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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. If your heading there with Air Melancon get Rick to sign you up onto Team #4. My friend you are going to Paradise for trout.Lake trout on the surface with spoons.Cast slow retrieve. Speckles just use a lake clear spoon attached to a trail hook 18 inches long #4 or #6 trout hooks tipped with a worm.Troll 3 inch Yozuri pin minnows slow retrieve. Enjoy your trip.Dress warm its really cold up there in May.I have had snow in my boat May 24 weekend in that area. Good luck we want to see huge trout Pics. MTP
  2. Hey folks if anyone is in the market for an inexpensive portable fish finder I have seen one on Liquidation at more than one Wallmart store. An Eagle Cuda 128 with suction cup.I saw this selling for $163.00 last summer.Liquidation $80.00 I have seen these in Quebec stores not sure if you have the same sale in Ontario. I hope this helps someone. Mike
  3. fisherman my honda was a 1980 with a long foot I weighed it,it was over 100lbs
  4. Sonny I would take it off the kicker plate on a long trip if its one of those plates that goes up and down.I had one on my previous fiberglass boat and found it would swing back and forth on choppy roads but then again we have the worst roads in the country(Quebec)The motor I had was an old 7.5hp Honda 4 stroke and it was quite heavy easily over 100lbs.I am not sure how much your 4hp weighs so its hard to say. I currently transport my kicker on my Lund with no problems directly on the transom.I just fasten a couple of rubber bungies from the lower foot to the trailer to keep it in place.I would have to see a pic to really know. Mike This is what I had. Visit My Website
  5. Should be no problem taper.Smaller line diameter should get you down deep.MTP Oh I have the flags on the offshores.I just didn't want to be flashy.
  6. How about we all meet some where in the evening.Sorry Sonny I don't have a VHS radio.Since it is a tournament I would prefer to meet friday night when we can not fish. I don't like cutting into tournament fishing time.Some may be fishing at night .Friday no one can fish until midnight.Just an Idea.Alot of folks going to fosters and some in Hay Bay need a half away meeting place.MTP
  7. Before you make a line choice find out if the clips on your planer boards can clip on to braid if they don't you will have to make one full wrap around over the release clips or the braid will just keep slipping out.I have 2 types of boards the yellow off shore models which work OK and work well with mono.I have a new board which is orange called the Church walleye board.This has now become my favorite.clip to the braid and will not slip. I don't like my boards to release so I put the maximum tension and they stay on.Retrieving boards after they release is difficult.The other option would let the board slide down the line but the board ends up clunking the fish on the head. I prefer snap weights over dipsy divers.Really simple to use.up to 3oz weights here is a pick.I use 20lb mono on the yellow board or 10lb braid on the orange board. I also use Diawa reels with the line counter. Mike
  8. TJ you have something in common with Dorothy she wears a dress also.Don't go to the river with your pink TUTU you may be fined for trying to light up the river with that pink dress. MTP Good luck fishing TJ
  9. Welcome aboard.Remember when you are successful with your catch we like pics , lots of them MTP
  10. The wider the better.I have a 16ft fiberglass canoe 40 inches wide.My kids make some antsy moves in the canoe and she won't tip.Very stable.The downfall is it is a bit slower and heavier than most canoes.As some of the others have mentionned a square stern would be useful.Paddling a canoe solo can be hell on windy days the use of an electric motor would be nice on those windy days.I know some people with the sportspals who really like them stable and light weight for portaging.Before you buy a canoe ask to try it there are some very tippy canoes out there.I know someone on this board who has a Beagle you could test out on the canoe Good luck with the purchase. MTP
  11. I will be there opening weekend with my BOQ partner I will be in my buddies new boat.He insists on bringing his boat,I think its because the Novelty has not warn off.We are staying at Bayside Cottages in Picton not far from Green Point and the power lines. I will be in a grey Lund 1660 Classic side console with blue striping and a 60hp Mercury.Like to meet some of you guys. I will be back with my boat on the 18th,19,20,and21st of May.Staying at Mohawk Bay Park Campground. Lew the following Friday is the 11th.I thought you were going on the long weekend. Who will be going for the May long weekend. Mike
  12. Good for you guys lots of us are drooling over that one fish and soft water. Thanks MTP
  13. WTG Scott.Thanks for the pics.MTP
  14. A friend of mine bought a 1996 Princecraft Ungava 12 footer 9.9 Honda manual start(motor was a 2003)oars anchor, trailer ,mint condition.The guy who owned it was so careful with it he put socks on the oars when trailering the boat so the oars would not scratch the metal seats. My Buddy got it for $3200.00 2 yrs ago. A 14 foot Princecraft Fisherman with a 2 stroke Mercury 9.9hp sells for $6000.00 new. MTP
  15. Well 15 years ago I got engaged bought the house put the wedding money down on the house ,I have 3 kids not married nothing is different she is still the boss and she let me buy the boat. There are 3 rings if you get married....... The engagement Ring. The wedding Ring And the Suffering enough said. MTP
  16. thanks Jen and FF.Jen I hope Quinte will be clear in 3 weeks.
  17. Ok enough is enough while some of you are out trib fishing( and I am Happy for you)some are picking up new boats in the states and enjoying a good cruise with beer LOL.We Montrealers well we just don't know what is happening.Gerritt just picked up his new Lawn Mower and I can't believe it but yes come tomorrow morning I will be using the snow blower.Sonny well he had a nice report about his boat ride today.Cliff and basskicker thanks for the pics of the spawning fish! I would love to send this ...............you know to Tom(TJSA) who needs it.Rich and Sleded are catching little cats.The threads from little angler seem to make my day. I really hope I can go fishing in 2 weeks for trout.Its not looking good for the trout opener Help Me please! Notice the boat under the carport.She is ready to go but Mother nature is not willing.I had to cover her back up until May,June maybe July Anyway enjoy southern Ontario and the USA. Pictures of warm fishing weather are welcome.Please send ASAP. MTP
  18. Rich you should not be in the doghouse for fishing.Thanks for the report.Come and see us more often.Hen pecking should be illegal. nice pics at least you were not skunked before you returned to the doghouse. MTP
  19. Nice pictures guys I was waiting for this report.This just made my evening because we are getting pounded once again with snow. Help .................!!!!!!!!!!Mike
  20. Got the boat ready this weekend fired up both motors cleaned the boat ,rod holders ready put the boat under the carport put the cover on and ................ detour we are getting pounded with snow right now Sonny nice boat glad to see you are getting out.MTP
  21. This was my Cranking amps battery and I did charge it for 24 hrs before I put it in the boat. My dealer says to leave the battery disconnected in the boat for the winter .Which I don't do and have disagreed with my dealer.I know this worked for Tracker for 6 years I believe. At one time I read on the Lund website that the battery should be stored indoors. Wayne I did charge on trickle charge for 24hrs. Today I bought a Deka marine battery.And Wayne no more Nautilus batteries for me.The new battery was $30 cheaper than CTC and my dealer says they are good quality. Well hopefully this battery will last longer than my previous batteries. I had my first fiberglass boat for 3 years stored the battery indoors without issues.Never changed the battery. It was time for a brand change. One more question when charging should I take the plastic caps off the battery or leave them on.I heard mixed opinions on this. Mike
  22. Yup she was full Roy.
  23. Went out this morning hooked up the marine battery to the boat after a good 24 hour charge and she was dead.The battery is finished. This will be my 4th season with my boat and I had to buy a new one from the dealer today.Last time this happened I needed a battery in a hurry went to Canadian Tire and bought a Nautilus.This battery was only 2 years old.I kept it in a heated garage all winter tested it during the winter off the cement floor on top of some wood and it never seemed to lose its charge.Temperature in the garage was about 58f all winter. Should I question the quality of Nautilus batteries? What am I doing wrong when I store my battery for the winter.This is my third battery
  24. Go get em Cliff I hope you break the 30 inch mark today.Good Luck. Think of us after our 50cms of snow forecasted for Monday. MTP
  25. Welcome to the board and nice intro.If you are going to brag please include the pictures that is what we like most. MTP
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