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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I was at work, and had just got off the phone with my Brother. Sept 11 is his birthday.I went into the shipping and a Puro driver was all excited and had tears in his eyes.He told me a small plane had crashed into a building in NYC. Never thought about it again, till i turned on the news at home, just in time to see footage of the planes hitting the towers. My knees literally buckled under me, and i had to sit down.It was the most tragic and traumatic site i have ever seen and probably ever will.Even today, tears well up, and the fear creeps back in as i watch anything that examins or recalls that day.
  2. Breakfast of Champions Al thats missing is a bit of the Hair of the Dog Shake remover.
  3. Dont forget, 10pm tonite, History channel. Troy Landry and his son Jacob try a new honey hole where there may be many huge gators.
  4. I cant understand this either I have a Quebec licence, but if i want to fish Lac Ste Pierre, 30 minutes from me, on the St Lawerence seaway, i need another licence
  5. http://www.netknots.com/html/fishing_knots.html Double uni or Albright work very well
  6. You paid cash ??? All i gave him was a couple of Badonk-a Donks and a spool of Power Pro 40lb braid
  7. Don,t worry Brian, its all water under the bridge now
  8. We should have you as the official responder to stupid questions Kind of a Dear Abbey of sorts.
  9. I have some work to do on my in ground irrigation system and am having trouble removing the heads. The shoulder of the sprinkler sprocket spritzers have a special thread, calling for a Langstron 7 in gangly wrench.These sprinkler sprockets are all connected to a breaker system. My question is this, can i use a 9 inch gangly wrench, which is more easily available, or will this cause too much bric-a brac to accumulate on the breaker, causeing the breaker to break.In the manual, it clearly say that broken breakers caused by bric-a brac, are not covered under the materials manufacturing warranty. If i happen to break a breaker beacuse i used a 9 in langstrom gangly wrench instead of a 7 in, are there breakers available that can handle the extra bric-a brac? Now i have a huge headache.....i think i will go lay down
  10. Thank Gawd the wind is from the east here. Thats all i have to say about that.......
  11. Excellent read EHG Answers alot of questions, but creates more.I think these scientist will be studying them for quite awhile. Paul
  12. Thanks Lew Here is a couple i took of the shipyards. It was raining at the time, so not the best pics.Still one of the busiest yards in N.A.
  13. Funny you should say that Bob, we may be going to Vegas at the end of January on Bussiness. I love that place. If we go, it will be our third time.
  14. Rizzo, i have a set of princecraft taillites if you want them. they are like new. No charge, just pm me your address. They are about the same age as yours, but my dad took them off when he bought his boat, and replaced them. I took them while cleaning his workshop in the spring.Figured they would be better in my workshop, than in the garbage.
  15. are they round or rectangular housings?
  16. Great report I still remember fishing as a boy, with my dad.The menories last forever.
  17. Great pics, and what a nice Ski I wish i lived closer to some of you guys. Would love to meet a few of you for sure Thanks for the report.
  18. I'm surprised they dont shoot themselves or a hole in the boat.Pretty scvarey watching them swing that rifle all over the place.
  19. Mike......put your rod down, and enjoy the wedding.Remember what happens to people who fish too much ?
  20. Yer a good Man PSjr !!!! And your dad is a class act for sure. Happy Birthday Simon All the best on this day. Paul
  21. WHO IS LIZABETH They have a girl swamp person ????
  22. Look at the smile on your brothers face!!!Priceless.Im grinning ear to ear, just looking at the pic. Thanks for the smile
  23. Nice outing Dana You musta been grinning ear to ear when your cousin caught those smallies. Way to go!!! Paul
  24. You have the option of using the very fragile, swaying foot bridge, or if you have big "ONES" you can take the Zip line below the foot bridge. I do not have big "ONES"
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