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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Been proven wrong many times.The last I heard was the sound does not reach the deer before the car at highwayspeeds..they may hear it as you go by though. Joe
  2. I would have NEVER figgered that out Joe
  3. May not be good for a camping trip but I love this soup. http://www.in-fisherman.com/magazine/recip...01_FishChowder/ Enjoy Joe
  4. I tried it last week and got run over a bunch of times.Was hoping someone here had figured it out. Joe
  5. http://www.gamershood.com/flashgames/2860
  6. I'm in,I had to fire a couple of drivers this week,sorry Joey. Joe
  7. Sweet stuff there Jack.You have a talent. Joe
  8. You should get one Joey...By the way,have you ever seen the movie M*A*S*H?Just wondering... Joe
  9. The dorsal fin will still get you long after the fish is dead.I had a bud step barefoot on one that was dead and dried up.The barbs on the fin broke off in the wound as he pulled it out.It takes a little manual dexterity to get them off the hook and the smaller ones are the worst.Still are much easier to handle than an eel.I would rather throw my rod and reel in the water than touch one of those.Just for the record...the whiskers are harmless,just watch the fins! Joe
  10. Thanx douG,I hadn't seen this version yet.They have some great harmonies. Joe
  11. Yeah Dawg is right..you got to watch out for them whiskers.
  12. Not a fan of bull heads but channel cats are really tasty.second only to crappie in these parts.The larger cats are not so good but the 12-20 inchers are prime.You dont need to nail them to a tree and skin them,just filet them like any other fish.Roll them in some fish fry and fry them up! Joe
  13. Thanks Dan and Tom...I found this.. http://loituma.unas.cz/ievan-polkka.htm Joe
  14. See y'all there. Joe
  15. 1.Lightly coat in flour and pepper. 2.Pan fry in butter with onions and mushrooms. 3.Invite me over for dinner. Joe
  16. I have to know what this song is about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjvVBCNcL_A...ted&search=
  17. A longer rod with a 2000 series reel and lighter test line may be the answer.Too small of a spool diameter will result in shorter castes as will a short rod.Good luck Joe
  18. I was thinkin the same thing Dawg and Joey.Who gave Wayne a fish to hold? Looks like a good time for all. Joe
  19. How is the hunting in that area.Michigan has a ton of hunters and if hunting is close by you could book the place up in the fall no problem. Joe
  20. Was thinking about JP the other day.Is he on the new board yet? Joe
  21. Sometimes with a spinning reel you can apply a little "exta" drag with a thumb to the spool sorta like a baitcaster.Not sure this would have helped you in this case though.Its better to have hooked up and lost than to never have hooked up at all. Joe
  22. Just tell your neighbor that pretty much the boat can stay if no one complains and that everyone but him has said its no problem.Then ask him if he would like to be a problem.... Joe
  23. Congrats buddy,I thought you started last week.Thanx Headhunter for getting Gerrit out of here for a few hours a day! Joe
  24. Hope he is OK,Keep us up to date if you can. Joe
  25. I have an old Rapala with a wooden handle held together with electrical tape cause the dog chewed up the handle.Its got to be 20 yrs old by now and seen quite a few catfish fillets.For the money its a decent blade that holds an edge reasonably well.Sharpens up quickly. Joe
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