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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Thanks for sharing those pics and funny memories.Not sure if we get carp that big here.Cliff your carp look like they were starved compared to these suhmo fish MTP
  2. Now thats a well fed Muskie.WTG
  3. YA Sonny we are hoping for a huge report from you soon.Luckily your sister is a talented writer and photographer Oh and she does catch nice fish. Great report as always Jen I like what you said about the worm harnesses more colours than a little girl would have in Barettes and hair bands.So true my girls have zillions.Looking forward to the next report. MTP
  4. Nice Muskie is that ski really dark or did the pic just turn out that way.Great scenery pics. MTP
  5. Beauty pics of the bass.Nice to see the kids enjoying the fishing .Thanks for that report MTP
  6. Thats what I call a 24.Take out 2 guys with one Golf ball and no time to yell 4.Ouch and very stupid
  7. The Bay of Quinte good fishing and easy Navigation.MTP
  8. If you can't wear your PFD all the time at least wear it when the boat is moving.I have been in others boats and lets just say your PFD is useless in the boat storage compartment.I do wear my PFD almost all the time.Did you know 85% of boaters who drown were not wearing a PFD. My next purchase will be a self inflating PFD the automatic model.SO sad.MTP
  9. Wow you made the best of the worst .Crap weather costly repairs long drives to the hospital.Spending time with good friends PRICELESS. Thanks for the amazing report. MTP
  10. Now that was an amazing mind blowing detailed report that was better than watching the morning fishing shows Stuck chevy's,poor little eye,great pics and vids.Thank you for taking the time to upload and I know you put alot of time into that one.I thought the stubby beer bottle was history or was that just vintage Beer MTP
  11. Great report Rich and nice of your wife to let you unwind so soon after the birth of your baby.I always enjoy the Rich twisted LOOK MTP
  12. Well said Geritt and as English would say that was a Bloody report.Ouch.I have been to the ER more with my son than my 2 daughters combined boys are good at visiting the hospital.Someone needs new glasses to look at the nurse again
  13. Wow what a well written report I can't say I have ever seen a brown trout of that girth and lenghth .Good to see you killed the skunk. I have to go Salmon fishing. MTP
  14. Stoty you are getting to be a bit annoying! There are more Quebec members on this site than you think.This is not the first time someone has posted looking for information about Quebec fishing.Sounds like you have never been here.Most of us came to become a member because we were born and raised in english just like you.So were not interested in hooking up on to a french board.Bill is stationed all summer in this area so he is just looking for help thats all. MTP
  15. Very nice looking Ski. MTP
  16. Good Job on the smallies don't worry you have the rest of the summer for nice weather. MTP
  17. Nice report 007 too bad about the lost smallie you sure can catch rock Bass though MTP
  18. Looks like a great day no Muskie but a few bass is Ok since you just got back into fishing.Now I thought this was great I won't have to stay up late for a CCMT and Bly report and now you tell me you may head out tonight.If I woke up at 4:30 am I would be ready for bed right now. So should I wait for a late evening report of one ugly fish from Cliff and some nice fish caught by Bly MTP
  19. Joe once again the feet are not webbed so that rules out frogs legs.Red neck Rooster perhaps Oh and that happened in Ontario not Quebec.
  20. Just the kind of pool Roy likes .Its not over his head
  21. Marc enough is enough put on a kilt take a pic post us a report Laddy. American distraction but no canadian fish pic action Just one pic............... MTP
  22. Cliff your such a tease I have been wanting to know what the hype was all about with the Jumla .So I got a fuzzy peke.Thats just not fair surely you can share that pic with me after all I live further away in another province which would not affect my neighbors in Ontario. Oh and I know what 3 days without fishing is going to be like this weekend. Two of my younger kids are in a soccer tournament this weekend .6 games in all no time for fishing I am also coaching Hope to see the fish pics while you are out walking the outlaw dog oh I mean the inlaw mutt Good Luck with Muskie fishing Saturday like you guys really need luck lol MTP
  23. Welcome to the board .Nice pic infested intro .And as you already know WE LOVE FISH PICS. Congrats to you for your first born fishing partner. Looking forward to future reports. MTP
  24. Misfish Where are the webbed feet?????? Looks like someone had a shore lunch picnic with live chickens .
  25. I have converted to braid this year.I am using 30lb Stren Super Braid with 9lb diameter has not affected my fishing at all .Caught a nice pike with no leader my Rapala was hooked deeply in its mouth the line was frayed but did not break.If I had mono that Pike would have my Rapala Husky jerk in its mouth.I just got my return on my investment by keeping my expensive lures.And yes I was respooling my rods with Mono twice a year because of line twist and abrasions.In the long run I am saving with braid and I tell less fish stories about the one that got away.Floro carbon leaders are not for me. This spring I bought some expensive Seagar florocarbon.15 bucks a roll 10lb test.The most fragile crappy mono I have ever purchased.Overated yes its invisible but not worth the hassles it comes with. Hey Peter, Biteme get with it bud it braid really is better .Like Lew says if the little fish won't hit it then they are not worth it. MTP
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