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Everything posted by Photoz

  1. I've seen my share of scofflaws and have given up trying to talk to them, to inform them they are breaking laws. Even if I DID carry a cell phone, do you really think the Ministry is going to drop everything, and IMMEDIATELY dispatch one of their finest, with lights & sirens, to the scene? Their closest representative could be several hours away. And those kids OBVIOUSLY knew the laws well enough to stay up on the LEGAL side of the dam, and not venture into the pool full of fish below! While down in the park, I ALSO observed (1) People throwing lit cigarette butts into the shrubbery along the path. Thats called littering. (2) Carrying, drinking from, then throwing away, a beer can. Littering, and illegal consumption of alcohol. (3) Two people's dogs taking a big dump along the path, that they never cleaned up after. (4) A car comes speeding into the parking lot, at least doing 30 - 35 klicks, nearly running over a nice friendly Lab . . running loose! These are all violations of various laws, that took place right in front of me . . . . which ones should I have informed they were breaking the law? And what do you think the responce would have been? What do you think the response of a half dozen teenagers, to ONE ol' guy, going "tsk, tsk, tsk . . that's naughty, AND illegal?" Over the years I've taken enough abuse, from trying to advise people, who are clearly breaking laws . . . or calling in with full information on some of 'em . . . NEVER seeing anybody show up. There are people (aka law enforcement personnel) who draw from $50,000.00+ salaries per year and are highly trained to oversee this . . . and why do ya think they are armed? As far as introducing race into the picture, you can bet there'd be a lot more negative responses if these guys were carrying the dreaded 'white pails!' I did what I felt was the most prudent thing I could think of . . . I KNOW the Conservation Officers monitor these boards, perhaps they'll send a couple over for a look . . . and MAYBE somebody will alert the parents of these kids as to what they were up to. Walk a few miles where I've tread in the past, BEFORE ya start rippin' strips off me for acting in a responsible manner, and doing what I felt best suited the situation! And if I took MY kids in a candy store when they were small, they would NEVER have stolen (yes, 'sampling' IS stealing) ANYTHING, they were taught NOT to steal by ME!! Have a nice day.
  2. Naw w w w . . . . what would be the point? I have learned over the years when to keep my mouth shut & when to open it. I wasn't about to make a 'citizen's arrest' and at their age, in a group of about 7, they could get very brave! What does irk me though . . . if this was a group of non-whites, or of an obviously ethnic background, or non-Canadians . . . . I'll bet there would be a lot more reaction than "boys will be boys!' That was my point, more so than the snagging right at the exit from a fish ladder. What would YOU do if you caught YOUR kid doing this?
  3. I haven't been able to fish much this year, haven't wet a line since mid-June, but I can still drive around & look. Watta FANTASTIC day to be outside. And what time of the year is it folks? WELL, IT'S SNAGGIN' SEASON, EH? Here they are . . . just waitn' for their turn . . dozens of 'em, like sharks circling the pool, waiting for the 'all clear' signal! imgimg Here's another shot, a bit better . . . and there are a lotta fairly silver ones among 'em!! imgimg And what do we find after a hard swim to the top of the fish ladder? What else . . . . the local welcoming committee!! Ah h h h . . . I suppose this is a better past-time than hangin' out & smokin' dope, eh? imgimg STOOOOOOOPID fish . . . . musta swum right into this wee fella's treble, eh? Damn thing should know better! Boys will be boys. imgimg Here's one that musta been swimmin' backwards . . . ended up stickin' its tail right in front of the hook . . . w't's a fella to do? Ya know, from time to time I hear people yelling and making a big issue about the nationality, ethnicity or colour of people who fish like this . . . . take a good look at these guys . . . . they ALL look awfully white to me? Have a nice day fellas! imgimg
  4. Hm m m m m . . . . can a bass mate up with somebody's discarded goldfish?
  5. I think MJL would have to get my vote . . . he's knowledgeable on ALL aspects of carping, and CATCHES 'em when nobody else does.
  6. You just don't learn do you? I've personally dealt with Bud on more than one occasion . . . matter of fact, I dropped 9 Shimano reels (Stradics, Sustains, Symetres & Saharas) in last summer for servicing . . . never asked for a receipt, just when I could pick 'em up? I went back on the appointed day, my reels looked just like new, and I could feel the difference. Brag all ya want about all the wonderful stuff you have & things you've done in your 16 years, but please DO NOT malign people who are exceptionally customer oriented, and among the best in the business!!
  7. Just for curiousity . . . . was this equipment bought from a U. S. dealer? I have about 15 Shimano reels & at least 7 sit on Shimano rods, ALL purchased in Canada from local dealers . . . . . I've only broken 2 rods in the past 10 years . . . . both from improper use, neither were Shimano (a Loomis & a Fenwick) and both were covered by warranty. I've dealt with Aikmans (EXPENSIVE, but excellent service & work) and Shimano in Peterborough, excellent service, very reasonable prices on non-warranty work, of minor nature. Many manufacturers won't honour warranties on items bought outside Canada . . . you paid the American arm of the company for the item . . .. let them honour the warranty issue, seems to be the attitude. It may be a lor cheaper to buy south of the border . . . until something goes wrong . . . THEN you pay. I suspect this might have something to do with your problem . . . attitude could ALSO be part of the problem?
  8. After reading everything this supposed 16 year old has posted, I've come to the conclusion nearly all of us have been 'diddled.' He has enough experience to be able to be almost believable, (well beyond 16 years) but knows exactly the right buttons to push to get the responses he wants, when he gives somebody's chain a l'il yank. A few years ago there was a fella who called himself 'Chuckles,' and many other handles, who had a very similar way to get attention . . . some of his claims were so far beyond ridiculous it caused hard feelings among some of our members that thought his exploits possible, and those with enough experience to know they were pure bullfeathers. When you go over this 'kid's' subjects, they are all similarly chosen . . . . to cause controversy, and insult the intelligence of those who know better! Actually I've quite enjoyed his tales, and the responses he's got . . . . he must be ROTFLHAO by now . . . . I know I am! My hat's off to ya buddy . . . are ya finished yet . . . . or just thinking up new ways you're gonna get some more attention?
  9. Several ounces of split-shot & 3 big trebles, about 15" apart on 30 pound test line seem to work pretty good for some people. See 'em doin' it all the time in the eastern tribs . . . best results are got wile casting across spawning areas . . . . . . DIS-LEGAL?? You don't say, eh?
  10. Strange . . . . . I retrieved a big jointed Firetiger Rapala outta the dorsal fin of a chinook I caught over at Port Hope . . . both the trebels were a bit rusty, but the lure was fine. I stopped at Gagnon's to pick up a couple decent trebles . . about $10.00 for a package, (I only needed 2) but they told me the distributor for Rapala was just around the corner (St. Phillips Road?) they would likely give me a couple replacements if I asked. I stopped in, showed the guy at the counter, and asked if I might get a couple new trebles, (I offered to pay) I'd used Rapala lures for years & this was the first time I'd had hooks rust? He took a look, went into the back, came back in a few minutes, dropped a new lure in the box on the counter . . . and said . . . "They shouldn't rust . . . . . have a nice day!" I also had them replace ice auger blades that wouldn't cut very well, with new ones . . . . so I'd say I certainly can't complain about their customer service? Did you send them a pleasant business letter with your return, POLITELY explaining (in a non-accusatory manner) what happened? "Your cheap garbage lure is no good . . . I want another one shipped pronto" just don't cut it! It's amazing just what a well written letter of complaint will get you? If it's worth complaining about, it's worth complaining constructively about!
  11. Peter down at Gilford is the only guy who catches musky outta that lake . . . just ask him!
  12. A terrible way to lose a loved one . . . . but . . . being alone myself . . . . I sometimes wonder if such a fate awaits me. I can't imagine what you must be feeling, but you can't blame yourself . . . . sounds like this lady was VERY independent, and might have resented anyone 'checking up' on her. Perhaps your suggestion of 'keeping in touch regularly' with siblings will spare someone else this terrible ordeal.
  13. A subject that I've never seen discussed? It used to be the 2 biggest expenditures we made in life was buying a home, and buying a car . . . . I'd say a visit to the dentists office is fast closing in on the number 2 spot! I went for a cleaning and 6 month check-up 2 weeks ago . . . . found 1 SMALL cavity, so I made an appointment to come back today. When he did a second X-ray, and did a lotta 'hm m m m m m's' I got ready to 'assume the position!' Yup . . . it looked like I needed a root canal . . . . so I asked how much? Well, getting a straight answer was similar to trying to nail jello to the wall . . . finally he explained there were 'variables,' it could cost up to $3000.00 and Great West Insurance would LIKELY cover up to $1700.00, leaving ME holding the bag for the rest! I was somewhat annoyed & asked how a tooth could get THAT bad since January, without aching . . . but if he couldn't fill it, out she comes . . . but I want the tooth. After examining it some more, he filled it . . . . not even a big filling . . . $710.00! To me, this is LEGAL ROBBERY! Now that I've had my rant, I'd like to know if anyone else out there has had similar experiences? And what on earth does someone, ESPECIALLY with kids do if they're not insured? The government has put a stop to price gouging by SOME doctors but NOBODY ever says boo about the dental industry. I read a story not long ago that the AVERAGE dentist pulls down $175,000.00 a year, and MANY make triple that?
  14. This MIGHT sound nuts . . . . but have you even CONSIDERED a universal. I had one do almost the exact same thing on a Crown Vic years ago . . . I SWORE the whole front end was gonna tear itself loose! But it would qhit once I slowed down. It did this 3 different time in about a month, until one day after I slowed down I stepped on the accelerator . . . . P I N G G G G, and the drive shaft was floppin' around. If the front end has been checked, it's fine . . . . . your tires aren't gettin' chewed . . . have that universal checked . . . can't hurt to have a boo?
  15. Hm m m m m . . . . nice healthy lookin' fish! (Psssssssst . . . . don't look now, but I think he likes you?)
  16. Kinda lends some creedence to the ol' joke . . . 'How many gears did the French WWII tanks have?' . . 'Five . . . four in reverse . . . and one forward . . . . in case of an attack from the rear!'
  17. I'm a non drinker, and although I agree with MOST of the new driving / drinking regulations . . . there are SOME that I feel are BEYOND ridiculous. If I hadn't seen & heard this, directly out of O. P. P. Sgt. Dave Woodford's mouth on the CTV news, then on Channel 24, from another high ranking cop, I'd think someone was telling a bad joke! There has been a law in place that sets out pretty much the same penalties for being over .08 while operating a motorized watercraft, as there is for operating a motor vehicle . . . . which I don't have a problem with. The new law that just came into being (on the spot suspensions for .05) now applies to watercraft too, same as land vehicles. BUT . . . . this is where it gets kinda ridiculous . . . . these police spokespersons went on to say that ALL of these laws (new & old) also appiled to UNMOTORIZED watercraft too. The rather surprised interviewer then specifically asked if the laws now applied to watercraft such as canoes, rowboats etc., and was assured they did? I wonder where they draw the line . . . perhaps 'impaired operation of an air mattress?' 'Impaired operation of an inner tube?' Again, this was on the CTV news AND CP 24, and the information was VERY clearly given by 2 well-known police spokesmen. Did anybody else see or hear this? Or read up on the new regulations? I find it hard to believe someone, paddling their l'il Sportspal canoe, on some beaver pond, technically could be hit with the same penalty for being over .08, as somebody driving a car in a school zone, also at over .08? Please tell me these guys made a mistake?
  18. This might help dispell a few of the myths you may have heard too? http://www.carpanglersgroup.com/northameri...arphistory.html
  19. Not a HUGE saving, you get 2 (empty 'em yourself) spools per customer filled with Berkley 6, 8, 10 or 12 pound test for a 'service charge' of $2.00. I had 3 or 4 small items to pick up, so I got a Stradic 2000 & a Sahara 2500 filled for $2.00 each . . . a saving of about $10.00 . . . . better in MY pocket than theirs. I wish I'd had my Stradic 6000 & a Thunnus 6000 with me instead . . . they hold about 300' of 12 pound line . . . . THAT would be a substantial saving!
  20. Yeah h h h . . . . ain't it nice to be sittin' in a new Montana, fingers crossed, hoping nothing goes wrong with it. When in getting an oil change Monday, I got discussing the current situation with warranty (and even non-warranty) work, with my mechanic . . . I've dealt with this guy for 36 years, and NEVER have gotten any Bull from him. He informs me he's NEVER had so much stuff on back order as he has now!! You know, I looked at the Toyota & Nissan offerings in vans, before getting the Montana, but opted to spend $10,000.00 less . . . THIS may not have been a wise move? It would be a helluva thing, having to buy (or rent) another van, because I couldn't get a part worth a paltry few hundred bucks? I'd sure like to hear some further words of wisdom on this subject . . . as I'm certainly feeling a lot like 'Chicken ("The sky is falling in . .. the sky is falling in!!") Little these days!
  21. I'd say that draggin' a Daredevyl with a big treble across a creek that's at most, 12' wide & a foot deep, that's full of spawning fish kinda makes me a bit suspicious too? I've seen Mitch nail several people over the past few years, doing exactly the same thing. It's most commonly known as 'SNAGGING!' I believe there is a law against dragging something like this across, or through ANY fish spawning area?
  22. After nearly freezing to death over at the harbour, and going to the Trent where you guys ended up, (the 35 klick breeze was JUST AS BAD there) I was about ready to pack it up too, shortly after you left. But . . . I took Cliff's lesson on sucker fishing (you set your rod down, shoot the breeze for a bit, then pick it up and . . PRESTO NEATO, a big ugly ol' sucker!) to heart and went back for a return match! It only took 15 minutes & I had my first one . . by 3:00 I had managed 7. I just got finished weighing the biggest one . . 5.7 pounds!! Lotsa fun on a l'il panfish rod & reel & 4 pound line! I'ma goin' back in the morning. For anybody interested . . . what I referred to as 'the harbour' is the mouth of the Beaver River . . . loaded with B I I I G white suckers . . . hang about 9' of line under a slip float, use about a #6 or #8 pickerel hook & a big gob of worm & yer in business! North side parking lot (right across from the boat ramp) is your best bet. (I don't think THIS post of a location for sucker fishin' that will be all over in another 2 weeks, will do any harm?) P. S. Anybody who's familiar with the area where the Trent hits Simcoe have any clue when they will be putting a new swing bridge in? It sure must be a royal pain fro the residents!
  23. About $1300.00 & a bit for a good carp rod, reel, pod & buzzers. I don't smoke, drink or chase women . . . what else is there?
  24. Prancing . . . . . or mincing??
  25. I'm guessing that there may have been a bit more to this story than was told . . . like maybe some attitude showed when they were bein' checked . . . . which is NOT a good idea, with any law enforcement personnel, ESPECIALLY a C. O. Personally it has been pretty rare that I've ever got a hard time from any of 'em. They not only have all the cards, THEY OWN THE DECK!
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