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T Fisher

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Everything posted by T Fisher

  1. Check out Blakemore products they make great Crappie products. Like Tony the tiger said, They're great.
  2. Thanks for the replys, I'll send it this week and see what happens.
  3. Have a one piece Berkly rod (pro series) 7 foot that snaped in half on a cast yesterday. Has anyone had warrenty issues with Berkly. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. Water level at the boat ramp at the narrows is good no trouble launching my 1650 Fisherman. We headed to the south end of the lake which is called north Dalrymple. We found Northern pike, large mouth Bass and Perch no Crappie. Headed to the other end but fished the narrows on the way back suprized to find two other boats fishing. We fished the south end until 1:00 pm with only 3 perch to show. We packed up and headed to Simcoe for perch, we took home 20 over 10 inches. P.S. WATER TEMP ON DALRYMPLE 54 TO 56 F, we did find 49 dergees in the deep water of the south end. No Crappie found.
  5. Took the day off tomorrow looking to head to either Darymple or Sturgon any suggestions looking for Crappie. Thanks in advance.
  6. Heading up to Dalrymple tomorrow looking for Crappie heading to the south end which is called the north part can't figure that out I will report on my return.
  7. They were White fish not Trout, sorry he deserves what he gets. Talks down to people is a understatement nuff said.
  8. Wow that is a great pattern for 40 yards. What choke? What shot? I will be hunting Turkey for the first time this season but finding birds is not as easy I thought.
  9. Thanks Dave I'll be taking the gang for a few lunches starting next week. T Fishers Skeeter sounds good don't it?
  10. Pull the plugs and try it again. If your still having trouble drop the bottom end exposing the drive shaft, that connects the power head to the bottom end gears now can you rotate the engine?
  11. Thats one lucky guy, he should go out and buy a 649 ticket. And the best bottle of scotch money can buy. PS great pictures Joey.
  12. Sounds like a great time to me Terry. Fishing first catching is second. Next week will be better for Mr Crappie.
  13. Thanks gone_ fishin. If your up that way again please let me know of the ice conditions. It's a 2 hour drive for me. You could save me a trip.
  14. I was wondering the same thing Lot's of pike in there and Crappie. I was thinking of going Friday also are you launching in the narrows?
  15. With the weather forcast for this weekend 24c I had to get the boat out of storage. Here is my wifes reaction when she arrived home and saw the boat in the driveway. The look on her face said it all I knew as she approched the boat I was in for a snide remark or two, I thought. She shook her head in disbelieve stood there smiled and said "want a beer?". God I love that lady. She understands that a man must fish when the fishing is best. Crappie are on the move,it should be a great weekend folks. Anyone eles heading out this weekend?
  16. bump
  17. Heading out east for a family Birthday party this weekend. Any info on the Murray canal pan fish wise, Looking for the elusive Crappie. Thanks
  18. Been there done that twice both sides. Hockey was good to me until I ran a player to the boards for the biggest slam dunk and his stick got stuck in a crack of the door. I got that stick under the arm and cracked 3 ribs so I know what your feeling. I spent the day in the hospital for observation I couldn't breath more then a soft whisper. The Doctor thought I had internal damage cause I was dying in pain and crying like a baby. That was a few years ago. Solution: make sure you are not bleeding, lung punctures are common in falls to the rib area, check and see if you are brused at the point of pain. Ice the area, Alive is best for pain or consume large quantities of tequila maybe both. Good luck.
  19. Pay for a site that doesen't get you a date ha ha ha not on your life.
  20. You gotta be a insider to get that kind of info I guess. Heck I always just missed the sale. If you got a extra I'll pay for your efforts and gas. Dave PM sent.
  21. Been there done that, but that was Lake Simcoe scary yes.
  22. Sorry about your buddy Randy I lost mine at the age of 27 to cancer that was years ago, still miss him Good on you for pounding on the wife beater.
  23. Too funny thanks for posting Bahahahahahahahahaha
  24. Sounds like you need a flasher it's real time.
  25. If you lived in EU you would understand why they are hunted. Sheep farmers, Dairy farmers anyone with live stock loose many animals to these wolfs. They also play coye with family pets when they can't get live stock for there food sorce. I've seen the damage these wolfs can do. They clean out whole towns of dogs and cats for dinner. Heck you get rewarded by the town for killing a wolf of that size in the EU, you get treated LIKE ROYALTY by the town folk. Don't feel bad you none hunters as the big bad wolf has also taken children for a easy meal in many parts of the EU.
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