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Everything posted by thatleetboy

  1. If you have a few extra bucks burning a whole in your pocket, it might be best to buy new... http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/canon-canon-eos-rebel-t1i-15-1-mp-dslr-camera-with-18-55mm-is-lens-kit-t1i-18-55mmis/10120034.aspx Sale's on until Thursday. Now, I'm not saying this is the best camera, or the best deal, but it's certainly an option to consider. You can keep upselling yourself by a couple of hundred bucks, that's why you really need to figure out what your budget is, and stick to it. Just like we all do with fishing gear. Again, just my two cents. It's always a difficult decision to buy a camera, no matter what the budget!
  2. The Canon 10D is definitely not the right choice... it's very old technology. (I'm a professional photographer, you have to trust me on this one.) At the time, it was a great camera, very affordable for what it did, and built like a tank. I rushed to buy it when it was first released, it was the third digital camera I had ever owned, and I was completely blown away. However, the new Rebels can outperform this old beast. There are always sales on a Rebel, which can come with a kit lens. Perfect for someone who wants to go a level higher than a point-and-shoot. Check out some of the prices here... and keep an eye on the flyers. Stick to your budget. my two cents
  3. Bowslayer: what *is* your budget?
  4. Do not buy it.... Buy the Rebel. That is all.
  5. Awesome, thanks for sharing! I used a pipe like that when flying back from BC last fall, now I know how to "lock" it! Cheers
  6. What does this mean? Is there a pic you can share? Thanks
  7. I'm having trouble looking any further down the page. My eyes are glued to that banner pic...
  8. We were out in the bay on Saturday morning... anywhere there was a drop-off seemed to be teeming with fish. The perch were feeding... but the cold, drizzly, windy weather was very, very different than tomorrow will be! That's all I know.
  9. That canoe looks like it needs a fair bit of work... it is worth doing if there is a really good canoe coming out the other end. Is it light enough for you to carry by yourself? Is it solid? That bottom looks flimsy, but, as jjcanoe says, the pics are a bit too low-res to make much of a judgement call. I'd be hesitant myself, I've done several canoes, and this one, at first glance, may not be worth the effort. It's always a tough decision when you find a fixer upper. Worst case scenario is you learn something by doing it, and sell it mid-summer.
  10. This is an AWESOME report, many thanks for going to all the trouble of posting it! Cheers
  11. You want us to go to the Facebook page now?
  12. http://www.reillyandpartners.com/reilly.html
  13. Well, it was a pretty interesting experience. Great kids, as well as lots of interesting, far more experienced tyers... If you want, you can read my post about it here... Best of all, I met some experienced anglers who promised to take me fly fishing! (cuz I really need the help...)
  14. one last bump... anybody feeling generous enough to donate a couple of hours one evening? or Maybe Sunday?
  15. I have volunteered to do a couple of shifts at the Toronto Sportsman's Show. There will be an area where Trout Unlimited is teaching kids how to tie flies... I know that Bill Christmas is still looking to see if he can find a few warm bodies to help teach the kids. If you've got a couple of extra hours, it will get you free admission to the show once your teaching shift is over. I don't think you have to be a master tyer to do this... hey, they're taking me. I believe the fly that is being taught is a woolly worm. If you want to get in touch with Bill and see if you can help, either contact him directly, or send me a PM or email, and I will put you in touch with him directly. Cheers
  16. Thanks for mentioning these. I have heard of Grand River Troutfitters, but never been to these two closer stores. So.... what I got from Google was... With A Fly Tackle Shop Address : 1224 Dundas Street West, Mississauga, ON L5C 4G7 Telephone : 905-949-9359 and ANGLING SPECIALTIES 325 Central Pkwy W., Mississauga 905-275-4972 I'm not sure if either place has a website.... anybody know?
  17. I've been listening to the Orvis podcasts.... hours and hours of great stuff.
  18. Can you offer up a few retail suggestions? Just started tying flies, and wonder how to proceed on a budget! I don't know anything about Wilson's, but would expect that any store in downtown TO would have to be expensive, you are paying for the "convenience".... Cheers
  19. Absolutely mind blowing... I would say that *you* are the stuff of legend now, my man! Cheers
  20. If you like craft beer, it's hard to beat the brews at Dieu du Ciel. http://www.dieuduciel.com/en/home.php Well worth setting aside an evening to spend there.... Cheers
  21. Definitely. Look at the shadows being cast from the flash.... On the hunter, the light is high, slightly camera left.... on the cat, the light comes from the right. As well as the evidence photo above... Fun though.
  22. Well said.... Thanks for sharing.
  23. An awesome outlet mall! You will save a BUNDLE. OTOH, a heckuva long drive...
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