and im willing to compromise. Winter can start as long as it's outta here by Feb 1st
  15. People still watch that crap?
  16. This has nothing to do with religion. Its about power and it seems fear is the easiest way to attain it.
  17. Send it back!!!! Winter is for kids and those who still think they are.
  18. Very impressive!!! He said so much and so little at the same time.
  19. The west is reaping what it has sown for decades. Cant wait to hear what they've written down for Prime Minister "Drama Queen " to regurgitate.
  20. A "Dick Supreme" move for sure. Last spring while trolling the mouth of the Napanee river a boat crossed our path forcing us to stop. Thats all the motivation i needed to cast my bottom bouncer rigged harness right across a couple of lines. I apologized and let him know id untangle it so he lets his line out and instead of untangleing it i just snipped the lure off and sent the limp line back. That Live Target Smelt looked brand new. Would have rather caught his prop and left a few yards of braid on it but the lure will have to suffice.
  21. Cant beat that! Once you've done it the first time its' all gravy from there on in and for the money you'd save you could buy a spool of line of FisherPete.
  22. Aikmans in Mississausage. Not east end but as good as it gets. http://www.weblocal.ca/aikman-a-sporting-goods-repair-mississauga-on.html
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