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Everything posted by LefroyFisherman

  1. Hopefully everyone stays safe, I can imagine there is a lot of new ice fisherman being there isn't much else to do.
  2. Drove down to Cooks 2 days ago, still wide open in Gilford. Looks like I wont be on the ice for a while up around the 7th line... It seemed like it was going to freeze early but nope. Just did a boat run in Angus with the father-in-law yesterday, friggin cold boat was filling up with snow, didnt even get a bite.
  3. It would have been better for us if you had just gotten her a nice expensive rod and reel and posted the video of her unwrapping
  4. Oh ya, i wasn’t mentioning it so someone can fish, it will be a few weeks probably. I live near simcoe now, I doubt there will be much ice til after New Years.
  5. Lew, I grew up on Chemong, my parents are still there, Dad said it was frozen over a few days ago by him.
  6. I wouldn't think just pulling it up to shore would damage the hull any, it's more the hidden logs and rocks when fishing lol
  7. I launch alone a fair bit, and I just tie the bow rope to the back of the trailer, back up and the boat floats off and I just pull it to shore gently with the truck. I've gotten some looks and people wondering if the boat is just going to float away like they think I forgot to tie it off lol.
  8. Can’t do much fishing south of 90, although there is a huge tree dam farther up north, it’s been there for almost a decade I think. Maybe 100 feet or more in length of brush and trees.
  9. He loves fishing! It’s great, it’s kinda odd he likes it though being he has ADHD. But he does pay super attention to stuff he enjoys.
  10. I normally don’t fish that area until around now til it freezes.
  11. Quick little fishing trip, Went up to the Notty with the father in law and my son in the little 10 foot tinny. Had a few bites, saw a couple bows splash. Didn’t catch anything. But it was a great day spent on the river. Hopefully it will turn on soon with the rain coming
  12. Quick little fishing trip, Went up to the Notty with the father in law and my son in the little 10 foot tinny. Had a few bites, saw a couple bows splash. Didn’t catch anything. But it was a great day spent on the river. Hopefully it will turn on soon with the rain coming
  13. The garbage is even lighten then when they carried the same stuff into the bush lol, blows my mind people just leave their stuff around. This is how a lot of the places I used to river fish got closed, people leaving garbage everywhere.
  14. Sounds like a hell of a memory, I’m looking forward to having this memory for years and years. I can also see us doing some fly in fishing trips some places too at some point.
  15. I'm having Advanced do it, can't wait to see it done
  16. The quotes I’ve been getting are around 23 - 25 bucks per inch, then some more if you wanted it on a piece of wood or on driftwood. Little pricey.
  17. We were staying at the Parry Sound KOA. Ya, I wasn't too amused with the Trains blowing their horns every 5 mins during the night, brutal. We got earplugs the next bunch of nights. I'm looking to get a trailer up there and I'll be sure too make note of the track locations lol!
  18. Who would do such a thing as too exaggerate a tiny bit we wouldn’t be fisherman if we didn’t grow the fish a little lol
  19. Not a bad idea but I’d like a replica to go with the memories. They are pricey, but worth it I think.
  20. Ya I know, I’ve spoiled him, everything is small now lol!
  21. Awesome! Sometimes I wonder why we spent X amount on everything and then it’s a little kid with a worm and a Disney rod that catches the huge ones lol!
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