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Everything posted by mercman

  1. She is going to beat this Kelvin. Thoughts and prayers for a successful treatment and recovery. Paul
  2. If any of you havent been, then i strongly suggest you plan a weekend in Quebec City soon. Speeking french is not required. I heard more english while i was there than french.Tourists from all over Canada, the U.S. and basically from around the world converge on this City, to partake in the hospitality and tradition that make this country our own. We stayed at a wonderful all inclusive Auberge, 15 minutes from Downtown. http://www.chateaubo...e_p_57_4_en.php We arrived there at 11A.M, unpacked and headed to Ste Anne-de-Beaupre, to visit the Basilica,, and other religious icons in that region. Since it was a nice sunny day, we decided to do the outdoors stuff first, then, Montmorency Falls Ste. Annes Canyon then on Sunday, book a Brunch Cruise on the Louis Jolliette. The pics don't do the place justice. So many interesting people to see, and so much history involved.Local Artisans selling unique hand made arts and crafts that you may never see anywhere else. Hope you enjoyed the pics. We had a memorable stay inone of Canadas oldest cities.
  3. Chris, I understand addictive behaviour more that most.What you are doing takes so much more inner strength than the average person can comprehend. To achieve the goal you have set for yourself, don't allow youreslf to be drawn into anything that may cause you to "slip" back into fishing. This includes shore fishing. Sell it ALL Chris. In 5 years you can start over and with the experience you have had, choose more wisely the equipment you purchase. I am a very lucky man to have a wife who likes to fish. It allows me to enjoy my passion.However, knowing my addictive self, i am constantly making sure that i maintain the equilibrium that i so need to maintain a healthy balance in my life. Your kids need a father, and your wife needs a husband.Use you energy to be the best of both, that you can be. If things get tough, do not be too shy to reach out for help.Its is always there if you ask. Paul
  4. Must be a blast fishing with all of you at the same time. Reminds me of an old Star Trek episode.
  5. Good Lord !!! I have never seen so many Terrys at one time in my life !!!!!
  7. Here is what i learned from an expert, and how i trolled for Walleye. 10lb Power Pro main line, attached to 3 feet 20lb Flouro with a swivel.The swivel will catch any floating weeds as it runs down the Main line.Troll speed 1.2-2mph. Let out 100-130 feet of line and the diving lure will reach its intended depth.Give a sharp pull on the line frequently, so that any weeds on the swivel will be cut off by the main line. The profile of the thin 10lb braid causes little drag and enables the lure to dive to its optimum depth. 10lb is very thin, but very strong. Plenty strong enough to catch some of these.
  8. I swear i just did it once Roy I was curious, thats all
  9. That is the nicest thing you could have said.What a tribute. My deepest sympathy to you Buck.
  10. Gator Juice !!! Gots to use da GRAVY boy. I hunt like my Pappy showed me. Got to love the tradition behind this way of life. We could all use some of that in our daily living.
  11. You forgot the pop rivets and duct tape Bobby !!!! Ya cheap bugger
  12. Dont forget the Lithium batteries too Enjoy guys !!!
  13. Takes a part of our heart with them when they go.My condolences, i know exactly how you feel.
  14. its not the dock, nor the launch thats gonna be a "Hair Raising" experience.
  15. Nahhh we're just pullin yer leg. Just remember, boat goes in first
  16. Oh My Freakin Gawd !!!!! Geoff !!! Quick !!!! Where did you put the Brain cleanser? too funny, in a disturbing sorta way
  17. Yes it is. 10pm EST on History Chanel
  18. Why the pinishment fits the crime? Well, it wasnt murder, so a longer sentence would be too stiff a penalty. If he hadnt been drinking, this would not have happened, so other than this fatal mistake, he has no priors. Judges are under pressure to crack down on DUI, and felt that this would send the proper message. This kind of story makes me sad, because But for the grace of God, there go I. I drove drunk on a daily basis, sometimes unable to see the road at all.In my mind i was in complete control, maybe even in better control than normal. Today, in sobriety, i would never think of doing something like that, but i undestand his state of mind when it happened.You can not think sanely while drunk. He will carry what he did, long after his sentence is up. If he has a drinking problem, hopefully this will help him get sober. Hope this makes sense It makes me nervous when asked to explain myself on a forum, because its hard to get a point accross clearly when you cant see the face of the person you are talking to.
  19. I finds stories like this very sad. Alcohol distorts reality, and causes people to do irrational things. Its defiantely not an excuse, dont get me wrong, but he was not in his right mind. I do feel the the punishment fits the crime in this case.
  20. Ummmmmmm.....Cattle Boyz.......Nice fish dud, Mine was bigger. Oh ya....you were there Excellent work Bud !! Save some for me to Eh?
  21. What a life you live Mike Good on you, and Happy Birthday to Riley.
  22. Great lookin fish!!! Hopeully, i will be getting out soon for some fall Musky hunting.
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