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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Thanks for that warm weather report Gary nice to see some shore pics SNOWLESS I must add
  2. WTG Young man oh I love these steelie reports
  3. Nice fish and pics Cliff WTG on the PB. What no pics of Bly and DouG. Would like to have seen a funny pic of DouG in his rubber tights Bly he is taking all the spotlight.
  4. Have you ever though of opening a school on how to launch boats. With the abundance of Bozo's in this world you would make a fortune. Good read GCD I hope you get that problem fixed soon so you can give us a fish filled report in the near future.
  5. Jeez Lew thats one heavy duty Muskie reel you bought there
  6. Well Shawn,there is no sign of spring here we got more snow again last night . We have so mush snow Roy is unable to venture outside Ah man the new boat is so far away.We need a heat wave. Mike
  7. What You Need to Know When Purchasing an ALUMINUM BOAT QUESTIONS YOU SHOULD ASK HULL STRENGTH * How is the hull constructed? * How is the transom assembled? * # of bolts in the transom and what are they attached to? * Is there extra protection (twin plating) where the boat takes the most abuse? * Are the seams double riveted? SAFETY * Does the boat have upright, level foam floatation? * How wide is the 'footprint'™ of the boat (part of the hull in the water) - the wider this is the more stable the boat will be. WARRANTY * What type of warranty is available? * Specifically on the seams and plywood surfaces? VALUE * What is the re-sale value like on this brand? Model? FISHABILITY * What type of seats and seating arrangements are available? * What type of livewell system is provided? * Where are the livewells/baitwells (if applicable) located? Convenient? * What is the glove box like? How roomy is it? * Does the helm have room to mount electronics? MAINTENANCE * What type of paint is used on the exterior of the boat? * Can you get vinyl floor options for easy maintenance? INDUSTRY TERMS... BEAM Measurement of the widest part of the boat. Measured from the top of one gunwale to the other. GUNWHALE The upper edge of the boat. LENGTH The total length of the boat. Generally measured from the tip of the bow across the top of the boat to the end of the transom. MAXIMUM HORSEPOWER This is the maximum horsepower that the boat has been rated for by the Canadian and the U.S. Coast Guard. FOOTPRINT A boat’s footprint is its width at the waterline. Make sure you check this feature out, the boat you are considering may have a wide beam but a very narrow footprint! TRANSOM This is the back end of the boat where the motor is mounted. HULL The hull is the structural framework of the boat. Make sure you ask about and understand the hull construction method. This will play a big role in determining the longevity and safety of your boat. Have a look at this I took it from the Lund website.Or go to the Lund site yourself.www.lundboats.com MTP
  8. WTG FM nice pics and nice bonus fish a bowfin
  9. Ok now I know why I can't amke it out Paul I was born in 1965
  10. Glad to hear your OK. With the price of gas I sometimes question going to a smaller vehicle less gas and less safety You were hit in a truck by a truck and walked away. Bigger is safer.A small car is not worth becoming another sardine can on the shelf. Let us know what the new truck will be
  11. Yes very addictive for me . So much work not getting done around my house OFC did it to me. What a great family I have met alot of great folks here I look forward to more years to come. MTP
  12. Wow GCD you relly are old .Is that from the Marlin brando years. Before my time.You really are an old fart
  13. I love happy endings
  14. Welcome aboard and remember we love fish pics
  15. Wow Joey good for you. Really though I think all women should have em Ok Men too cause were too stuborn to ask for directions. Let us know how well it works
  16. Great stuff Scott.I myself am enjoting many outings with my 9 year old son. Mike
  17. Great report keep the pics coming.Welcome to the Zoo you will like it hear.
  18. Lundguy its not the first time that this thread has been run I currently have a Lund SSV 18.6 ft 50Hp four stroke Honda I just traded it it in for a Lund 1660 Classic and I will be keeping the same Motor. This one will be gone soon. This will be the New boat with more toys and finally a bow Mount electric Motor.I ordered this one in dark grey. Boat number 2 is a 12 foot Tinny(Thornes) that comes with me camping when I can't bring the Lund.It has an 8hp 2 stroke Yamaha. This well the wife won't let me sell it but I must admit I still fish out of the canoe. I mostly fish for Walleye and love to catch Bass and Pike. 2 species I would like to catch this year is a Laketrout and a Muskie. Lundboy send some pics. Mike the Pike
  19. I say try Sandbanks provincial park an easy straight drive down the 401 . Lots of easy fishing along the outlet river which leads to East Lake or Lake O also good fishing.Pan fish galore and I mean instant sunfish. Be sure to start the kiddies off with the easy to use push button rod and reel combos. Bobbers always make it more fun .Have a good trip.MTP
  20. Well I am not going as far this year to go camping as pulling my 3000 pound plus tent trailer loaded makes my van suck gas worse than locomotive freight train.Bottom line despite the high price of gas it is a lot cheaper than renting a cottage or staying in hotels and motels.As for my boat its cheap on gas 50hp 4 stroke but pulling it to my destination is where most of the consuming takes place.Luckily for me my gas in my car is paid for by my company but my wife reminds me about the $50 a week she uses a week in our minivan. I would like to purchase a V8 pick up truck 4X4 in 2 yrs and I think the gas will just keep going up detering that purchase from occuring. The greedy oil companies won't be happy until they will be responsible for economic slowdown once fuel will be ridiculiousy overpriced. More and more will stay home or stay close ,I think that time is not far away but for now I can still afford to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. The alternative sources of energy are just around the corner and when the time comes I look forward to seeing the death of the oil companies which will result in a cleaner enviroment.Ever feel like the middle class is getting the squeeze .I do
  21. TJ I guess you have alot of the old stock remaining will you be making some new items available in the near future . Items that are written OFNCOMMUNITY.COM So is it in the plans?
  22. Sandbanks Provincial Park Samuel De Champlain Provincial Park.Absolutely loved it .Its far 1 hour east of Northbay. Charleston Lake
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