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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Yes it should be easy .Like others have said a transmision cooler will help. I have seen many tow this size boat with eez.It won't be long before the GOOHOOS will tell you otherwise. Boy we have seen some nasty debates on this one.I have towed a 2000 pound fiberglass boat with a 3 litre Taurus 145hp ya climbing hills was tough but I always made it up the steep ones.Like Nike says just do it. Enjoy the boat and ignore the GooHoos MTP
  2. Wow those are some fat ass Bass.
  3. Another great report Mike.Priceless pics of the family.Your daughter is a real pro at 4 years old. You have now tempted me to build a casting platform on the front of my SSV. Thanks for sharing the pics.I hope the leg heals quickly. MTP
  4. Good to see you getting out Lew and nice to see a Muskie report.Sherri good on you for getting out with Lew. Looking forward to the next report.MTP
  5. Thanks for those pics.I started my gang that little.I did however tie a cord to there wrist and the rod to avoid losing the rod overboard. Don't worry they do grow fast. MTP
  6. Hey young one great fish bud and good size for team #4.WTG
  7. That was one Helluva a report nothing like family fishing the smile on the young mans face tells it all .What a nice fish to end the weekend. MTP
  8. Another great report Cliff and Carole nice place ,nice Walleye ,Nice Bass and you see Loud Rock n Roll does not scare the fish away. A weekend away from the kids a nice break indeed. MTP
  9. Nice fish bud.Why is it you only catch fish when you are alone?Could it be we just yacked too much last outing or your not telling me where the reall hot spots are.I think GCD likes whistles
  10. Today we drove down to Lancaster Ontario on Lake ST.Francis (The St.Lawrence River) where my Dad has Camped for the last 40 years.We were there to celebrate his 69th Birthday. I brought the tackle and Rods just in case After a quick swim at the beach my little guy Ryan reminded me that it was time to go fishing off the point and off the docks.Now I knew that this was not going to be relaxing for me. I knew it would not be long and I would be putting on worms and taking off fish for the girls.As for young Ryan he does that himself since our last trip in Quinte.Now my rod was on the ground oh about 99% of the 75 minutes that we fished for. Here we go I am about to be very busy oh and there were tangles and complaints that the rod is no good and the line is no good and the moaning and the wining and Voila the fish start coming in and all that NOISE went away Many fish like these were caught but I did not have much time to take pictures the action was non stop. Oh and this fish required an Operation deeply hooked. 2 other little girls showed up at the dock and now I was taking more fish off the line and more surgery. Oh well nothing like watching the young ones get into fishing. Now My Ryan wanted a lure not worms for him.He was throwing tubes,Mepps,spinner baits and Jigs with Mr.Twisters but he was not catching a thing. His sisters kept reminding him. So back to the tackle box he went. Now Dad what do I use?????????? Well out of the Dozen casts I was able to throw I only managed this little Large Mouth. Well all Ryan had to say was look at this fish sisters 6pm came quickly and My little guy was upset that we had to go eat supper at Grampa's Fishing was pretty good for the little time that we had to fish. Mike the Pike
  11. Way to go Sonny a 21 pounder is a nice fish .Glen can all he wants but we haven't seen a southern report from him in such a long time I will be taking my kids dock fishing at my Dad's camp today I will be sure not to forget the camera. MTP
  12. |Sounds like a great tournament. MTP
  13. Wow everyone looks very happy no disapointment there.Thanks for the Happy pic MTP
  14. Emill nice pics and report.Why do you always have fish pics with more blood on them than any other report .Are you fast and rough with the fish or are you part vampire Hope to see you again Emil this fall in the Bay of Quinte.MTP
  15. 31st not so Bad its bringing the young Lad to his first tourney that is priceless sounds like one hell of a day.Thanks for the great report and pics. MTP
  16. Joey your such a tease that pic just made my mouth water .That dish just looks absolutely delicious.
  17. Thanks for the report and pics and it looks like the Wife knows how to land the bigger bass MTP
  18. Hey PP speaking of temps .When I was in Quinte for the canada day long weekend I saw the water temp drop from 74 degrees to 68 degrees I believe this effects the walleye bite but I could not say it would for salmon as I don't target them, Nice Salmon by the way.MTP
  19. Too Bad Joe Hunting season is a far away.Now send us some fish pics will ya MTP
  20. Nice city slimers and downtown Bass MTP
  21. Have a good holiday neighbor .Please actually put the boat in the water and fish we need some more reports with fish bigger than you MTP
  22. Beauty report and fish pics Johnny sounds like non stop action despite the cold front and wind.Oh and I didn't notice a difference in the hair or facial hair it seems when you are a little uglier you catch more fish MTP
  23. Once again DSN fabulous pictures .I love the very first shot your camera really picked up alot of colors it looks like a shot fron the ocean. Nice report.MTP
  24. Nice salmon PP MTP
  25. Welcome!!!!!!!MTP
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