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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Thanks. It's one of the reasons I choose to live here.
  2. Pretty much what I was going to say I raised my 3 daughters not to hang out with losers.
  3. Wrong! We complain about waste of tax money and those who hitch a free ride on our tax money. A government can't give anyone anything without first taking it from someone else. Many of us pay more than our fair share just to see it wasted. That's what pisses us off.
  4. They have these bolt on stake pockets. Not sure if they're exactly what you're looking for. http://www.princessauto.com/en/detail/tapered-bolt-on-stake-pocket/A-p8240863e TSC has them to, but only in store. http://www.tscstores.com/Search.aspx?k=Stake+Pockets
  5. This is why we're called Sunset Country out here. It's been an exceptional fall for taking sunset photos.
  6. Old Man


    Thanks. I had a chipmunk hanging around too, but he's MIA. I suspect the weasel Thanks. It's easy when they decide to cooperate.
  7. It was taken with my Canon T5 with a 250mm lens. Shutter speed was set at 1/100th : f stop setting f16 : film speed setting ISO 100. Had the camera on a tripod as well.
  8. Thanks.Conditions were perfect to get this shot.
  9. I've found that waxing it cuts down on water staining and mineral deposits, and cleans up with little effort in the fall.. My boat is 9 years old and still looks as new as the day I brought it home.
  10. Agreed Cliff. One word solution "Libertarian"
  11. I've got a dark blue Crestliner and I've wax it once a year when I clean it up in fall. I've been using Auto Glym Ultra Deep Shine on both my boat and my vehicles. Best wax I've ever used.
  12. So you don't trust the information provide freely by each party as to promises and costs because the information was recorded and compiled by the Canadian Tax Payers Federation and you don't like the fact that the CTF has too many Conservatives as members. Funny thing is, anyone can join, support and get involved with the group. I guess the reason the CTF is a little light on Liberal and NDP'ers as members, is that they are never interested in minimizing taxation and being held accountable for what they do with our taxes. Oh, and argue about individual costs all you want, we're still comparing billions of $ to millions of $.
  13. Very accurate assessment of Canadian political landscape over the past 35 years
  14. Looks like you didn't bother to read anything info I supplied. We rate in the top 3 for quality of life in the world. So with a good standard of living, we do have the ability to be concerned about other issues at the same time.
  15. Yeah, Canada's a horrible place to live. We'd be much better off if we were more like Greece. Which won't take long if Junior gets in. http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries/canada/
  16. First off. The Canadian Taxer Payers Federation would support any government that limits taxation and spends the taxes they do take in a "responsible manner". The fact that they garner a large amount of support among conservatives is due to this fact. The numbers in this report are based on the individual promises made by each party and the costs attached to these are also provided by the parties. The CTF simply added them all up for us. Even if you want to dispute some of the individual costs, one can't deny that there's a big difference between 10 billion in new spending verse 256 million in fiscal 2016/17, not to mention the vast differences in the following 3 fiscal years after that.
  17. True, which is why with with gas fired and nuclear electricity generating methods, you can control the timing and amount that is produced. Manitoba Hydro, despite having a vast amount of hydro produced electricity still uses gas fired plants at Selkirk and Brandon for control over peak periods. With wind and solar, you can't. Makes it more inefficient for that reason alone.
  18. You have to give the Liberals some credit for mixing their game plan. They tried inept with Dion, intelligent with Iggy, and now opted for dumb with Trudeau
  19. If you're just interested in supplementing your propane forced air heat with wood. You could look at adding and outdoor wood fired boiler with a heat exchanger installed in your existing furnaces plenum. It also has the advantage of being able to heat your hot water as well, and is cleaner than bringing in and burning wood in your home. http://hawkenenergy.com/how_it_works/
  20. Agreed. What you say here is basically a summation of this NP article. http://news.nationalpost.com/full-comment/kelly-mcparland-the-case-for-re-electing-stephen-harper
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