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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. HH Cold Gear base layer. You won't regret it.
  2. My personal all time favourite Christmas present as a kid. Endless hours of fun playing with fire, boiling water and steam.
  3. Thank you again leaf4. I'm out of here. Do what you need to to Art.
  4. So one quick question. Wha does the FDA have to do with Canadian Agriculture? Our Ag industry in regulated by Agriculture Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Health Canada, and The Pesticide Managament Regulator Agency (PMRA). Canada and Canadian scientests control our food regulation and policies, not the FDA.I just love how you personally know what has gone on behind the scenes at the White House.
  5. Thank you leaf4. You obviously see the whole picture.
  6. Good for you. I was raised on a mixed farm in Minnedosa Manitoba. We had beef, dairy, hogs, grain and forage crops. I spent 7 years studying agriculture at the University of Manitoba including several courses in animal science. Don't try to tell me I know nothing about raising beef. I've done it. What does knowing how to cut up a carcass have to do with animal husbandry?
  7. Buddy, go learn what the term GMO means. It has nothing to do with what the animal is fed. Cattle have been fed corn during the finishing process for years. Long before GMO's. Most beef in Canada are finished with barley. Your ignorance about agriculture is readily apparent from your reply.
  8. So your comeback is to post an out of date list of countries that have or have had in past GMO bans. Bans brought about by fear mongering organizations and a lack of understanding of the science by politicians. When you say "growing list", this list has actually shrunk over the years as common sense prevails and the facts are known and proved. And when I say out of date, I mean by several years. For example "Only South Australia still has a ban on GM crops,". Not true, the ban on GMO's was lifted there well before my retirement. We've conducted our winter nursery in South Australia for many years. Good cut and paste off the internet, but you should check how current the information you're cutting and pasting is. Then we come ot this; "witch to me translates to laymen terms ,I know it all your you know nothing" No, it translates into, I know a lot more about the science then you do. Just as your family doctor knows a lot more about medical science then you do. That's why you consult them for health issues. And as far as your claim that glycophate has contaminated the ground water on your grandparents farm. Really, because glycophate won't persit in the environment long enough to ever filter down into the ground water. Now if you claimed their ground water was contaminated by atrazine, I'd probably agree that there was a chance it was. Good thing farmers don't use atrazine any more.
  9. Love the good comeback that's full of fact and informed information. And yes, I had a great career and contributed to the improvement of agricultural science which was what my goal was when I entered the industry. So I'd say it was a success. There are thousands of us who have dedicated their life to this field of study and it feels good when anyone of them know they've made a positive contribution to the farmers and man kinds ability to feed themselves.
  10. Number one , no one signs my pay check, I'm retired and have nothing to gain by sharing the truth with anyone that want's to know the real truth. Not like these activist groups who raise millions for their own benefit by spreading disinformation and fear. Your reply is full of emotion but lacks any truth other that spouting off anti GMO reteoric and lies. Not to sound arrogant, but I am vastly more qualified in both experience and education to comment on this issue then anyone else that has posted here. Have a good day.
  11. You're right Dave. The other down side to some of the old technology. Atrazine, Bladex, etc. all had recropping restrictions if used. No restrictions with Round as the active ingredient biodegrades quickly. Ahhh yes...the days spent row cropping. If you were doing a field planted by someone else and they were wiggly when planting, you'd curse them all day.
  12. Round Up Ready lowers the amount and variety of herbicies applies to crops. Prior to RR crops, on crops such as corn, a large amount of atrazine, banvel, bladex and other such compounds were applied to control the wide spectrum of weeds. Now with RR corn, rates as low as half a litre an acre and lower are used to control all the weeds. So yes, it's less in amount and also less in the variety of active ingredients used. Also in such crops as corn and soyabean, inter row cultivation was necessary to control hard to kill weeds, this amount of inter row cultivation has decreased with RR and this decrease is good for long term soil conservation.
  13. Funny thing, you activists always talk about money Monsanto makes or spends to defend it's products but you never talk about the money your organizations raise from gulible people. I remember seeing and ad in the Careers section of the Saskatoon Star Pheonix in 1999. Greenpeace was looking to hire a comptroller for their Western Canadian operations. The ad stated that this person would be responsible for a 38 million dollar annual budget, that's when I realized how big a business this packaging and selling of fear is. When one product line slows down, you can always count on them to find a new fear to market. It keeps those dollars from the gulible masses flowing in.
  14. Number one, there is no such thing as GMO beef. Just laughable. And by the way, animals and e. coli go hand in hand that's why organic produce can be tainted by it, it's fertilized with manure. That Monsanto statement is just pure Bull.
  15. Having spent most of my life and career in agriculture and as a plant breeder, I find the amount of misinformation and disinformation commonly expressed by the general public just shows how great a job these activist have done at sucking people in and spreading their lies. First of all, development and licenceing of GMO products is strictly regulated and tested by PMRA, Health Canada and CFIA. There is no GMO products that contains animal DNA. Pure Bull made up by the activists to scare people and promote their "franken food" image. Most GMO's plants grown, have traits that have been transfered from weedy relatives that have lead to a reduction in pesticide use by producers. GMO traits such as Round up Ready and Liberty Link has reduced herbicide use and contributed to better managagement and soil conservation through reduction in tillage require. Bt corn alone has eliminated the need for application of 1,000,000's acres annually of insecticide to control the european corn borer. These are just a few on the input benifits the industry has seen as a result of GMO technology. Output traits such Golden Rice have improved peoples health and life through better nutrtion in the third world. Eye sight issues due to poor nutrition is common in some countries. The introduction of beta carotene precursors into their rice has helped reduce these health issues. GMO's traits have also helped improve yields in most crops. The hybridization of canola has lead to an almost doubling of yields produced by farmers. With old open polinated canola varieties 35 bushel and acre has aveage, new hybrid varieties are averaging in the 50 - 60 bus/ac range. If anyone thinks thats organic is the way too go, here are a few facts about the organic movement. People die every year from organic foods tainted with listeria or e. coli, no one has die from eating GMO's. Organic production practices produces vastly lower yields, so if this was adopted as a wide spread production system, the price of food would sky rocket and the amount of starvation world wide would be massive. So if anyone thinks the organic is "socially responsible" give your head a shake.
  16. Anyone that is offended by the sight of legally harvest game, needs to be given a tour of a large packing plants killing floor to show them where their nice neat cellophane and styrofoam package of meat originates from.
  17. Eskimo are, IMHO, the best for pop ups. If I was looking for a flip, I'd go with and Otter or a Frabill.
  18. So you're inferring that because he has a substance abuse problem, he's probably involved in a murder and drives drunk? Pretty big leap.
  19. " This of course leaves some of the more serious questions that remain to be answered" Just curious at just what these "more serious questions" would be?
  20. Sounds good Simon. I haven't done near enough riding these past few years.
  21. Love this video Simon. Makes me itch to get the sled out.
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