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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. I was holding onto that sign for dear life Wayne that and trying to keep my balance was enough . Not sure how many KPH the wind was blowin but it was worse than the November G2G. If my had of been paper it would have ripped out of my Hand.I know I need to learn how to hold Pike and tourney signs.
  2. I saw 2 of them on the side of the 401 coming back from Quinte.
  3. Thanks for thinking of us Lew . I usually buy my gas and some food from the natives like to support them.Just hate it when the roads are blocked.after all I drive 4 hours from Montreal to spend my $$$$$$$$$$ in the BOQ. On the way back from TrentonI saw a sign off the highway just before the Marysville exit .A sign that said under 3000 people on a reserve without clean drinking water(not exact words).Can someone explain this one.if its true the government needs a wake up call
  4. You didn't take the screened in roof option from Lund.With a tiller you just eat them as you hum along the water.If they bite you Wayne they will be well fed
  5. I love it when situations have a Happy ending.Good to hear the cancer is gone. MTP
  6. Well it felt good to be back on the Bay of Quinte eventhough the weather was nasty.Most of the weekend we had high winds and off and on Rain was a little chilly but we all dressed for the occasion. I went with friends Dave,Danny and my boat pilot Kenny and we fished out of his side console boat. Saturday Morning we got on the water and it raining which won't stop us especially since we were in the Kiwanis fishing Tournament. Dave was with Danny in the Princecraft boat and Dave managed to hook into an 8.98 lbs walleye which was weighed in Picton Harbour. Now these old guys Danny has a brand new camera and he didn't take a picture of Dave's new PB Did meet up with Superdad who weighed in a 11.2 pounder in Picton Harbour. Well enough with the bordom here are the pics. Ken's first walleye 4 pounds even. This one was 6lbs 4oz.A new PB for Kenny A shot from Green point. My boat pilot. The other 2 guys who were roughing it.Must be nice! Finally it was my turn on Day 2 a 21 incher for the team.Team #6 The Reel Screamers. I could barely hold this sign made of foam core in the high winds believe me it was rough out there. Rougher than it looks. Bayside Cottages. Yes GCD I was driving a side console boat and I found it tough to control the boat with the wheel. I love my Tiller. Results top ten Walleye Kiwanis tournament. Results top ten Pike. Junior participants results. Release Tank. Top Walleye prize a Lund 1425 Classic with 25hp Honda. Top Pike prize a Lund WC 14 with a 15hp Honda. This car was flipped on the way home in Brockville. It seems people are not getting the message the 401 seems like a race track the newer stiifer fines seem to have no effect. Oh and the OPP stopped us on the water for an inspection which we passed they also checked fishing permits and the livewell.They are doing a good job. Well hope you enjoyed my report despite tough conditions we did boat some nice fish and we did get some OOS bass too. 2 more weeks and I will be back in Quinte for the long weekend. Mike the pike
  7. Enjoy your new ride Dan your little guy seems so happy about the boat now go get it slimed
  8. Have a good summer Bud hope to see more Wayne and fish pics and I hope the young ones have learned there lesson after not using their PFD's last summer .Be safe out there. MTP
  9. Thanks for the awesome pics Andrew.
  10. I think that bike has no guts Where is the gas tank
  11. Animal rights activists should get a life
  12. Very nice enjoy your year with it
  13. Ah Wayne I can't wait till you get old so you forget about my flippin experience. Yup keep your hand well placed on the tiller handle and wear your kill switch.
  14. I am heading to the BOQ Friday afternoon staying at Bayside cottages its your turn to drive over my way Sonny see ya there. MTP
  15. Mike try and use that yum scent on dark baits because it will turn all light coloured baits purple and it does not seem to come out. MTP
  16. Ya it really hurts bud I think I will be fishin more in your back yard only 20 minutes away to the Larry $85 to fill a minivan
  17. Being born after 1967 Brian this is the only way you will ever see it . I have seen it there and I saw it here in Montreal during the Stanley cup Parade not the stupid riot.
  18. GO HABS GO.A new canadian poll said Canadiens chose the Montreal Canadians as their favorite hockey team with 40% of the vote ,leafs had 24% of the vote. Its been a while since we have seen the CUP in canada.Its time to bring it home.
  19. Zib you are going to love the 4 stroke world let us know how its going as the season progresses.
  20. I will be fishing the walleye opener in the Bay of Quinte WOO HOO.
  21. Hey folks I will be heading off to Bay of Quinte for 4 days May 16th I need to pick up a licence for my Dad who is 69 but must purchase a licence because he is from out of province. Can I pick up a licence at CDN tire I expect to arrive in Napanee around 8am. Is there another place I could go to pick up my Dad's licence. Mike the Pike
  22. WTG MJL great to share more time with your Dad beauty fish too bad about the Camera would have been nice to see more pics. Look on the bright side Cameras are getting cheaper. MTP
  23. Nice slabs of fish boys
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